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hit 200lbs this morning.


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So i know some of you workout on here. Most of the people who personally know me will vouch that i have been trying to hit 200lbs while staying fairly lean for some time. Well this morning i went about my daily ritual, wake up walk down stairs grab 2 cups of coffee with oatmeal and eggs. I make my preworkout, grab it and head into the gym. upon entering the gym i walked by the scale jumped on and BAM 200lbs :).


I am looking to adding another 20lbs to my frame by fall, diet down and enter my first bodybuilding competition. I am throwing in my powerlifting towel as its getting old training through injuries.

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I'm like 190's right now would love to hit a lean 200, but I just can't seem to get there. No idea what my fucking problem is. I alternate routines in a 4 week period to keep things fresh. I take protein, fish oils, and a solid multi vitamin. I try to eat as healthy as I can. I rarely drink. Shit I don't know I lose motivation every time I see the scale and I can't seem to progress in weight and size. My genes suck.
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For the guys that are serious about working out: ever wondered why we are never quite satisfied with where we are at with respect to weight, body fat percentage, etc? I mean, it's not a terrible thing, but it is kind of funny. It seems like we all want to put on that extra 10 pounds of lean muscle. Guys that are 150 and ripped all want to be 160 and ripped. Guys that are 180 want to be 190, guys that are 210 want to be 220, and so on and so forth. It's almost like cars and racing: just like there's always someone faster, there's always somone bigger and more ripped.


And this is the part of our therapy group when we hug it out, bromance style.

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