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Who to call?


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Neighbors down the street have some bushes and trees that have low branches obstructing the view of the busy road connecting to my court, you really can't see down the road to see cross traffic coming from the left when leaving our residence. You have to put the nose of your car in the road to move far enough forward to see around the bushes and trees. I have asked them to trim them with no results. These trees and bushes might be on easements not on their property as they are close to the road. Who would I call to report this and maybe get them trimmed properly?
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everyone knows the right answer. if the bushes/trees are on city property---call the city. if they're on private property, stop by at the house and explain the situation---anyone reasonable would by fully understanding and trim it up. they probably don't have the slightest clue that there is a problem
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Take a day off work and trim them yourself when they are not home. IN our subdivision, the two homes on the end are responsible for maintaining the vegetation such as this, however, we all have chipped in and helped maintain the entry to keep it nice. No one would think anything of it if I went down their and started hacking away.
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Hire a hobo with a shotgun. I have a shotgun you can borrow if all you can find is a hobo.


I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting a little dirty and grabbing a 40z with a paper bag wrapped around it.

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I'm not sure if DOT would cover that or not. See if your area has a transportation department. Maybe zoning, hard to say. Of course, if you start calling different departments someone will eventually point you in the right direction
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Hire a hobo with a shotgun. I have a shotgun you can borrow if all you can find is a hobo.


Weird, I just picked up a '04 Hobo the other day, but was lamenting the fact I don't have a shotgun to go with him. Can we work something out?


Ben, good luck with trimming your neighbor's bush :gabe:

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Are you in Columbus..? If so call 645-3111 that is the general city help number and they can send your call to the correct dept. My assumption would be if it is a tree in the grass between the rd and sidewalk the city would take care of it but if it is between sidewalk and the persons home then its on the owner to trim it back and you may have to goto code enforcement. And good luck with code enforcement, the city is always stretched thin in the spring/summer for that department and response times will be understandably slow.
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"Accidentally" spill a big ass bottle of Roundup on the corner? 3 days later, no bushes.



Though I agree that calling the general City number for where you are and having them transfer you wherever. I would think that even if it's on the homeowner's property they'll have to do something about it if the City is getting safety complaints.

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