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What program do you guys use for HDR. Trying to get into this stuff. any sample pics you have?


I really only use Photoshop CS5 anymore. I've tried quite a few third party items, but depending on what you're looking to do (realistic or dramamtic), I find CS5 and it's built in HDR works great. Some say the aftermarket programs like Photomatrix do best for some of the extreme dramtic stuff, but I think your mileage will vary depending on your taste and the scene.


Key is to use a good 5-7 shot bracketed series of images. Thus why I tend to lean towards the mid to pro grade bodies since they will let you shoot 5-7 stops in a bracket. Most of the entry level bodies will not.


These are all done with Photoshop. I'm not one for extremely dramatic shots, but I can appreciate the look. I'm more for toned images that keep it a little more real.





Photoshop CS5






The below were done from a single image in RAW. Not true HDR, but Topaz does do some pretty good work at bringing out the realism when just one shot is involved.







Done using a single image from a non DSLR - Bridge Camera shooting in jpeg mode. :) Topaz Plugin.



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Here's a pano that is from CS5 with deep saturation/Provia action used in combination with Topaz used to create the HDR look. The reflections were also enhanced to bring in some color to the water. View is of NYC from the Brooklyn side.



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There have been times where I shoot an HDR set (just in case) due to tricky lighting, but I almost never end up needing to complete the process.


When I do it, I use CS 5 also.


My astrophotography uses HDR to get the faint details to show up. I use a third party astrophoto only program to process them into 32Bit Files that are huge (over 500MBs for an image), then I process them in CS 5 and finally convert to an 8Bit JPEG for printing or sharing.

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