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Troopers pull over left lane campers.

Otis Nice

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Ive dealt with this before, as well. Cbus has their drivers so trained for the lower speed limits around here that when people can actually speed up, they dont. Seriously, you guys have ridiculous speed limits and levels of traffic enforcement... but I dont need to tell you, Im sure.

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Ive dealt with this before, as well. Cbus has their drivers so trained for the lower speed limits around here that when people can actually speed up, they dont. Seriously, you guys have ridiculous speed limits and levels of traffic enforcement... but I dont need to tell you, Im sure.



You act like you are a tourist.



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I have pretty much refused to ride with my wife unless I'm passed out drunk because of this. She cruises in the left lane like its paved in gold or something, and no matter how many times I tell her to "get the fuck over" she still does it. Fortunately, I enjoy driving while we're on road trips, so it doesn't come up very often any more.


I'm sure your wife is wonderful and you love her, but I'm not sure I could marry such a horrible driver. I have a hard time holding my tongue in such situations.

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Honestly I love watching guys like many of you throwing a fit in your car that is going slower than you in the fast lane. Getting 3 inches from their rear bumper, waving your hands wildly, yelling at them, flicking them off, etc... It just makes me laugh. I find no reason to fly off the handle like that. You know who you are.


But I do agree it does aggravate me when people go slower than the rest of traffic while in a lane left of me. As long as I it is a multi lane highway, I have no problem passing them on the right.


The one that really gets me is the people that go any speed slower than the speed limit, for no reason, on the highway. It doesn't matter what lane they are in. If you don't feel safe going 65 mph, get off the highway. There are plenty of other roads that will get you where you need to go without going 65 mph.


I don't mind passing on the right at all. It's the assholes who aren't passing and drive next to someone for 12 miles, blocking both lanes.:no:

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Also the the 270 north bound exit to Tuttle right hand lane has a continuous green Yet ever stupid fuck has to stop and wait for a clearing or doesn't understand the concept of how to merge into traffic.


OMFG I am on my horn every day on this exit. Not only do you have a green arrow but you also have you own fn lane to drive into. The traffic on tuttle actually has to arrow right into that lane. When people stop and look left into that lane I normally pass right around them and honk on the way by :)


Today some skirt getting off the grove city exit stopped in the right lane to merge with the stopped lane of traffic off on the berm. She just stopped in the middle of the highway. I wanted 3 trucks swerve to miss hitting her. I half wanted to see her get plowed to learn a lesson of how stupid stopping a lane of traffic is bc she cant merge properly.

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Germany is awesome. It's illegal to flash your brights at someone to move over, you're supposed to put on your left turn signal, but people never really get in the passing lane unless they're passing or going 100+mph.. it's weird.


This is because they actually ticket people for camping in the left lane, whereas here it's just a "suggestion". It's also a ticketable offense to run out of gas on the autobahn because it causes traffic jams.

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Wish troopers would enforce this more rigorously here as well. That, and headlights in the rain... coming home from Cleveland tonight, it's 830pm, dark as shit, light rain, and this "family" comes up behind me in a black jeep-looking thing with no headlights, and goes RIGHT PAST the trooper camping the Ashland US-250 speed trap. Trooper just sits with his thumbs up his ass... c'mon, it's an easy ticket, you scared of getting wet?
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West Broad from 270 out Galloway Rd everyone driving on that stretch of road insist on going 25 to 35 all day. Limit for the road is 45. Its amazing if you can drive the speed limit there.


I think the stretch between 270 and Norton is 35 now, with 40 from there to Galloway. Too much traffic from side streets and parking lots is my guess as to why people go slow...I can't count the number of times I've had to stomp to avoid the usual turning idiots. That, and people seem to think New Rome still exists...

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Tonight I had 3 semis taking up all 3 lanes of 71 for over 10 miles while they do their .000009mph faster than the other guy pass. OMG I almost passed them in the grass, but figured I have no luck so I'd either hit something or get busted.



Oh thats another story, once in WV I was driving about 79-85 in the left lane passing a semi, and some old dude actually passed me in the grass going 95-100 in a caddy.

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driving home from nashville this weekend i think i set a record :masturboy: 65n and 71n were my qualifying lanes. :lolguy: I was flying up on people campin in the left lane. Id give them 3 flashes of the brights and then a horn, if they didnt speed up or move over i just passed them on the berm and peppered their shitbox with rocks. Most people got the message, some didnt and learned to never camp in the left lane again. I feel like i did a good service for this country. my mom was riding shotty and kept telling me she was gonna puke. I told her to shut it and relax :fuckyeah:
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