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DoD stance on shutdown


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sitting in iraq as i type, the DoD has no obligation to pay us back while the government is shut down.


not saying they won't, they just don't have to.


Just wondering... what is your commander saying to squelch the possibility of mutiny? lol

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Just wondering... what is your commander saying to squelch the possibility of mutiny? lol




I would be terrified to make this decision, anyone in any leadership position has to be shitting their pants right now trying to figure out how to keep everyones head straight during this time.



I totally feel sorry for all of our soldiers, i would gladly go without pay first before one of the men who fight for this country.

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For those who are members, my Ret. Navy coworker just informed me of some good news for Navy Federal customers




They'll be covering/advancing your pay if the gov't shuts down. I can't believe I'm looking at a situation where a BANK is going to step in and pick up the slack where the government is letting our men and women in uniform down.

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I would be terrified to make this decision, anyone in any leadership position has to be shitting their pants right now trying to figure out how to keep everyones head straight during this time.



I totally feel sorry for all of our soldiers, i would gladly go without pay first before one of the men who fight for this country.


Was just a joke, but semi serious? Idk. The commanders note is probably like this:




Dont even think of taking off. You are in the middle of a desert, 5000 miles from home, surrounded by millions of people who want you dead.


Have fun trying to leave.


Col. Sanders

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Was just a joke, but semi serious? Idk. The commanders note is probably like this:




Dont even think of taking off. You are in the middle of a desert, 5000 miles from home, surrounded by millions of people who want you dead.


Have fun trying to leave.


Col. Sanders


lol true, but what if enough soldiers were pissed off enough to take over one of the camps?


Not like it would ever happen but messing with peoples lively hood is a very touchy subject.

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A squadron/battery/battalion size element of extremely pissed off soldiers could take capitol hill. We're the ones they trained to use some of the best war machines the world has ever seen. If it got to that and ordered units to D.C. for protection, I bet they walk away.



Must not go to jail....must edit....

Edited by KentStateTsi
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A squadron/battery/battalion size element of extremely pissed off soldiers could take capitol hill. We're the ones they trained to use some of the best war machines the world has ever seen. If it got to that and ordered units to D.C. for protection, I bet they walk away.



I'm in.....hopefullyy this doesn't put me on the NSA list.


lol, that paragraph alone is enough to bag your security clearance bro.

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I think I might be the only person okay with the shutdown. All of us walk around and complained about dems/liberals/hippies/obama spending too much so we voted republicans back into office to reign them in. Now they can't come to an agreement and some politicians won't let the same shit slide by and continue happening even if it means that the Government shuts down. I am kind of happy to see this happen. I think that some of our dissent has risen up to the lawmakers that we are tired of huge bloated government.
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That's great for YOU. But unfortunately there are soldiers on single income with families that have bills. Not everyone in the military has the luxury of having a savings account to fend off a few weeks with no pay, nor should they. A job is simple, you are PAID for the WORK you do. NO pay NO work. I dont give a fuck if I had a million in my account. If I signed a fucking contract that made me give me life away to go places and do things I would normally never do I would surely expect the people enforcing that contract to hold up there end of the bars gin, not say "oh well pay you when we figure it out". I may be one of the lucky few in the clear, but what about my brothers who are FUCKED and cant pay there bills. Where will they sleep and how will they eat, will the fucking bill collectors take an IOU? Regardless something needs to be done and a strong military is a united military, and if the government wants to act like we are expendable then we shall see. We'll see what 6 figure congressman gets his ass out of bed to go fucking train or do multiple missions daily in Afghanistan or Iraq... Fuck.


Actually it is great for me that I showed some self restraint with my money. For some reason I can't bring myself to feel bad for single income families, if you want your spouse to stay home and not earn an income prepare for the consequences of having to support 2 or more people on 1 persons income (ie not intelligent). Actually everyone should have a savings account to fend off no paycheck for a few weeks, (hell I am working on getting mine to at least a year) that isn't a luxury that is the burden of being an adult. It sucks I can't go blow my paycheck every week and just do whatever I want. Younger soldiers who do this are being let down by their team leaders if they aren't keeping up on their finances. (I mean I could go as far as that would be a security issue but lets not) And as for not being able to stay in their houses and pay bills you know there are many options they have to cover unexpected expenses like this that can't be forseen. I am sure someplace in our contract there is something neither of us read that says we have to work in exactly this situation


now about the lawmakers and welfare retards getting their checks that is a different fucking story and burns the fuck out of me.

