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iPhone= More sex


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The newest South Park illistrated that when Cartman went to get the iPad, his mom points out that the competition does the same thing for far less money, so Cartman says something along the lines of "yeah but if it's not an ipad its not cool". Even the new iphone commercials are basically saying "you need to buy one based purely on its name".


^^ the above is classic irony on multiple levels. No Android marketing campaign will ever have a budget big enough or a team of individuals creative enough to overcome the above, which is what Apple helped create and the public (both fans and enemies of Apple ) created and continue to grow. Apple knows this and the rest while IMO are finally beginning to recognize it, yet to have a clue on how to achieve it, let alone achieve it and take it away from Apple.


Pure genius. Seriously, since the onset of the first iPod back in 2001, Apple has done what not many companies have ever been successful at creating. Certainly not to the level they have in less than one decade. In the mean time, the battle over tech specs and numerics will continue on.

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You Apple guys... Apps is short for application software. I was installing apps on my Nokia in ~2004. I've also heard that some people think apps is short for Apple.


Don't confuse my point; I don't associate App with the name/word Apple. Like you, yes Apps stands for Applications, but in the public's eye, the public has clearly branded "App" with the "App Store."


You likely did install apps on your Nokia phone but back in 2004 there was zero brand association for these three letters. They meant nothing as compared to today where Apps is so synomimous with Apple and their app store and their use with an iPhone or iDevice.


Hey, I suppose Android at least has a little animated character to their credit.

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^^ the above is classic irony on multiple levels. No Android marketing campaign will ever have a budget big enough or a team of individuals creative enough to overcome the above, which is what Apple helped create and the public (both fans and enemies of Apple ) created and continue to grow. Apple knows this and the rest while IMO are finally beginning to recognize it, yet to have a clue on how to achieve it, let alone achieve it and take it away from Apple.


Pure genius. Seriously, since the onset of the first iPod back in 2001, Apple has done what not many companies have ever been successful at creating. Certainly not to the level they have in less than one decade. In the mean time, the battle over tech specs and numerics will continue on.


True, but at the same time I feel that Apple is coming off as Big Brother, Walmart...big bad corporation. Apple is doing the same thing with the iphone it did with it's computers back in the day. They could have been #1, where the PC is today, but their arrogance failed them back then and it will do the same again.

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My .02 cents. I don't associate Apps with apple at all. My blackberry has apps, hell even my TV has apps. I think of an app as an application with no brand in mind at all. When i hear app I think what the heck does it do not 'what has steve jobs permitted us to put on our cool hip revolutionary device'. Maybe that's just me.
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Don't confuse my point; I don't associate App with the name/word Apple. Like you, yes Apps stands for Applications, but in the public's eye, the public has clearly branded "App" with the "App Store."


You likely did install apps on your Nokia phone but back in 2004 there was zero brand association for these three letters. They meant nothing as compared to today where Apps is so synomimous with Apple and their app store and their use with an iPhone or iDevice.


Hey, I suppose Android at least has a little animated character to their credit.


I see what you are saying.


Times have changed though, people weren't interested in smartphones (atleast here in the US) at the time, let alone worried about adding apps. Apple changed that because they had enormous success with the ipod, and people wanted to buy an ipod that could call people. They introduced it to the masses, so that's how people got to know it.


Times are changing again.

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My .02 cents. I don't associate Apps with apple at all. My blackberry has apps, hell even my TV has apps. I think of an app as an application with no brand in mind at all. When i hear app I think what the heck does it do not 'what has steve jobs permitted us to put on our cool hip revolutionary device'. Maybe that's just me.



It's likely not just you.


Apple trademarked the name App Store and has received much of the credit for standardizing the means in which applications (apps) are purchased and downloaded through their hugely successful App Store. In turn just about every other smartphone brand on the market followed suit with an app store of their own. So, sure you can install apps on your BB or even your TV or a Wii System, but Apple is the company that really drove that concept to success. No way in hell the Android manufacturers or RIM would have thought that concept out. Ironically, I think they are suing Amazon who is trying to use the name Appstore (All one word). MicroSoft is pissed too.


Again, another marketing success that has resonated so much, that every manufacturer is scrambling to associate the concept with their brand. Apps are like web sites, if you don't have one, you're lost.

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It's likely not just you.


Apple trademarked the name App Store and has received much of the credit for standardizing the means in which applications (apps) are purchased and downloaded through their hugely successful App Store. In turn just about every other smartphone brand on the market followed suit with an app store of their own. So, sure you can install apps on your BB or even your TV or a Wii System, but Apple is the company that really drove that concept to success. I think they are suing Amazon who is trying to use the name Appstore (All one word).


