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WTB Laptop


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Looking for the cheaper the better. I can get a new acer(probably junk) from walmart for around $250 if that tells you what I am thinking.



Link to it? That is not bad if it has a 1 yr Warranty....



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Link to it? That is not bad if it has a 1 yr Warranty....



Cant find it on their website but when I bought my desktop monitor there 2 months ago they had them in-store. They werent on the website then either. The guy told me they just have them whenever the warehouse sends them and when their gone you just have to wait until more randomly appear.

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Watcha got? I surf the internet pretty much primarily. Needs to be complete with no missing keys, doesnt necessarily have to have a battery that holds charge. Nothing to old and in decent shape.


I ran across this one the other day and I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on it.





AMD C50 dual core

3GBs of DDR3

Radeon 4250

320gb HDD

and a dvd-rw



Would be great for pretty much most uses, gaming will be lacking. Since your just going to be doing browsing and such on it this still may be over kill but it looks like a pretty good deal

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