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quick upload issue on droid x

frenchy chan

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i have my photobucket account connected to my quick upload option on my droid, but lately it isn't uploading photos to it...i haven't changed anything, but all i get is an error


i just removed the photobucket account and then added it again and it still isn't working...it's becoming a pain in the ass


it gets stuck on the "sending photo to..." part...it doesn't do anything :(


anyone have any insight into this?

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Not really sure what the problem is there, but I suggest using Picasa.


I forget if the droid x has the standard Android gallery or if it has a motorola one, but the Gallery is linked to Picasa, and since Picasa is part of Google, it is linked to your gmail account already. So you just go into the gallary, select share, then select picasa, that way it shows up in the gallery as if it's on your SD card, but is in fact on Picasa's server.

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i don't ever use my gmail account....but i can change the quick upload to picasa, i just never used it before, but i might start if it works :) just sucks because i've been using photobucket forever and i'm used to it


(i posted this question right after i tried uploading something and it's still "stuck")


i'll go try picasa now and see if it works

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