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AT&T folks


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I've got AT&T now but I've been planning on switching to Verizon when my contract runs up. However my contract is not up until October. With Verizon getting rid of unlimited data in early July I would like to switch early. A guy I work with said with Verizon if you end your contract early they somehow pro-rate it and the closer you are to the end of your contract the less of a early penalty you have to pay for ending early. My question is does AT&T do this too or am I going to have to pay the full penalty for breaking my contract if I switch to Verizon next week?
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You'll get your early termination fee on your final bill if you go to Verizon and have your number brought over. You won't even have to speak to AT&T.


I'd stay with AT&T unless you don't have unlimited data with them now. They are picking up 33% more coverage from T-Mobile within the year or early next.

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You'll get your early termination fee on your final bill if you go to Verizon and have your number brought over. You won't even have to speak to AT&T.


I'd stay with AT&T unless you don't have unlimited data with them now. They are picking up 33% more coverage from T-Mobile within the year or early next.


I dont have any data plan with them right now and I would like to get in on Verizons unlimited data before it goes away.

Edited by buelliganx1
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What about assbackwards? Leavig verizion contact isant up till augest 2012 anyone know how much to terminate ?


The fiances plan is stupid high cause they coned her an I'm going to add her to my plan at tmobile


You can change your plan at any time. If she is on a plan that doesn't fit her they can change it, you just can't leave without paying the termination fee. The only restrictions are if you have a phone that requires data. Some phones that "require" data when they are sold can have the data package removed if you call customer care.

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You can change your plan at any time. If she is on a plan that doesn't fit her they can change it, you just can't leave without paying the termination fee. The only restrictions are if you have a phone that requires data. Some phones that "require" data when they are sold can have the data package removed if you call customer care.


I don't know where u read that I was trying to leave with out paying a fee.. I know there's an early termination fee I was asking for a ruff estimate on how much it would be for a 14 month early.


An hell no on changing her plan to some other shit expensive plan on verizion....

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