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To dig or to roll???


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The scary factory definitely comes in at higher speeds, but if you car is "lifting" and "gliding" at 160, it probably wasn't meant to be there.




I've dome some "unreasonable" speeds late at night on a closed coarse for 1mile+ and never felt any sort of strangeness.


Bottom line:


High speed rolls at 140+ = SCARY

Digs: No scary, but requires SKILL


I hate agreeing with you, but this maybe true. 140/160 are really quite a big difference though. 140 is like ehh, 160 shit gets sketchy. Now the skill comes in handy to maintain the car cause at that speed things are moving so fast any slight adjustment is a major move. Try switching lanes at 160. The slightest movement of the wheel will push you over 3 lanes. So I see the skill in that

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I'll just say it agian, junk ass falling apart cars are a big handfull at high speeds, those same junk ass cars have no chance of runing faster then 12s in the quarter making them as hard to launch as my grandma pulling away from a stop light in her Camry. What makes Phil the expert?
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I'll just say it agian, junk ass falling apart cars are a big handfull at high speeds, those same junk ass cars have no chance of runing faster then 12s in the quarter making them as hard to launch as my grandma pulling away from a stop light in her Camry. What makes Phil the expert?



I make threads about racing. You make threads about racing in 200 years. Stfu. I just wanted to discuss it. I see the skill in both

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I hate agreeing with you, but this maybe true. 140/160 are really quite a big difference though. 140 is like ehh, 160 shit gets sketchy. Now the skill comes in handy to maintain the car cause at that speed things are moving so fast any slight adjustment is a major move. Try switching lanes at 160. The slightest movement of the wheel will push you over 3 lanes. So I see the skill in that



Yes, but it's far easier to hone your skills launching than to hone one's skill at 160+


I'm not nearly as brave as I used to be, I generally shut down at 120-130.

If it's not clear by then, I don't really care. :dumb:


And that in of itself is very very rare...I like being an adult and not paying a bazillion dollars for insurance every year.

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I usually shut it down after 120 myself anymore as well. Now if we swap the topic a little, I did 130 on my 1k and wanted to come back to earth so fast. I never want to do that again, 130 plus on a bike is about the scariest shit I ever did
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I've been over 150+ a couple times and I was more worried about a blowout than anything.


But I think roll racing just has its appeal because there's a better chance of getting off a better race than a dig, where there are multiple factors that could kill a clean run.

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I make threads about racing. You make threads about racing in 200 years. Stfu. I just wanted to discuss it. I see the skill in both


You want to race again? STFU

I made a thread about how ridiculas I think Gary is being betting on races without a completed project, not about racing in 200 years. STFU

I've raced many times this year, and I'll continue to race, you're shit will blow up. STFU.

I'll out dig race or roll race most, the only people who can beat me are the big boys with 8 and 9 second cars, you know the people everyone knows and talks about, not you. STFU



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You want to race again? STFU

I made a thread about how ridiculas I think Gary is being betting on races without a completed project, not about racing in 200 years. STFU

I've raced many times this year, and I'll continue to race, you're shit will blow up. STFU.

I'll out dig race or roll race most, the only people who can beat me are the big boys with 8 and 9 second cars, you know the people everyone knows and talks about. STFU




Why so serious? This thread wasn't about u or who u will and won't race scooter. This is a general discussion. I know when the word racing comes Lone you automatically throw yourself in the line, but this was just a general question. Plus most of the races you get are thanks to me so stfu.

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Shit there isant any skill needed in roll racing ...plant the gas an make ur shifts... fuck there's videos of me doing 165 in a fucking neon talking and having a conversation like I was driving miss daisey.



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Now phil lanching a car is a ton harder.. hell uve seen me launch my fwd pos an some people just bspin like crazy shit my car pulls 1.72 60fts all day long but can anyjoe smo with a. Fwd srt hell no takes some skill.....



dig rracing is a hellll of a lot harder then roll racing because the first 60feet can make or break a race

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Why so serious? This thread wasn't about u or who u will and won't race scooter. This is a general discussion. I know when the word racing comes Lone you automatically throw yourself in the line, but this was just a general question. Plus most of the races you get are thanks to me so stfu.


