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Sorry Lebron....


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Of coarse he changed, the man was hated by everyone for a year straight.sure he got pissy, everyone taking shots at him not just basketball but personal. Noone in their right mind would have stayed in Cleveland when offered the miami situation. The cavs weren't trying to win, they passed on amare stoudamire, and didn't make the move for Chris Paul. They kept patching b level players with him and wondered why he left. Yes the decision was over done but that was his pr teams and his fault. But let's look at the facts, he tried to get bosh To come to Cleveland, bosh said no, and there was no free agent that were coming to Cleveland. he played like shit in the finals , but the mavs played well. He was rolling throughout the playoffs and everyone was on his wood, the second he sucked they were ready to bash him to death. It's funny to watch the roller coaster media hop on and off his dick. He will get his rings (or ring) in due time. If I were the heat though, I'd be making a call to Orlando trying to trade bosh and whoever else for Howard. Bosh was the biggest pussy these playoffs and it was sad to see. D wade played well and hopefully they win it next year . Edited by FILL
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  V8 Beast said:
Terry... Airplane


It's the JET! I work right across from the American Airlines Center, so next week will be interesting. I love how ESPN focuses on Miami and their playing, but overlooked who won. It's funny to hear the stations around here, and even the coach talk about the age of Dallas versus Miami. Flat out, Dallas came to play and whooped that ass.

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  Phil said:
Of coarse he changed, the man was hated by everyone for a year straight.sure he got pissy, everyone taking shots at him not just basketball but personal. Noone in their right mind would have stayed in Cleveland when offered the miami situation. The cavs weren't trying to win, they passed on amare stoudamire, and didn't make the move for Chris Paul. They kept patching b level players with him and wondered why he left. Yes the decision was over done but that was his pr teams and his fault. But let's look at the facts, he tried to get bosh To come to Cleveland, bosh said no, and there was no free agent that were coming to Cleveland. he played like shit in the finals , but the mavs played well. He was rolling throughout the playoffs and everyone was on his wood, the second he sucked they were ready to bash him to death. It's funny to watch the roller coaster media hop on and off his dick. He will get his rings (or ring) in due time. If I were the heat though, I'd be making a call to Orlando trying to trade bosh and whoever else for Howard. Bosh was the biggest pussy these playoffs and it was sad to see. D wade played well and hopefully they win it next year .


Hopefully they won't because his lack of leadership, sensibility, responsibility for his own actions and straight out not-dick-o-meter are completely off base. He created the hate/hype because of how he left cleveland. Part of what made the dallas team much more sought after to win was the fact they had been pretty much together (the core) for eons and never won a damn thing. He has only been playing a few years, he doesn't have the time put in to bitch about not being able to achieve greatness. Besides that, greatness is something you develop over time and you push others to want to aspire to be better - you don't pass off the buck on why you did or didn't lose to other people or circumstances.


That's what a winner does and how a winner plays.

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i guess when he said they'll win 8 championships, he should have clarified, "starting in 2012, we'll win 8 rings". what a bitch. no sympathy for him. i don't see the heat going nearly as deep in the playoffs this coming year.
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  bicranium said:
Maybe he can get one off Pryor today since Pryor is in Miami and having a press conference of some sort at 2PM.


did you hear the press conference? T. Pryor "IS" the most gifted QB the NFL has ever seen! what a bunch BS.

Edited by SinisterSS
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  kirks5oh said:
i guess when he said they'll win 8 championships, he should have clarified, "starting in 2012, we'll win 8 rings". what a bitch. no sympathy for him. i don't see the heat going nearly as deep in the playoffs this coming year.


I don't know if I agree with this. I think they will make it to the Eastern Conference Finals almost every year until something big happens (trade, free agent etc).


In the first year, they got to the finals.


Waiting to see where Dwight Howard goes.

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  SinisterSS said:
did you hear the press conference? T. Pryor "IS" the most gifted QB the NFL has ever seen! what a bunch BS.


lol... Rosenhaus being Rosenhaus.


  Infidel said:
I see another Clarret happening......


Not gonna happen with him still talking to Tressel several times a day and Tressel seemingly sticking by him.

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  Infidel said:
Guess you can try another city in a few years. Miam's "Big 3" sure didn't stop the 30+ age bracket of Dallas. I hope Lebron is nominated for some of that acting he was putting on.






what a fucking crock of shit, im so fucking happy they lost. Yes im a Lebron hater, get over it.

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No matter what lbj says he is wrong. He can do no right, he's the worst player I. The league, he is the shittiest player to ever play, I think he maybe the worst person to ever come from a vagina. This is pretty much what is going on.


Let's look at the facts, not one other player in this entire league could have done what he did in Cleveland. Name one, I'll wait...... Don't worry, there isn't. How many times did the cavs bomb out and not get that extra star player. You skip out on cp3, you pick up Williams, you miss stoudamaire, you pick up Jamison. Lbj says I need A big guy, cave say here is an old ass shaq. Really? And your mad he said eff it? So when he was in Cleveland talking shit and dancing and doing all the same things he did before it was all good. Now if he does it in Miami he is a cocky bastard? The guy hasn't changed, he's the same person he always has been. It's just now the world sees it since he has platform now. He brought the NBA back from a mediocre level( from a fan Stand point), and he was an MVP candidate. He had a phenomenal year, and a great playoff run, up til the 3-6 game in the finals. I can't defend his finals play. But why is his entire career judged from this one moment? I'll tell you why, the media has nothing else to talk about. First and take had 9 topics about lbj in the same show. As I type this they do it again. He isn't mm, he isn't magic, he is lbj, be will get his rings, he will be a top 5 player of all time before he calls it quits. Hate all you want, no one else would have stayed in Cleveland. Miami will get it together, and no one has a better team than them.

