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Mjrsplat, Mr. Asshole, Brwhateverthefuck

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Wait, wut?




Every single one of you in this thread is the new version of some douche who was here and got laughed outta the gym back in the day. The names and dates change, but the stupid stays the same.


I like to think of CR in terms of the Roman Empire. Right now we're going through the crisis of the third century AD. Diocletian rolls in, forms the tetrarchy, and kicks all the retards out.


In simpler terms, for the retards, get the fuck out. No one wants you around, you are causing the fall of CR.

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I want to apologize for mine and Pauls years of insane lack of sense and troll stature before trolling was popular. Do to recent members I cannot bear to participate in this forum because it is so bad that even I cannot stoop to there level. I'm glad to see your ruining lives again. Your posts make me laugh on rainey days. I will continue to lurk and giggle at these fools.


I can't believe our little Ps are all grown up now.










I heart Phil.

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I want to apologize for mine and Pauls years of insane lack of sense and troll stature before trolling was popular. Do to recent members I cannot bear to participate in this forum because it is so bad that even I cannot stoop to there level. I'm glad to see your ruining lives again. Your posts make me laugh on rainey days. I will continue to lurk and giggle at these fools.


Your English teacher hates you.

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I like to think of CR in terms of the Roman Empire. Right now we're going through the crisis of the third century AD. Diocletian rolls in, forms the tetrarchy, and kicks all the retards out.


In simpler terms, for the retards, get the fuck out. No one wants you around, you are causing the fall of CR.


I like to think of CR as singing lead for Lynyrd Skynyrd...


As an open thought to CR, I think this has happened before, and will happen again:


1. Some new members show up on CR and start aggravating people

2. Some established members on CR get annoyed and start complaining about how things used to be and how there are too many trolls around

3. Most everyone (trolls and CR elite alike), despite the chaos and complaining, is satisfied and finds CR entertaining on some level

4. The aggravating trolls either are eventually driven away or change satisfactorily and assimilate with CR

5. And CR waits until the next batch of aggravating trolls arrive, and the process repeats itself


I'll go on the record and say that I think this newest batch of members - the Mr. Asshole guy and mjrsplat and so forth - are annoying for sure. However, it's also my opinion that, no matter how small your group is, there's always going to be stratification - someone's always going to be the dumbass, there's always going to the the "bottom of the barrel." So, in a weird way, clowns like these help maintain a sort of homeostasis here, a balance wherein a steady supply of fodder is supplied and CR doesn't regress to cannabalism.

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CR doesn't regress to cannabalism.


You had me up until this point. CR has ALWAYS been a shark tank, and we have ALWAYS eaten our own. (Hell, you barely survived yourself, so you know what I'm talking about)


Now, had you said "Analbalism", I would have agreed. Especially considering the crop of fruitcakes that currently inhabit the chatbox.

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I like to think of CR as singing lead for Lynyrd Skynyrd...


As an open thought to CR, I think this has happened before, and will happen again:


1. Some new members show up on CR and start aggravating people

2. Some established members on CR get annoyed and start complaining about how things used to be and how there are too many trolls around

3. Most everyone (trolls and CR elite alike), despite the chaos and complaining, is satisfied and finds CR entertaining on some level

4. The aggravating trolls either are eventually driven away or change satisfactorily and assimilate with CR

5. And CR waits until the next batch of aggravating trolls arrive, and the process repeats itself


I'll go on the record and say that I think this newest batch of members - the Mr. Asshole guy and mjrsplat and so forth - are annoying for sure. However, it's also my opinion that, no matter how small your group is, there's always going to be stratification - someone's always going to be the dumbass, there's always going to the the "bottom of the barrel." So, in a weird way, clowns like these help maintain a sort of homeostasis here, a balance wherein a steady supply of fodder is supplied and CR doesn't regress to cannabalism.


That would be fine, but in your scenario I don't get a cool Roman name like Diocletian. Frankly, that upsets me.


Edit: Also, what would CR be without constant complaining about what CR is?

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Every single one of you in this thread is the new version of some douche who was here and got laughed outta the gym back in the day. The names and dates change, but the stupid stays the same.


I have no reason to read further.


Strap on your man pants and shut the fuck up.


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I like to think of CR as singing lead for Lynyrd Skynyrd...


