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DoD stance on shutdown


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"Military personnel are not subject to furlough and will report for duty as normal during the shutdown. Reserve component personnel should refer to the DoD Contingency Guidance document and to their chain of command for more specific information.


"Civilian personnel deemed to be performing excepted activities will continue to work during the period of a shutdown."


"If there is a government shutdown beginning on Saturday, April 9, all DoD personnel should still report to work on their next scheduled duty day, beginning at their normal duty hours to receive additional instructions."





DFAS will just send an IOU.

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Sad thing is, I stilled get my retirement pay through DFAS because the pay comes from government trust fund investments not subject to Congressional Appropriations.


I think you guys should get paid first, then retirees when the money comes back.

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As long as they are being paid, and the soldiers and there families suffer, they can go fuck themselves. I will pack my shit up and move back to Ohio tomorrow. If I was overseas right now I think I would snap. I remember back in 2008 same shit was being talked about and we all said if it goes down we wouldn't do a fucking thing. Not risking our asses for free while our families suffer and cant pay bills. They're lucky enough IMO to have Americans willing to give there lives for the bullshit pay we get anyway, and now take it away! LOL.
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Thing is they are saying we will get back payed, so you will get paid just when they get it figured out. I have enough savings and back up to last longer than they can go so it doesn't really worry me. Sucks if you are living check to check cause you will get fucked, but that is one reason to have that bubble ready. Honestly, I am full time, so I would come in regardless to do the job I signed up for. If I am not getting paid I can't really go out and do anything on my free time anyways so I might as well come in and train.
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Lord knows come a 3 day weekend and pay day, I would easily drop half my 2 week check in that weekend. It's sad for the younger enlisted with families and are solely on one income. I think this is a sad state of affairs that our own government won't pay Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. Ain't right personally, but I guess we all know it falls back to raising that right hand and signing on that line.
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Thing is they are saying we will get back payed, so you will get paid just when they get it figured out. I have enough savings and back up to last longer than they can go so it doesn't really worry me. Sucks if you are living check to check cause you will get fucked, but that is one reason to have that bubble ready. Honestly, I am full time, so I would come in regardless to do the job I signed up for. If I am not getting paid I can't really go out and do anything on my free time anyways so I might as well come in and train.


That's great for YOU. But unfortunately there are soldiers on single income with families that have bills. Not everyone in the military has the luxury of having a savings account to fend off a few weeks with no pay, nor should they. A job is simple, you are PAID for the WORK you do. NO pay NO work. I dont give a fuck if I had a million in my account. If I signed a fucking contract that made me give me life away to go places and do things I would normally never do I would surely expect the people enforcing that contract to hold up there end of the bars gin, not say "oh well pay you when we figure it out". I may be one of the lucky few in the clear, but what about my brothers who are FUCKED and cant pay there bills. Where will they sleep and how will they eat, will the fucking bill collectors take an IOU? Regardless something needs to be done and a strong military is a united military, and if the government wants to act like we are expendable then we shall see. We'll see what 6 figure congressman gets his ass out of bed to go fucking train or do multiple missions daily in Afghanistan or Iraq... Fuck.

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More fucked up is the fact that unemployment benefits will still be paid during the shutdown. The people without jobs mean more than our fighting men and women who protect this country.


If they want to pull this shit, they should just go back to what the Army War College recommended prior to WWI. Build a military by conscription rather than by volunteerism. At least with that, the draftees know they're going to be fucked.

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My LES has yet to process. Some of my friends have checks for 1 week. It's a great time to be junior enlisted in the military. "You will come to work without pay", "you will attend this training and accept homosexuals", "you will wait to be shot at before the first round leaves your weapon"....gotta love it.
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My LES has yet to process. Some of my friends have checks for 1 week. It's a great time to be junior enlisted in the military. "You will come to work without pay", "you will attend this training and accept homosexuals", "you will wait to be shot at before the first round leaves your weapon"....gotta love it.


I really don't see anything wrong with the 2nd one. Nobody asks you to participate or even agree with it, simply accept it. The straight guy sitting behind you probably has secrets far worse than homosexuality, yet nobody questions his ability to be a soldier.


As far as pay, they should be one of the last groupls to not get paid. How is this not common sense?

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If the republicans let this happen they pretty much have given the next election away. History will repeat itself yet again from the mid 90's, Bill Clinton is still sending out thank you cards on that one.


My understanding was that the Democrats haven't even proposed a budget, but would rather argue over the one proposed by the Republicans. This shit happened during the Clinton administration as well. Pretty easy for the Dems to sit there and bitch about a budget they didn't propose, and not propose one themselves to have a bipartisan blame. Yeah blame it on the Republicans, but at least they are doing something.


Regardless I agree with the guys/gals in service, they should be the first paid over anyone.

Edited by Crossle
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I really don't see anything wrong with the 2nd one. Nobody asks you to participate or even agree with it, simply accept it. The straight guy sitting behind you probably has secrets far worse than homosexuality, yet nobody questions his ability to be a soldier.


As far as pay, they should be one of the last groupls to not get paid. How is this not common sense?


I get your point and I wasn't bashing that demographic with my post.


We are not subject to participation in the act itself, but we are subject to UCMJ for not completing awareness briefs or MANDATORY training. Dirtbags are dirtbags in the military regardless of their sexual orientation. "Oh look at me I'm a 300 score PT stud but I don't know how to zero my weapon." I question everybodys ability to be a soldier. If I don't then I might as well have one of them kill me. I don't care how much college someone has, weather or not a judge put them in the military, or if they actually are a patriotic person and joined for that reason alone. The Constitution and the American Flag had best be 2 of the top reasons you are in...period.

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More fucked up is the fact that unemployment benefits will still be paid during the shutdown. The people without jobs mean more than our fighting men and women who protect this country.


This... So the asshole with his thumb up his ass at home playing XBox get's paid before I do. That’s fucking great.


KentStateTsi - Don’t get me wrong The Constitution and The American Flag are high on my list as why my happy ass sits in Iraq right now getting shot at but neither are the top. It’s all about getting paid. The Constitution and American Flag will not make my house payment. And once my time is up in this hell hole I would like to go home to my house.

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