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E battle king tourny!!!!!


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You constantly say your being nice. Stop every one on this forum knows I'm






Idrive a shit box

Spend almost no time with my family


Tell them something they don't know already


Speaking of family you talk a lot about aj's funny two words pissed you off last night


Protip stop while your ahead

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You constantly say your being nice. Stop every one on this forum knows I'm






Idrive a shit box

Spend almost no time with my family


Tell them something they don't know already


Speaking of family you talk a lot about aj's funny two words pissed you off last night


Protip stop while your ahead



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And Has Wagner taken over Hal's sn? pics errwhere.


I have not yet begun to flood this thread with radom pictures, video links, and other fuckery.


I'm almost tempted to post fb messages from someones gf. Almost



Oh for the love of red neck baby jesus do it

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Speaking of family you talk a lot about aj's funny two words pissed you off last night


If you want to involve family, we can sure do that. Just be prepared. No holds barred

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You keep saying your gonna be nice news flash every one knows

I'm poor



Drive a shit box

Spend no time with my family


Tell them something new



I find it funny that you want to make fun of aj's family when just last night you were pissed off and I didn't even say any thing

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If you want to involve family, we can sure do that. Just be prepared. No holds barred



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You keep saying your gonna be nice news flash every one knows

I'm poor



Drive a shit box

Spend no time with my family


Tell them something new



I find it funny that you want to make fun of aj's family when just last night you were pissed off and I didn't even say any thing

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You keep saying your gonna be nice news flash every one knows

I'm poor



Drive a shit box

Spend no time with my family


Tell them something new



I find it funny that you want to make fun of aj's family when just last night you were pissed off and I didn't even say any thing


Why do you keep posting the same shit.

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