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Bring Back "The Kitchen"

Guest Hal

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Hal, I think you can just do a search for it? I don't think you need a mod to pull it up.


That would require effort, and the right search terms. I'd rather just bug Brian until he does it.

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Psychological Evaluation

Columbus Racing Diagnostic Institute, LLC

Behavioral Sciences Division


Patient Name: “Effme”

Date of Evaluation: December 16, 2005

Date of Report: December 16, 2005


Identifying Information

Little is available on this patient. Apparently, he is a 19-year old from Kent, Ohio. Notably, he has opted to don the Internet moniker of “Effme.”


Purpose of Evaluation

A psychological evaluation was requested to assist in diagnostic clarification. Recent concerns have surfaced about the patient’s sexual orientation.


Collateral Informants

As the patient was unavailable to be assessed, this evaluation was completed primarily through the interview of collateral informants.



“MadMalibu,” aka Marc, indicated that on or about December 15, 2005, he was made aware that the patient had opted to utilize the following picture in his signature on CR:




Marc, noting that the signature picture failed that to conform to the established rules of size for signature pictures, contacted the patient. An exchange of private messages ensued. The following is a transcription of their conversation:


Marc: Effme, your sig pic is too big. You have to resize it or remove it.

Effme: Do you like it?

Marc: Like what? The pic? No, it’s kind of dumb – that’s not even a Z06. You did know that, right?

Effme: Yeah, whatever. Seriously, does that pic turn you on?

Marc: WTF are you talking about?

Effme: I read how people say you’re gay and shit. Is that true?

Marc: No.

Effme: Yeah, I bet it is!

Marc: No, really, it’s not.

Effme: Yeah, I bet it is, and I bet you like it when guys grab your balls and make you whistle!

Marc: What the hell?

Effme: Oh, come on Marc, grab my balls and make me whistle you dirty little boy!

Marc: Uh, resize your pic, freak, or I’ll remove it. Beyond that, stay the fuck away from me.


Forensic Information Technology

The above signature picture was delivered to the forensic IT department and analyzed. It was revealed that the two male characters in the signature are found in a picture located in a gallery of pictures on an Internet website that caters to gay men erotica. Notably, the forensic IT department indicated that the website from which the picture was lifted can be accessed only with a membership and password.


Julie Reed, Girlfriend

Julie Reed, the patient’s girlfriend, was interviewed. She indicated that, in the past several months, she has noted a pattern of increasingly disturbing behavior in the patient. She related that, several weeks ago, the patient began demanding that she cut her hair extremely short (i.e., “He said that it should be as short as his”) and join a softball league, though she has always prided herself on her long, flowing locks and has never shown any interest in organized sports.


Additionally, during the interview, the patient’s girlfriend produced the following picture:




She related that, for the past few months, the patient has demanded that, while they are having sex, she hold aloft this picture while yelling repeatedly, “I’M A MACHO MACHO MAN!” She’s even questioned him about this, asking, “Honey, shouldn’t it be you saying that you’re a “macho man?” He’s reportedly brushed off such queries thus far.


The patient’s girlfriend also related a recent incident that left her and several friends disturbed. The patient, his girlfriend, and some friends were at a local restaurant – a Buffalo Wild Wings – watching a football game. As the game progressed, many of the male patrons of the restaurant began complaining to management about the patient running about the establishment and repeatedly slapping them on the buttocks saying things like, “Great play, man!,” “Atta boy!,” and “That’s how you do it!” This was especially concerning, as the patient was doing this during commercials and even after the football game was long over.


Chuck Coltson, Childhood Friend

Chuck Coltson, the patient’s childhood friend, was also interviewed. He described the patient as characteristically slow, but generally likable. It was the friend’s impression that the patient had always been somewhat awkward around girls. For instance, the friend related an incident that occurred during their seventh grade year, which involved the patient being placed in a closet with a girl at a party during a game of “Seven Minutes in Heaven.” Apparently, the party’s patrons were forced to end the game prematurely, as some 30 seconds after being placed in the closet with the girl, the patient began screamingly hysterically and pled to be released. The patient would later claim that he was “claustrophobic” (i.e., phobically fearful of enclosed places). Oddly, though, the patient’s friend and several other peers later found the patient “wrestling” with another boy in the same closet.


When prompted to recall other notably incidents, the patient’s friend stated: “Well, when I’d stay over at his house, he’d always want to play this one game. He’d go to the kitchen, grab a banana or an orange or something like that, and then come back, put it in his pants, scream “GRAB THE FRUIT!,” and then insist that I tackle him and wrestle the fruit away from him. I always thought it was a little weird, you know, him always putting it down his pants, and then him making me put it down my pants. That, and he always having playing in the background the movie Deliverance, and he would keep replaying that one scene when they are up in mountain and they are doing that stuff to that one fat guy, calling him a pig and stuff. I would always ask him to turn the movie off, but he kept telling me that he liked the banjo song.”


Mr. Meriwether, Gym Teacher

The patient’s high school gym teacher, Mr. Meriwether, was also interviewed. He related that the patient had a particular zeal for gym class, and always seemed enthused at the end of class when it was “shower time.”


Additionally, his gym teacher related that the patient was reprimanded on numerous occasions for decorating the outside of his gym locker with pictures and posters. Eventually, due to the patient’s continued opposition to removing the pictures and posters, they were confiscated. The gym teacher recalled that the patient insisted that at least one of the posters be allowed to stay up, albeit on the inside of his locker. Acquiescing, the gym teacher allowed the patient to keep his favorite poster for the inside of his locker. The following is that poster:




Clinical Impression

This patient presents with a recurrent pattern of behavior marked by persistent fascination with homoerotic activities and materials. His modest attempts to portray himself as a heterosexual have been clearly overshadowed by his latent, albeit intense, desire to express himself as a homosexual man. Notably, his most recent behavior seems the most telling: when presented with the option of choosing any manner of insult, he opted to concoct a picture comprised of gay men, and his choice of the screenname “Effme” is obviously a not-so-subtle invitation to be anally conquered by other men. This unsophisticated man, a victim of psychodynamic forces beyond his control, finds himself slowly surrendering to his unconscious desires to engage in an open lifestyle of homosexuality.


Diagnosis: Latent homosexual tendencies dominated by overcompensation strategies. In other words, he’s a flaming fucking fag, he just doesn’t know it yet.


Thank you for this referral. I hope that this psychological evaluation will serve the needs of the CR community well. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.



Dr. Z06





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lol @ "the kitchen"


Hals still mad from 2 years ago when i proved that he was secretly a ricer at heart.


Oh yeah, my stock "wing" on the Cobra made me a ricer. It's ok though, I'm pretty sure it was semi-functional at 140+ mph.

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You just made my day, again. If I see you pulled over tonight saying "it's the new car smell." I will die a happy man.




I deserved to be pulled over for going all Tokyo Drift off the exit ramp, especially in Grove City.


That was pretty sweet, though, not going to lie.

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Diagnosis: Latent homosexual tendencies dominated by overcompensation strategies. In other words, he’s a flaming fucking fag, he just doesn’t know it yet.


Whole post made me lol, but this part in particular really pulled it all together. Hahahaha.

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The Guy Who's Name Used to be on the Kitchen


The torch has been passed to Hal. In a very short amount of time he has managed to get you, Eli, and Tilley to post in the same thread! If Kevin posts a graph then the prophecy will be complete and the Kitchen shall rise again!

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The torch has been passed to Hal. In a very short amount of time he has managed to get you, Eli, and Tilley to post in the same thread! If Kevin posts a graph then the prophecy will be complete and the Kitchen shall rise again!








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