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25 Chicks who toke up. Happy 4/20


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only people who smoke are interested in other people who smoke. its like a little fag fan boy club. I could give a shit less if you drink or not, that is to say unless you are a scotch or whiskey man...

for the record could care less if someone smokes or not, its just when they allow it to define them that bothers me

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I must have read the link wrong.. I thought the girls were supposed to be hotties, but clearly this isn't the case as they let Drew Barrymore, Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga and Alanis Morissette on the list.


Because I'm sure you are sticking your dick in to someone hotter than Drew Barrymore or Paris Hilton. :rolleyes:

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for the record could care less if someone smokes or not, its just when they allow it to define them that bothers me


Winner. Sometimes I'm surprised by people I know who smoke also, but it's because most people over the age of 24 don't go around bragging about it or wearing shirts with pot leaves on them. And the people who do brag about it are probably working 15 hours a week at KFC.

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Winner. Sometimes I'm surprised by people I know who smoke also' date=' but it's because most people over the age of 24 don't go around bragging about it or wearing shirts with pot leaves on them. And the people who do brag about it are probably working 15 hours a week at KFC.[/quote']


Most real men snort coke off the tit of the hooker they just killed.

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I still stand by my statement of her being hotter than anything your penis touches. :bangbang:


and i will stand by my statement that if my penis touched her it would probably swell up start boiling and fall off.



besides, i dont think my lady looks half bad.

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