As an open thought to CR, I think this has happened before, and will happen again:


1. Some new members show up on CR and start aggravating people

2. Some established members on CR get annoyed and start complaining about how things used to be and how there are too many trolls around

3. Most everyone (trolls and CR elite alike), despite the chaos and complaining, is satisfied and finds CR entertaining on some level

4. The aggravating trolls either are eventually driven away or change satisfactorily and assimilate with CR

5. And CR waits until the next batch of aggravating trolls arrive, and the process repeats itself


I'll go on the record and say that I think this newest batch of members - the Mr. Asshole guy and mjrsplat and so forth - are annoying for sure. However, it's also my opinion that, no matter how small your group is, there's always going to be stratification - someone's always going to be the dumbass, there's always going to the the "bottom of the barrel." So, in a weird way, clowns like these help maintain a sort of homeostasis here, a balance wherein a steady supply of fodder is supplied and CR doesn't regress to cannabalism.



I think your hypothesis holds water and is a pretty well established theory, minus these recent 2 or 3 weeks. The cr satisfaction to troll ratio is pretty low.


If I lived in a closed off cave with no knowledge of the date or season, I could mistake this for an ill attempt at recreating CR winter.

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Tilley that's the most effort I've seen you put into a post in years. I think you missed CR during your hiatus.


It's cool that you're posting here again btw.. we need a "guy that everybody likes" around here.

I have no reason to read further.


Strap on your man pants and shut the fuck up.


bar tonight? I'm bored.

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Now, had you said "Analbalism", I would have agreed. Especially considering the crop of fruitcakes that currently inhabit the chatbox.


I bitch about this constantly.


So, if all someone talks about is homosexual activity, are they lashing out against feelings they have buried deep inside themselves? You know.... trying to fight their gay away?





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I like to think of CR as singing lead for Lynyrd Skynyrd...


As an open thought to CR, I think this has happened before, and will happen again:


1. Some new members show up on CR and start aggravating people

2. Some established members on CR get annoyed and start complaining about how things used to be and how there are too many trolls around

3. Most everyone (trolls and CR elite alike), despite the chaos and complaining, is satisfied and finds CR entertaining on some level

4. The aggravating trolls either are eventually driven away or change satisfactorily and assimilate with CR

5. And CR waits until the next batch of aggravating trolls arrive, and the process repeats itself


I'll go on the record and say that I think this newest batch of members - the Mr. Asshole guy and mjrsplat and so forth - are annoying for sure. However, it's also my opinion that, no matter how small your group is, there's always going to be stratification - someone's always going to be the dumbass, there's always going to the the "bottom of the barrel." So, in a weird way, clowns like these help maintain a sort of homeostasis here, a balance wherein a steady supply of fodder is supplied and CR doesn't regress to cannabalism.


I could have not said it any better myself. Honestly these people will not be the end of CR. This place has seen far worse people than these guys and has survived far many more storms to be effected by all this banter. If you do not like that they have to say then just ignore any threads that they are involved in. Eventually this site will get old to them and they will slowly remove themselves on their own. They are like puppies or little kids, the more attention you pay them the more you feed their fire that is just how it goes. I will say there are times I have been humored by a few of these people but ya there are also times where I wish their computer had crashed so no more pointless pictures, posts, or threads could have their involvement in it.

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I want to apologize for mine and Pauls years of insane lack of sense and troll stature before trolling was popular. Do to recent members I cannot bear to participate in this forum because it is so bad that even I cannot stoop to there level. I'm glad to see your ruining lives again. Your posts make me laugh on rainey days. I will continue to lurk and giggle at these fools.


LOL at you thinking that when you and paul talked it was trolling. TROLLING is when ppl either talk stupid or piss ppl off on purpose while knowing those other people are taking them seriously(Baiting). You GUYS were actually retarded and lacked common sense. You and Paul will never be good enough to troll. Just stick to being herp derps

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LOL at you thinking that when you and paul talked it was trolling. TROLLING is when ppl either talk stupid or piss ppl off on purpose while knowing those other people are taking them seriously(Baiting). You GUYS were actually retarded and lacked common sense. You and Paul will never be good enough to troll. Just stick to being herp derps


Take a fuck and shut it in an upward direction

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Dear Steve,


You are over 30 and live with your parents and also sound proofed your bedroom for the creepy sex you have and also go to swinger parties.


Isn't it bedtime yet?






Damn.... trolls don't make good haters. You just come off as jealous.





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Trolling in an anti troll thread... I'm going to wait 3 minutes for you to see this then halfway through your dumb ass reply I'm going to ban you. As you hit submit all you will see is a popup telling you that V8 Beast made you his bitch.
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