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97 Grand Cherokee, stalling


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Ok I just got thru replacing the water pump,t-stat, and a new radiator. Not a fun job but anyway the jeep stalls when ever it feels like it. It does this maybe once a week or everyday. Now the question if I tap on the pcm I can make it die and stumble. I unplugged the connectors and cleaned them and installed some dialectic grease and this worked for a couple weeks but now it's back to the same problem. New pcm or ?????? Im stumped.
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It has to be the pcm. I have changed or replaced everything else. Then one day I read about the pcm connectors and played around with them being able to make it stumble and almost die. I cleaned them up tightend them down and thought I fixed the problem untill yesterday when it started to die again,that is when I tapped on the pcm body and made it die. Sounds like a new pcm will take care of it. I found this one here. I think I can get it for 199 shipped and feedback looks good for it's worth.


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Thanks I needed one today so I bought an autozone preflashed and it fixed the stalling. JCJ sounded like it would have been a good choice, I just saw the reply to late. I now have a new problem. This thing is starting to be a big headach.
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