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Obviously the mavs do.....


Just because he is good doesn't mean his actions/behaviors are excusable. I thought he was a cocky douche in cleveland. In Miami he just stepped it up a few steps is all. He is doing this to himself.

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I do think the yo yo on and off his nuts is ridiculous of the media. Best player with best team blah blah to they need to make a change, they don't have what it takes.


Its a joke.


He is great. He is a cocky douche bag. He will win rings. I will not support him.

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  MKV Aaron said:
Obviously the mavs do.....


Just because he is good doesn't mean his actions/behaviors are excusable. I thought he was a cocky douche in cleveland. In Miami he just stepped it up a few steps is all. He is doing this to himself.



I disagree with your last statement, the heather because lbj didn't play. Everyone knows if lbj would have tried this game would have been over in 4 games. Media is crushing him cause he didn't play hard. He sucked. But watch game 1, lbj played and they curb stomped the mavs. Lbj quit, and the mavs barely won each game. Ill take the heat everyday ( if lbj plays hard)

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  Phil said:
I disagree with your last statement, the heather because lbj didn't play. Everyone knows if lbj would have tried this game would have been over in 4 games. Media is crushing him cause he didn't play hard. He sucked. But watch game 1, lbj played and they curb stomped the mavs. Lbj quit, and the mavs barely won each game. Ill take the heat everyday ( if lbj plays hard)


The problem is, he didn't. All you are doing is bench racing with basketball.


You are completely discounting the mavs here. Taking someone out of his game is part of a great team. The mags were able to get lebron to not play hard. No matter if its because he didn't try or if he was stopped. No matter how u slice it, they were not the better team this year. The entire team needs to play hard and want to win. They didn't they lost they weren't better than the mavs.


I get what u are saying, but the heat have a lot of kinks to work out.

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Phil did you even watch the last two minutes of game 6? Bosh was the only one trying at all... Wade and LBJ had already given up. Bosh will be the scapegoat though and probably traded away. Live up to the hype LBJ...


To say the cav's did nothing for him is absolutely retarded. They built a team around LBJ and who HE wanted. LBJ is a quitter and will never live up to his potential because he thinks he deserves it on a silver platter.


I admit, Im salty over "The Decision." LBJ was the reason I watched basketball again. After watching guys like Magic Johnson, Jordan, Bird, and Isiah Thomas it was fun watching LBJ. He seemed to love the sport like the guys of the past. He seemed to love the game more than anything else. Championships mean more than the game and respect to him (seemingly).

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  Phil said:
I disagree with your last statement, the heather because lbj didn't play. Everyone knows if lbj would have tried this game would have been over in 4 games. Media is crushing him cause he didn't play hard. He sucked. But watch game 1, lbj played and they curb stomped the mavs. Lbj quit, and the mavs barely won each game. Ill take the heat everyday ( if lbj plays hard)


so he's a great player but sometimes just doesn't try, or doesn't play hard??? he's a pussy, and a quitter. he makes excuses and will never be a winner even if he is able to 'buy' a championship. doesn't matter if he would have tried or not, the heat lost to the better team. i don't see them making the finals next year, either. and sorry to burst your bubble, but lebron is not the best player in the league currently, which obviously means he's not the best player ever either. his ego will prevent him from achieving what micheal and kobe have, plain and simple.

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Sorry I am postig in a couple day old thread but just got home from vacation, with that said, let me chime in haha. First, Bosh was one of the best players these playoffs for the Heat. Look at his numbers, 18.6ppg, 8.5 rebounds per game. There was a couple games where he was the best player on the court through out the Heats run.


If you think for a minute that Orlando is going to trade Howard to Miami, your fucking high. I was watching ESPN and they said that the cost to get Howard from Orlando would be too much for any team in the league, including LA (Bynum). I think Howard ends up in LA once he becomes a free agent.


I don't think Miami is poised to win championships anytime soon. They have issues at the PG and Center position, lack a quality bench which is needed to win a championship and are limited on funds. As for Cleveland not being able to bring in talent for Lebron, thats a fucking joke. He basically named who he wanted and Cleveland tried getting them, the only one they missed on was Amare and thats because the Suns wanted way too much for him. They wanted Hickson, Varajao, Mo Williams and draft picks, thats a little excessive don't ya think? They got Mo Williams after he tore shit up in Milwaukee (17.8ppg) I was never a fan of the Jamison deal but he was the best available PF outside of Amare. The Cavs did everything in their power to help Lebron out, he just failed in the playoffs. He has the most talen playing with him now, yet its the same result, whats your excuse for that? They haven't gel'd yet? They had an entire fucking year to mesh together, plus they played together in the olympics. The fact is Lebron does not have the clutch gene and does not show up in the Finals /debate!


  bicranium said:
We've never seen anything like it really. Not at this point in a player's career. People can argue that Ray Allen and KG joined Paul Pierce in Boston and did the same thing but all 3 were at the end of their primes and neither were close to a title where they were.


Not to mention those 2 were traded to Boston, they didn't get as free agents like Lebron did. Plus they were both in shitty situations where the team was not trying to help them win a ring (Minnesota/Seattle)

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