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Pryor says bye bye to OSU


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Sorry, it's funny as shit to listen to many of you go off now, that you feel betrayed when many of you used to constantly praise and make excuses for them.


I do think it's shitty, though. It's just going to take a couple years to rebuild. If, IF the NCAA can leave you guys the fuck alone. They just removed a 'win' in the Orange Bowl from USC a few days ago from back in... shit, I think 2004. :fuuuu:

Take it away from everyone. Take it aways from the school and fans. Just too bad...

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The USC situation vs OSU situation are 2 completely different things though. USC was giving fucking houses away, plus they had lack of institutional control according to the NCAA, where tOSU has been cleared compliance department wise.


I never understood taking away victories and scholarships, shits lame

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Vacating wins is kinda silly. Everyone remembers USC kicked the shit out of OU in 2004. The NCAA actually vacated that win a year or so ago. The BCS is just now officially vacating the title they won from it because the BCS and NCAA are two separate entities.


And OSU can still be hit with LOIC and failure to monitor. NCAA can easily amend the notice of allegations and postpone the August hearing. We just need to keep hoping all these stories coming out go the way of the car story which completely fell apart within a few weeks of its release. The SI story has gone that way too. Now we need this Pryor $20-40k for signing stuff thing to blow over.


A good thing that comes from Pryor leaving is that he is now out of the NCAA's reach unless he really feels the need to bury OSU. He doesn't have to say another word to the NCAA if he doesn't want to.

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A good thing that comes from Pryor leaving is that he is now out of the NCAA's reach unless he really feels the need to bury OSU. He doesn't have to say another word to the NCAA if he doesn't want to.



I love that. Fuck the NCAA, truly. They run a fucking racket, and the athletes are at their disposal.

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Guess Im the only one that was hoping for Pryor to stay. Good luck to him. And Alabama did fine after they're sanctions. OSU should be fine, OSU is the second leading profit university in the nation only behind Texas.


Athletes should be allowed to make money off their own property and name. I dont care if they get scholarships, education, etc.

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Guess Im the only one that was hoping for Pryor to stay. Good luck to him...


I wanted him to stay too. He's not ready for the NFL.


If I were him there is no way I would come back. With all the fair weather fans we have his life would be hell. Sit out games, get treated like shit in public, investigated further, and boo'd when he takes the field. If we lose games while he's benched its his fault... Tressel leaving is his fault. Not to mention if he lost any games during the season the same people crying about him leaving now would say he should have just left instead of coming back... He put himself in a shitty situation.

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Brother of a former qb who transfered because Pryor was coming in and also got popped picking up a undercover hooker....real credible source here folks. You know what I love, how Colt McCoys wife comes out and tells the world that Texas players cheated, yet the media is saying "its ok to take a free meal and car loan once in a while", I shit you not every anchor on ESPN has defended Texas today.
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So the new thing from the media today after the "$20-40k" story from Henton's brother is that this is absolutely worse than the USC case. Some of the media is even saying we could get the first TV ban in 20 years...lol. Sorry... even if true (which I don't think it is) $20-40k doesn't compare to a $700k house where an assistant coach was right in the middle of all the dealings.
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We will see how serious the NCAA is about obeying the rules. Maybe that have to bring in BYU to runs things and make the hard decisions.


Also, fuck ESPN. So much of the their breaking reporting is nothing but opportunistic crap.

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TP no longer has to answer to the NCAA...So lets hope that non profit mob (NCAA) some seriously good sources...He is no longer a collegiate athlete.


And to this point there is NOTHING that proves this was or is an institutional issue, and is related to a rouge player.


I still say OSU gets off fairly good in all of this tom foolery

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Yeah, the car thing is done (aside from TP but he doesn't have to talk now) and 85-90% of the SI article looks to be garbage. Nothing solid has come out since the Tressel thing and Tressel's gone. Just have to see how much faith the NCAA puts in anonymous sources now. Everyone keeps comparing this to the USC thing and says "Oh all the NCAA had with USC was a felon's testimony so this is basically the same and OSU is going to go down too." Yeah... no. The NCAA had boxes and boxes of documents tying McNair (USC's RB coach), Lloyd Lake and the Bush family together.


One thing I hope a few of the media people are right about (some have actually turned logical since Tressel resigned after bashing him and the university for months) is that with USC the NCAA couldn't do anything but punish the school because Petey bolted for the NFL and Bush was already in the NFL. Well, as a result of this stuff Tressel was forced out (a lot different than just being able to move on like Petey did) and now Pryor is done (didn't bolt for the NFL in January when he had the chance). The responsible parties are paying for their actions so the NCAA really shouldn't tack too much extra on but you can never know what to expect from the NCAA.


Logically, unless anything more comes out or is truly proven, the most I can see happening is a vacation of last year's wins (potentially allowing the Sugar Bowl victory to remain intact because the NCAA allowed the 6 kids to play - but if the Pryor December lie really was the reason he ultimately left the program they could definitely take that back now), probably 3-4 years probation (basically just "if you fuck up again in the next 4 years we'll rape you no lube" - know that Michigan is currently on probation until 2013 I believe for their practice thing - it's nothing) and I could see something silly like 2-3 scholarships a year taken away for 2-3 years (Boise St. recently had I think 6 scholarships total taken away over 2-3 years and they were actually cited for LOIC).

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According to the source, "Tressel couldn't believe that he (Pryor) continued to repeat the same behavior over and over again. He (Tressel) seemed to have a sense of regret about ever bringing Terrelle to Columbus, without saying the exact words."

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