Again, another marketing success that has resonated so much, that every manufacturer is scrambling to associate the concept with their brand. Apps are like web sites, if you don't have one, you're lost.


I see you say "all one word" because you are probably already aware of this.


Steve Jobs himself has referred to the word "App" and "app store" very loosely, even assigning it to other brands.


“So there will be at least four app stores on Android, which customers must search among to find the app they want and developers will need to work with to distribute their apps and get paid. This is going to be a mess for both users and developers. Contrast this with Apple’s integrated App Store, which offers users the easiest-to-use largest app store in the world, preloaded on every iPhone.”



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I see you say "all one word" because you are probably already aware of this.


Steve Jobs himself has referred to the word "App" and "app store" very loosely, even assigning it to other brands.


Yep, I'm aware of it. IMO, Apple has a strong case as there's more to things than just a blank space between the words. The Brand and recognition that comes with their pioneering the store front for these apps is pretty strong. No different than if a company tried to Brand themselves Micro Soft or the many cases where Microsoft has fought against the use of the word Windows in other products.


It will be interesting. The cool thing for Apple out of this is, credibility. They have branded a term that within just 3-4 years has been challenged as going from a Brand to Generic. No different than years gone by where "Q-Tips' began as a brand name, but it then became a generic term for cotton swabs and 'Vaseline' began as a brand name, but it then also became a generic term for petroleum jelly.


This fight offers up credibility and stature to Apple in the marketplace. The fact that two big powerhouses in Amazon and Microsoft are up against the success driven by Apple is a testament to what Jobs has built. Not many companies have anything that would even get the attention of Amazon or Microsoft, let alone can say they have actual grounds to step in the ring with such a solid argument. If you ask me, either way, Apple wins.

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wow this got way out of hand.


there were good arguments from both parties here. But after using android and apple, (yes you can bitch about it being a g1) i actually like the IOS. i havnt found a single thing i havnt been able to do with it. i could give a shit less if i can change the way a particular icon looks, or, the way the menues look. I played with a g2 we have here at work, and its just meh.


have you ever even owned an iphone 3gs or newer chris?

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To Chris that would like driving a Chevy Malibu. My money is on a no way in hell he has or would.:)


This is correct, haha. But I have used them many times, and probably dove deeper into it than the average user, but by no means and expert. I've used this analogy before, but to me and android is like a computer OS, you have a desktop where I can add widgets, start menu, folders (as in a file system), right click. If I don't like using MSN Messenger, I can install AIM, or Yahoo, or ICQ, I can view flash :gabe:, if I don't like using Windows Media Player, I can install Winamp, different browsers, etc. Then within those things I can change it to whatever the hell I like, to what I need and how I want to use it.


With iOS, it's like having a computer that consists of only the start menu. I have to use what's already available to me, can't install different browser, media players, SMS apps. No file system structure. It just feels limited to me.


I like having cloud backups, updates, music sync, SD cards...


Also being a noob android "developer", I already know Java, its easy and cheap to create and publish apps for it...fragmentation is a concern but not as big as people may make it out to be IMO.

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With iOS, it's like having a computer that consists of only the start menu. I have to use what's already available to me, can't install different browser, media players, SMS apps. No file system structure. It just feels limited to me. I like having cloud backups, updates, music sync, SD cards...


You're half right if that. You can install a different browser and SMS app. There are tons of them. iOS also allows for a file structure, just not like what you're used to. The iPad app is called good reader. Works great and allows you to have a folder structure just like windows and allows you to open files in the native application or from within Good Reader. It offers cloud storage and back up as well. Who needs SD cards? Just wirelessly transfer the files back and forth. It's a breeze.

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when i had my iphone the most times i had sex in one night was 4 times, now I have an andriod (hTC inspire) and i just had sex 15 times since this Thursday.

I am happy with my HTC inspire.

i think the poll is off.


Rubbing one out to 4g speed porn downloads doesn't count as sex.

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Rubbing one out to 4g speed porn downloads doesn't count as sex.


lol i wish at&t didnt lie to me and say their version of 4g was waster then their previous 3g, i see no difference.


and no porn, just one hot chick. she was a trooper as she didnt get to tired and kept coming back for more.

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lol i wish at&t didnt lie to me and say their version of 4g was waster then their previous 3g, i see no difference.


and no porn, just one hot chick. she was a trooper as she didnt get to tired and kept coming back for more.


I'm here for you if she wants some nice pics taken. ;)

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