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PC vs Mac People


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Im a gun owning, hippie hatting, republican who dips cop. and loves slaying animals....I own a Mac for the soul reason it will dump truck through porn like a Tasmanian devil through a herd of bunnies and come out victorious.


Also the battery last for fucking ever.......

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I am a PC user and it think macs are good for such things as music and photo editing and nothing more. the OS is cool but everyone who has one must run windows programs to do anything school related, i have 3 roommates with macs and each one has a different problem that apple wants hundreds to fix, its a joke. while i do own an IPOD if i had the chance again i would buy another zune, the software and the overall device puts the IPOD to shame.
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WTF is with twister-esque wording of the results. "X is ##% more prone to be less likely to overly under-achieve a negative positive?" Sounds more like this was made to start fights than convey facts.


I caught that, as well.

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