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Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him


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If this is a repost you can suck my ass. Police are your friends more liek kill you in your own house AMIRITE?




Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him


Tim Cavanaugh | May 16, 2011


"Please send me an ambulance and you can ask more questions later, please!"


Guerena tells the dispatcher that her husband had returned home about 6:30 a.m. after work and was sleeping.


Prompted by the dispatcher, Guerena says her husband was shot in the stomach and hands.


The dispatcher asks Guerena to put her cheek next to her husband's nose and mouth to see if he's breathing, but she replies in Spanish that her husband is face- down.


The operator tells Guerena to grab a cloth and apply pressure to his wounds, but the wife responds frantically: "I can't! I can't! There's a bunch of people outside of my house. I don't know what the heck is happening!"


A dispatcher asks if the people outside are the SWAT members. "I think it's the SWAT, but they ... Oh my God!" Guerena says.


A dispatcher asks that she open the door for the SWAT, but Guerena replies that the door was already opened by police.


"Is anybody coming? Is anybody coming?" she asks.


The operator tells Guerena help is on the way, but they're still trying to figure out what happened.


"I don't know, that's it, whatever I told you, that's it," Guerena says.


Just after the five-minute mark, Guerena's end of the line goes silent.


The two dispatchers spend about four minutes talking to each other and calling out for Guerena while trying to figure out if the call is coming from the same residence where the warrant was served. At the end of the 10-minute 911 call, a dispatcher says she has confirmation that Guerena is outside with deputies on the scene.


Jose GuerenaThis is from Arizona Daily Star reporter Fernanda Echavarri's effort to piece together the death of Jose Guerena, 26, at the hands of a Pima County, Arizona SWAT team. Guerena, who joined the Marines in 2002 and served two tours in Iraq, was killed just after 9 a.m. May 5. Guerera had just gone to bed after working a 12-hour shift at a local mine when his home was invaded as part of a multi-house crackdown by sheriff's deputies.


Like enemy of the state Osama bin Laden, Guerena died with his wife close by. Widow Vanessa Guerena, who hid with her four-year-old son when sheriff's deputies raided the home, fills in detail that has been slow to come from Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik’s office:


"When I came out the officers dragged me through the kitchen and took me outside, and that's when I saw him laying there gasping for air," Vanessa Guerena said. "I kept begging the officers to call an ambulance that maybe he could make it and that my baby was still inside."


The little boy soon after walked out of the closet on his own. SWAT members took him outside to be with his mother.


"I never imagined I would lose him like that, he was badly injured but I never thought he could be killed by police after he served his country," Vanessa Guerena said.


The family's 5-year-old son was at school that morning and deputies say they thought Guerena's wife and his other child would also be gone when they entered the home.


Guerena says there were no drugs in their house.


Deputies said they seized a "large sum of money from another house" that morning. But they refused to say from which of the homes searched that morning they found narcotics, drug ledgers or drug paraphernalia. Court documents showing what was being sought and was found have not been made public. A computer check on Guerena revealed a couple of traffic tickets and no criminal history.


Tucson KGUN’s Joel Waldman says the SWAT team prevented paramedics from going to work on Guerena for one hour and fourteen minutes.


The sheriff’s department maintains that Guerena was holding an AR-15 when the paramilitary force fired 71 bullets in his home, but other key parts of the government story have collapsed. While PCSD initially claimed Guerena fired the weapon he was alleged to have been holding, the department now says it was a misfire by one of the deputies that caused this deadly group panic inside a home containing a woman and a toddler:


A deputy's bullet struck the side of the doorway, causing chips of wood to fall on his shield. That prompted some members of the team to think the deputy had been shot, [PCSD spokesman Michael] O'Connor said.


Questions about the official story from Ghost32.

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can i get a tl;dr please?


Marine served two tours in Iraq. SWAT raids house (reasons unknown). Misfire or something. Marine holding AR. SWAT kills Marine. Why? Don't know.

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Marine served two tours in Iraq. SWAT raids house (reasons unknown). Misfire or something. Marine holding AR. SWAT kills Marine. Why? Don't know.


thank you.


and damn thats messed up. "accident" maybe ?

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Accident or not 71 shots inside a home with a woman and a toddler (if those facts are true) is mass murder in my opinion. The story doesn't say if they evacuated the houses around the building they entered but I don't give a fuck. I am tired of giving people I hold to a higher standard the benefit of the doubt. A trained SWAT team member should of shot a few times and confirmed a kill before spraying and praying. What would happen if all those random bullets killed innocent bystanders? Let is slide because they are law enforcement? They should all be hung on murder chargers. Legally sanctioned murder is still murder.


I hope they burn in hell.

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Accident or not 71 shots inside a home with a woman and a toddler (if those facts are true) is mass murder in my opinion. The story doesn't say if they evacuated the houses around the building they entered but I don't give a fuck. I am tired of giving people I hold to a higher standard the benefit of the doubt. A trained SWAT team member should of shot a few times and confirmed a kill before spraying and praying. What would happen if all those random bullets killed innocent bystanders? Let is slide because they are law enforcement? They should all be hung on murder chargers. Legally sanctioned murder is still murder.


I hope they burn in hell.


One guy died. :dumb:

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1. They were there for a reason

2. Stop grouping all law enforcement professionals together when a mistake is made.

3. That could be worst SWAT unit ever if they shot 71 times and the guy was still breathing

4. I agree that the real truth may never be known

5. Serving this country doesn't mean you couldn't be involved in criminal activity

6. A lawyer's going to have a media field day with this

7. I bet she buys a Mercedes instead of a Porsche

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5. Serving this country doesn't mean you couldn't be involved in criminal activity


"Your honor, please consider before sentencing that my client served his country proud [sic], in the Marine Corps. As a matter of fact he was a member of an elite unit; A Sergeant, decorated with many medals. In fact one of those medals was the, uh, Silver Star, for valor. Now I realize that my client had a difficult time adjusting when he..."


"Excuse me Council, I too was a Marine and I served my country proudly in World War II - a real war I may add. I received the Purple Heart at Guadalcanal. Now this young man has obviously forgotten some very fundamental things like decency, and dedication, and honor; everything the Corps taught us. He is a disgrace to everyone that has ever put on that uniform. I will not permit you or him to use the Vietnam war as a cop-out here."

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SWAT killing a marine is like strapping buttered toast to a cat. What will the internet make of it?


Oh you have no idea, i will be back with a link to the bb.com/4chan.org threads.


There is more to the story, SWAT was at the wrong house and no drugs were recovered.

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Most LE and ALL LE that wants to be or is SWAT has the same personality disorder and statist believes that leads to people being shot for nothing more than being with in their rights. Nothing pisses a cop off more than you knowing your rights and the law.


Now on the other side of it there are many, many gang members that have joined the military for training and relocation to spread their influence.


The best thing to do is to wait to see what the truth is. It may take a while but it will come out eventually.

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wow, 71 rounds? Obviously they shouldn't be issued automatic weapons because they wasted 60-something rounds of taxpayer ammunition.


I like the Bin Laden quote in the story. I hope someone bitch-slaps the reporter.

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Most LE and ALL LE that wants to be or is SWAT has the same personality disorder and statist believes that leads to people being shot for nothing more than being with in their rights. Nothing pisses a cop off more than you knowing your rights and the law.


Now on the other side of it there are many, many gang members that have joined the military for training and relocation to spread their influence.


The best thing to do is to wait to see what the truth is. It may take a while but it will come out eventually.


You have the intellect of a child.

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