Eh you're not any fun, fuck this thread.

Shit there isant any skill needed in roll racing ...plant the gas an make ur shifts... fuck there's videos of me doing 165 in a fucking neon talking and having a conversation like I was driving miss daisey.



Get sum



Now phil lanching a car is a ton harder.. hell uve seen me launch my fwd pos an some people just bspin like crazy shit my car pulls 1.72 60fts all day long but can anyjoe smo with a. Fwd srt hell no takes some skill.....



dig rracing is a hellll of a lot harder then roll racing because the first 60feet can make or break a race


Wow a genuine Paul post, we all want to get sum of that Neon, where's it at?

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Shit there isant any skill needed in roll racing ...plant the gas an make ur shifts... fuck there's videos of me doing 165 in a fucking neon talking and having a conversation like I was driving miss daisey.



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Now phil lanching a car is a ton harder.. hell uve seen me launch my fwd pos an some people just bspin like crazy shit my car pulls 1.72 60fts all day long but can anyjoe smo with a. Fwd srt hell no takes some skill.....



dig rracing is a hellll of a lot harder then roll racing because the first 60feet can make or break a race



Someone translate this

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Shit there isant any skill needed in roll racing ...plant the gas an make ur shifts... fuck there's videos of me doing 165 in a fucking neon talking and having a conversation like I was driving miss daisey.



Get sum



Now phil lanching a car is a ton harder.. hell uve seen me launch my fwd pos an some people just bspin like crazy shit my car pulls 1.72 60fts all day long but can anyjoe smo with a. Fwd srt hell no takes some skill.....



dig rracing is a hellll of a lot harder then roll racing because the first 60feet can make or break a race

Shit there isn't any skill needed in roll racing, just plant the gas an bang gears. Fuck there are videos of me doing 165 in a fucking neon talking and having a conversation like I was driving miss daisey.



Get sum



Now phil launching a car is a ton harder, Hell you saw me launch my fwd POS and some people just BSin like crazy shit my car pulls 1.72 60fts all day long but can any Joe Smo with a Fwd srt hell no takes some skill.....



dig racing is a hell of a lot harder then roll racing because the first 60feet can make or break a race


I tried to figure out whats in red but I'm not sure :confused:

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Sorry scooter, just wasn't trying to turn this into a janky bash feat. We have enough of those threads. I was trying to bring up a racing topic that everyone could relate to.



Paul you are a bench racer, either get your car back out and get your manhood back out or stop living in the past. You arnt jp

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Ive been 95 on my dirtbike, it was sketchy

Ive been 135 in my old e30, it wasn't sketchy


I think any roll race im in will end way below 160. No need to be busting that quick to determine a winner.


Idk how many races go to 160 plus but I'm sure someone will come in and say they have done it. He'll some camaros only let out at 160mph

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Sorry scooter, just wasn't trying to turn this into a janky bash feat. We have enough of those threads. I was trying to bring up a racing topic that everyone could relate to.



Paul you are a bench racer, either get your car back out and get your manhood back out or stop living in the past. You arnt jp


You started a thread in the kitchen about racing, I know you wern't expecting seriousness to prevail? :wtf:

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Same reason you refuse me a roll? Hows that parasitic loss workin out for you?


Roll racing is illegal bro...


You and I can go to the TRACK!


Easy cheesy, and they give you a ticket at the end for proof!


Besides, I stand no chance with a stock car with 1/2 your power.





At least it will be fun.




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You started a thread in the kitchen about racing, I know you wern't expecting seriousness to prevail? :wtf:


I would have put it in the passing lane but I felt like it was more kitchen worthy

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I hate agreeing with you, but this maybe true. 140/160 are really quite a big difference though. 140 is like ehh, 160 shit gets sketchy. Now the skill comes in handy to maintain the car cause at that speed things are moving so fast any slight adjustment is a major move. Try switching lanes at 160. The slightest movement of the wheel will push you over 3 lanes. So I see the skill in that


This on a bike x1000

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