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we both wanted kids yearrrrrrssss ago soo not much waiting. aloooot of bow chicka wow wowwwwww


Trust me... practice all you can. WAIT to go beyond. Any relationship NEEDS that time together to make sure you can tough out a kiddo.....





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Dude seriously, find a river, tie weights to yourself, and jump in...


You are even more of a pussy bitch than I was.

Good start. I like the overt aggression and pointed realism.

No he isn't stfu

Yes, he is. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, just like normal.

Phil how about you invite some more of your convict friends like tank. You know the really honest guys.

Good, good. I like where this is going.

Hypocrite is doing something you say not to.

No bueno. Let dictionary.com do your definitions. Being wrong on the internet is pretty much a cardinal sin.


Phil how about you invite some more of your convict friends like tank. You know the really honest guys.[/


Are u trying to come at me? I will e fuck the shit out of you

Wow, he should be so scared. A barely literate moron is going to attempt to outwit him. I bet he's crying right now just thinking about what your childish e-persona is going to do to him. :dumb:

Who the fuck are you? Gtfo


edit: you are a guy who joined before me. thats who.


Stop the failing. You were doing well until you decided to step out of your place. Stay in your lane and let established members handle noobs. You need to focus on a single target right now (Phil).


Cody you little cock sucking squid let's get a few things straight. There are more felons on this board than you know bout. I would rather have tank on this board than your faggety ass. You are protected by doc, that's the only reason your still around. You are a hemroid, a wart, a puss filled scab that won't go away. You are a bitch, if I told you to hold my pocket at a meet you would. If I told you to suck my dick, you would. Your so desprate for acceptance you just agree with what everyone else says. You are a god dam mocking bird. Stop trying to post events, stop trying to gather people, I'm not giving you my number. I'm not laughing, don't pm me telling me how funny shit is. If I see you out, don't but in my conversation. Your a dick riding fagget who loves attention. Lay back, stop fucking getting in the way, and shut your pube eater.

1. "Cock sucking squid..." Really? That's your strong intro, your thesis statement? You're losing touch with e-reality if you think that's valid.


2. Is that supposed to be a good thing? Tons of felons on here? I know about them. Some of them like to try to get me to meet them in parking lots to fight because I apparently bruised their ego/honor.


3. The only reason he's still around is that a very well respected member essentially sponsored him? That's supposed to be an insult? Ok, the kid started out horribly, but he has changed and is constantly evolving. The only reason you're on here is because I wouldn't let you in the parking lot at QSL without being a member here. I regret that choice daily.


4. Be more specific with what he actually is in your insult. What medical condition does he actually represent? You represent a lobotomy.


5. Finally you go on about him being an attention whore? What do you think you are? You just search for attention by playing the class clown. You hit your "friend" in the face with a shoe just for a laugh. You are one seriously fucked up individual. If anything, your post should really have been written by another member and directed at you. You are the very definition of worthless.


Cody, you can take it from here.

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you are the most hated member on cr. congrats lets me know when you get a car thats worth a shit tool bag.


Really? A fucking noob like you is stepping out of his lane making such outrageous claims. Better get back in your place before you drop to the same level as Cody. Your wit is nonexistent, get out of my kitchen.

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Really? A fucking noob like you is stepping out of his lane making such outrageous claims. Better get back in your place before you drop to the same level as Cody. Your wit is nonexistent, get out of my kitchen.


as requested ill go back to lurking, it was real and fun but was it real fun?:gabe:

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Me an attention whore ?? Never that, I don't go around begging to be accepted. I didn't join this site because you wouldn't let me in a parking spot 4 years ago Hal. Please dont think I thought about you past that second. I didn't even know it was you until you brought it up. But you remembered me quite well. I know it's hard to forget something this pretty. I joined this site cause I was friends wig Steve and Paul and they told

Me about it. Here is what I have noticed about u though, you enjoy coming after me with you worthless attempts of a battle. Most times I don't even giggle. It's sad honestly. Your the Derek jeter of e battles, the evander Holyfield, the penny hardaway.... I think you get it. If not, it means your style is played out. You try to defend the weak by providing weaker points. What are you going to say??? How dumb I am in 30 different ways? Ehh, not effective seeing as you are still degreeless. Are you going to tell me how to kill myself ? Naw, I'm to sexy to destroy this. Oh wait, your goon to tell me I'm worthless right? Thats a far stretch seeing as I've done more for two very large companies than you have in your pointless existence. Oh wait you have a faster car right? Haha not!!! Oh wait ou make more than me??? Hahaha wrong again. Really Hal, what part bugs you more, the fact that I'm more relevant in your kitchen than you, or the fact that you've been on this site longer and still can't get I across you meat thick skull that your just a tool for entertainment and nothing else?

