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Dragonfly photos


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I saw about 10-15 dragonfly's in my blackberry bushes waiting on the mosquito's to come by. I went in and grabbed the camera and when I got back this was the only one still hanging around.



Nikon D300, 105mm Macro lense, 2x tele converter



Comparing the 1st and 2nd photo, do you like the better bokeh of the 1st (with resulting in shallower DOF and blurred wings) or the greater DOF in the 2nd?





A couple more



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I saw about 10-15 dragonfly's in my blackberry bushes waiting on the mosquito's to come by. I went in and grabbed the camera and when I got back this was the only one still hanging around.



Nikon D300, 105mm Macro lense, 2x tele converter



Comparing the 1st and 2nd photo, do you like the better bokeh of the 1st (with resulting in shallower DOF and blurred wings) or the greater DOF in the 2nd?

I think I like the second one better, it almost seems as if the background needs to be darker to highlight the dragonfly better.

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Umm.... It looks dead to me. Cool pictures non the less though.


As still as he was you would have thought that. It kept turning its head and looking at the camera lens though. Also, you'll notice the branch is different in the last photo from where he flew after a meal and then landed on a different one.

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Nice shots! Must be the season as I saw a pair of them doing the wild thing on my fence as I mowed the yard tonight. Didn't even flinch as I walked up to get a close up of insect porn.


Thanks. Most of the dragonflies fly off as soon as you get near them. This one didn't seem to car at all. I'm pretty impressed with the sharpness of the 2x teleconverter.

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Thanks. Most of the dragonflies fly off as soon as you get near them. This one didn't seem to car at all. I'm pretty impressed with the sharpness of the 2x teleconverter.


It did great. I've always wanted to get into Macro Work but never seem to have as much time to play as I would like. I'd also go nuts buying wanting to buy a ring flash and other expensive goodies to go with it too, so likely best I stay clear for now :o


I've read about and book marked a couple magnifying kits that will add onto the threads of several of my existing lenses. Similar to extension tubes only easier to work and the results were outstanding. I was really impressed.

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It did great. I've always wanted to get into Macro Work but never seem to have as much time to play as I would like. I'd also go nuts buying wanting to buy a ring flash and other expensive goodies to go with it too, so likely best I stay clear for now :o



I had a set of magnifiers that had a 52mm thread. They screwed onto the lens like a filter. The did magnify, but created distortion like no other.

I have read some good reviews of the Canon 500D Close-up Lens.


You could always go with a ring flash adapter like this one.


The only problem with them is that they are camera and flash specific.


For the photos above, I only used flash (hand held SB-800) on the last one to get a different effect.

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It did great. I've always wanted to get into Macro Work but never seem to have as much time to play as I would like.

Here are a couple other macro photos from this past winter.



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