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Actually it is great for me that I showed some self restraint with my money. For some reason I can't bring myself to feel bad for single income families, if you want your spouse to stay home and not earn an income prepare for the consequences of having to support 2 or more people on 1 persons income (ie not intelligent). Actually everyone should have a savings account to fend off no paycheck for a few weeks, (hell I am working on getting mine to at least a year) that isn't a luxury that is the burden of being an adult. It sucks I can't go blow my paycheck every week and just do whatever I want. Younger soldiers who do this are being let down by their team leaders if they aren't keeping up on their finances. (I mean I could go as far as that would be a security issue but lets not) And as for not being able to stay in their houses and pay bills you know there are many options they have to cover unexpected expenses like this that can't be forseen. I am sure someplace in our contract there is something neither of us read that says we have to work in exactly this situation


now about the lawmakers and welfare retards getting their checks that is a different fucking story and burns the fuck out of me.


With your lack of compassion I hope to god you aren't an NCO or even worse an officer. Pure ignorance.

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well you are right I probably wouldn't be a good nco with the way the army is ran now days. I would show people how to be responsible and how to not make excuses. Well I pretty much do that now by helping kids not buy cars and toys on credit and get in debt so they wouldn't have to worry if they don't get a paycheck in situations like this. I mean it has happened as close at 95 and people have already forgot the lessons learned about working for the .gov. I sacrifice my time to make sure people get home safe on weekends. I go through my chain of command and vouch for them putting myself on the line to make sure good soldiers don't get kicked out of the army as people in Washington say we have to shed so many soldiers in a certain time frame and poor leaders can figure out how to kick out the shitbags.


Our definition of ignorance must be different, because I think it is ignorant to live check to check. (but more likely we don't know each other enough and you have taken what I have said as too harsh)

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Actually everyone should have a savings account to fend off no paycheck for a few weeks, (hell I am working on getting mine to at least a year) that isn't a luxury that is the burden of being an adult. It sucks I can't go blow my paycheck every week and just do whatever I want.


This is so refreshing to read from someone other than my parents. Nice to know that there are some other people with the same mentality when it comes to financing left in this world of credit.

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well you are right I probably wouldn't be a good nco with the way the army is ran now days. I would show people how to be responsible and how to not make excuses. Well I pretty much do that now by helping kids not buy cars and toys on credit and get in debt so they wouldn't have to worry if they don't get a paycheck in situations like this. I mean it has happened as close at 95 and people have already forgot the lessons learned about working for the .gov. I sacrifice my time to make sure people get home safe on weekends. I go through my chain of command and vouch for them putting myself on the line to make sure good soldiers don't get kicked out of the army as people in Washington say we have to shed so many soldiers in a certain time frame and poor leaders can figure out how to kick out the shitbags.


Our definition of ignorance must be different, because I think it is ignorant to live check to check. (but more likely we don't know each other enough and you have taken what I have said as too harsh)


Like i said I'm with you on the having a sufficient savings account, but I have plenty of brothers who dont live that way and am I going to sit here and tell them 'i told you so' as they and there families suffer? No. As an NCO I give as much advice as possible but I can't live there lives for them. They make bad finacial decisions so be it but they also expect to get paid as they were told and signed to. It's frankly bullshit to say 'you shoulda saved like me' to soldiers that physically can't. What about our soldiers that help there disabled mother an father out who can't pay for shit and the government fucked them prior. You need to look at things from a different perspective then your pedestal you sit on now. There are soldiers that are in serious need of money more then just formthere ignorance but for there families. Glad to know you could careless of soldiers. Its a NEW military and you are a fine example of it.

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lol, that paragraph alone is enough to bag your security clearance bro.


Really, as vague as that statement is, there is no reason for anyone to question either a secret or TS clearance. There are so many more mundane things that would cause a clearance to be denied or revoked, way before any comments like that.

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