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Friend in IT is looking for a job.


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Highly qualified young guy with 11 years in the Air Force working in the field. Have his resume and cover letter. If anyone is looking, please pm me. I know this guy and can vouch for his work ethic and determination, as well as his intelligence. Thanks!
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Highly qualified young guy with 11 years in the Air Force working in the field. Have his resume and cover letter. If anyone is looking, please pm me. I know this guy and can vouch for his work ethic and determination, as well as his intelligence. Thanks!


Does he want to be a programmer?

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IT? Routers and Switches? Programming? Desktop Repair? Wireless?



Jeez, how this thread got away from me I'll never know. IT and Security, Akula. He does hardware stuff too, but those are the main thrust of what he does. Send me an email address and I'll forward you his resume.


I'm pretty sure he isn't interested in programming, but I will ask him.


Thanks for the hits, guys.

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Jeez, how this thread got away from me I'll never know. IT and Security, Akula. He does hardware stuff too, but those are the main thrust of what he does. Send me an email address and I'll forward you his resume.


I'm pretty sure he isn't interested in programming, but I will ask him.


Thanks for the hits, guys.


so sad, i just had a security job open on my team.

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