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Steven/rwdboostcoupe Personal Training Review


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Hey all-


First off- I am far from a bodybuilder! I have been weightlifting on and off since I was 17 (now 31). I commissioned steven to come out and check my form on some exercises and to design a workout/diet for me for functional strength/mass but still maintain a normal life (I did mark rippetoe starting strength for about 4 months previously and it put me in physical therapy for 2 months)...


I learned all sorts of new core exercises and a few tricks on the big 3 (squat, deadlift, bench) in our short session and the workout he designed for me is quite intense. Granted I had to take 2 months off of any lifting whatsoever but I still can't walk naturally today as my legs are dead from monday. His diet is daunting but I think necessary due to my fast metabolism and low body weight and I asked we keep it all natural but an occasional protein shake and he responded accordingly... Oh yeah I workout out alone in my basement with a power rack, barbells, dumbells, and a lat machine.


Shoot him a pm if you are stuck in your current workout or looking for some new motivation, he went to school for this and obviously loves it.


oh yeah forgot to mention he is a really cool guy as well- we probably talked more about cars than weightlifting...

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I think he's always talked about cars more than training. Immediately after setting records, he'd just stroll into training and start talking about cars with me. He does know his stuff though, one of the few trainers I know that actually has a real clue about strength sports.
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Thanks guys i really appreciate the kind words! I have met alot of awesome people on here because of this and i hope to keep that going. It was a pleasure meeting with you and going over everything. If you need me to come over and help with the workout i would be glad to. I will get back to you on that last pm asap. I had to fire an assistant and i have been busy as all heck lately. Sorry for the delay!


Ps: Im pretty sure we talked for about 1-2 hours after the session about cars.



Hal, Fred and Adam used to get so mad at me over that.

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