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First C6 Z06 in the 7's


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Before they got a suspension guy on board I am surprised he didn't put it into a wall with the alignment that was in it.



Good work.


If you watch the videos from before you can see that I did have to drive the hell out of it.


Now it goes much straighter than before, Holt race cars helped us a ton with all of that.


I have videos from the weekend, the track was really crappy and went away by the finals. I was all over the place in the finals, heading towards the center line, then back towards the wall. The car i was racing was a Nitrous car and they recover much faster than a Turbo car from bad track conditions.


I tree'd the N20 car and had an "OK" 60' (1.40) in the finals. About 200' out both cars lost traction. The N20 Car peddled and recovered quickly, I peddled, shifted, was still spinning, peddled again, shifted again, finally caught in 3rd gear and blasted down to a 8 something pass but was too far behind the other car to catch up.


I will put the weekend down as a success since we accomplished what we wanted to, a 7 second pass and to be competitive in the class.


I had to race Ray Litz in the Semi's, who had a great showing for having not raced much in this class before. Ohio was repping well and we had a great time.

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If you watch the videos from before you can see that I did have to drive the hell out of it.


Now it goes much straighter than before, Holt race cars helped us a ton with all of that.


Oh, I know. It looked like shit-even one were you got into the dust after the traps! That is a recipe for disaster!! An Auto car like that should look like its on a rail. Glad you got it sorted out.



Good work.

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