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Me an attention whore ?? Never that, I don't go around begging to be accepted. I didn't join this site because you wouldn't let me in a parking spot 4 years ago Hal. Please dont think I thought about you past that second. I didn't even know it was you until you brought it up. But you remembered me quite well. I know it's hard to forget something this pretty. I joined this site cause I was friends wig Steve and Paul and they told

Me about it. Here is what I have noticed about u though, you enjoy coming after me with you worthless attempts of a battle. Most times I don't even giggle. It's sad honestly. Your the Derek jeter of e battles, the evander Holyfield, the penny hardaway.... I think you get it. If not, it means your style is played out. You try to defend the weak by providing weaker points. What are you going to say??? How dumb I am in 30 different ways? Ehh, not effective seeing as you are still degreeless. Are you going to tell me how to kill myself ? Naw, I'm to sexy to destroy this. Oh wait, your goon to tell me I'm worthless right? Thats a far stretch seeing as I've done more for two very large companies than you have in your pointless existence. Oh wait you have a faster car right? Haha not!!! Oh wait ou make more than me??? Hahaha wrong again. Really Hal, what part bugs you more, the fact that I'm more relevant in your kitchen than you, or the fact that you've been on this site longer and still can't get I across you meat thick skull that your just a tool for entertainment and nothing else?

Thank God. I don't care if your'e lying, can't remember, or what I'm just happy to have the burden of getting you on here off my back.


The hardest part of replying to you is trying to decipher the word salad that you consider a post...


Intelligence? Ok, we'll start there. Having a degree says nothing about a person's intelligence level. I would expect most self respecting graduates to know this, but then I remember you graduated with a joke degree. You see, degrees are simply not a prerequisite to high intelligence. I know you love to argue against that, but you simply fail. Your argument has no basis in reality. That fact alone just shows your level of intelligence (we won't go into your massacre of basic language skills).


Am I supposed to be offended that you relate me to incredibly successful people? I just fail to see how that is an insult. Please, compare me to Newton next. He was the top of his game until we found out his theory of gravity was incomplete. I guess he was a failure... At least I must be memorable. You can't make a single argument against me without referencing everything I used to say. I guess you're out of practice since you don't seem to realize I have changed my style (I've informed you of this before).


I didn't know you have been reading my resume. If you had, you might not be so quick to jump to conclusions about my prior successes inside a $10b business. I've been over some of that stuff before so I'll just leave this section at that basic statement.


Now we get on to the very point of your existence, things. I know you love your slow car(s) and mid-level salary. I don't base my existence on the accumulation of wealth or things. You see, there is a lot more to life than the tangible shit you obsess over. It's really sad that the anchor of your argument is so incredibly vain. I guess we can see where you'll be heading with your insignificant, if incredibly self-indulgent, life.


Try again little fella. You can continue to rage against me all you want. Frankly it's less impressive than Attila the Hun having sex (if you don't get the reference, look back to the intelligence section).

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The fuck is going on her


The resident idiot has shown up looking for a battle that he cannot win. Try as he might, poor little Phil cannot seem to form a successful argument against anyone.

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Hal = washed up

Meh. Dust made from my skin particles is more concentrated epicness than Phil will ever experience.

IS this the "Kitchen" if so where is my damn sammich!!


Probably in the fridge. If you don't have a woman making you one, you're doing something wrong.

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Meh. Dust made from my skin particles is more concentrated epicness than Phil will ever experience.



Probably in the fridge. If you don't have a woman making you one, you're doing something wrong.


She is sleep. The other ones are too far away :p

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She is sleep. The other ones are too far away :p


If she's not sleeping in the kitchen, you're doing something wrong. If she were a good woman, she would have prepared a sandwich just for the possibility you could get hungry at night.


I would suggest you hire a woman trainer, I think the situation can be resolved by a professional.

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Oh Hal, how you long post of nothingness make me sad. You do relize you are always second best to me. U worked for a billion dollar company years after I did, you always post your arguments after I allow you to, hell, I was the one who got the kitchen back, it was in my name first. I left Cr cause I was boring so after a 6 month hiatus they gave it to you. It's like you are my mut who takes he left overs when I'm done. Yes let's talk about my degree, it's top 5 lowest turnover careers in te world, my minor was in business where I now work for the most known bank in the world. I will be employed by one of the best universities in the country and will probably have a masters before you get a bachelors. Your no Einstein, you a limp thought after sam posts. Your style hasn't changed dude, your a sad piss in the wind. Claim yourself the winner before anyone can say another word. We have been doing this for years, and I admit, you used to get me, bit now your just my sloppy seconds chaser. Enjoy my left overs big guy.
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