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Protect and Serve fail

El Karacho1647545492

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Good for you. I've talked to actual officers (you know, the ones that are on the force, not just academy graduates) about situations like this. Read my earlier post and maybe you'll get what could be holding officers back. You go to the Supreme Court of the United States and tell them they are wrong. You know better because you just graduated from the academy. You know it is his responsibility to deal with that stranded motorist. :dumb:


As for cops driving by, they may have been on their way to a call. Most of the time that does not require that they have lights and sirens on.


Hearsay is always best HA HA.

I know what training I have gone through and I know if an officer is negligent and that allows an individual to be harmed, then the department and that officer are liable. And buddy I didnt just graduate, Im 35, I graduated a long time ago. And I am sure your infinate wisdom of so and so told me something will hold a lot of water over my actual training. And the reason I didnt become a cop is because they couldnt pay me what I was already making and because of the abuse of authority I witnessed over and over again.

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50 percent of people in any given job or company are worthless, same thing goes for the police. I've met cool cops, I've met dick cops, no matter what you do in life you can still be an asshole. Maybe more assholes become cops, but that's another argument.
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Hearsay is always best HA HA.

I know what training I have gone through and I know if an officer is negligent and that allows an individual to be harmed, then the department and that officer are liable. And buddy I didnt just graduate, Im 35, I graduated a long time ago. And I am sure your infinate wisdom of so and so told me something will hold a lot of water over my actual training. And the reason I didnt become a cop is because they couldnt pay me what I was already making and because of the abuse of authority I witnessed over and over again.


Lol, that's not hearsay. You probably didn't become a cop because you don't understand simple concepts. You need to go read the ruling(s) on officer responsibility before you chime in again. You also need to learn the other point I made about department policy.


Actually, interviewing actual officers does hold more value than your "wisdom".

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Lol, that's not hearsay. You probably didn't become a cop because you don't understand simple concepts. You need to go read the ruling(s) on officer responsibility before you chime in again. You also need to learn the other point I made about department policy.


Actually, interviewing actual officers does hold more value than your "wisdom".


Whatever makes you feel warm and cozy inside dude. HA HA WOW!!!!!!

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There is multiple fail going on here.


1. The driver of the PT cruiser should know how to change a tire. That's just simple. If they can't do it or expect someone else to do it for them for free, they can just sit in the heat for all I care. And since we're swinging our Good Samaritan E-Peens around, I have stopped to ask people if they need me to call someone for them on multiple occasions. Almost all of them had already called.


2. Whether the officer is supposed to help the person or not, it IS his duty to ascertain if the stopped vehicle poses a threat to moving traffic or not. Same as if it were debris or a fallen load. I can't see any officer saying with a straight face that they aren't responsible for traffic safety. And frankly, short of a rest area, no place on the side of a highway is a safe place.


So the owner of the PT cruiser should not have been trying to get the officer to help with a breakdown. Prepay phones are cheap if they're too lazy to fix the tire themselves. But having failed Basic Vehicle Ownership 101 and asking the officer for help, the officer should have at least radioed it in to get a wrecker out (at the owner's cost). And then indicated to the driver that he had radioed so that the driver can walk off the highway to a safe spot. It wouldn't have taken much of the officer's time at all.


As with most situations, there's enough blame to go around.

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Never did I say he was not doing his job. I said he was a cockbag. If you are in a position to easily help someone, why would you not? Cuz its not your job? I'm not asking Officer Shitface to close down a lane, drop down on all fours and get dirty to change a tire. I'm saying that basic human decency would have him at least ask the lady if she needs help getting in touch with AAA or if she's alright. Like I said in the OP, he had been out there scanning for between 45 minutes and an hour without pulling anybody over.


You dicks saying its not his job so he has no reason to help are callous at best and utterly dispassionate selfish assholes at worst. Think about what you said here if your car is ever stolen and the police don't seem to care about getting your car back; after all, its not an emergency.

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Whatever makes you feel warm and cozy inside dude. HA HA WOW!!!!!!

It has nothing to do with how I feel. You're simply wrong about what's going on and what's required of officers. You also don't grasp simple legal concepts like hearsay. I don't know what academy you went through, but they did a terrible job teaching you. A SCOTUS ruling is not hearsay and neither is interviewing an actually officer.

Never did I say he was not doing his job. I said he was a cockbag. If you are in a position to easily help someone, why would you not? Cuz its not your job? I'm not asking Officer Shitface to close down a lane, drop down on all fours and get dirty to change a tire. I'm saying that basic human decency would have him at least ask the lady if she needs help getting in touch with AAA or if she's alright. Like I said in the OP, he had been out there scanning for between 45 minutes and an hour without pulling anybody over.


You dicks saying its not his job so he has no reason to help are callous at best and utterly dispassionate selfish assholes at worst. Think about what you said here if your car is ever stolen and the police don't seem to care about getting your car back; after all, its not an emergency.


Like I said earlier, a lot of departments have policies for what an officer can do when they're on specific duties. He may have been limited by what his department wants him to do. He also could have radioed in about the stranded person without you knowing about it. A lot of people (even ones who went through an academy) criticize police action or inaction without realizing the limitations that officers must deal with.

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And before any of you drop your 2 cents when was the last time you stopped, in your personal life, to help a stranger on the side of the road?




23 times and counting, but then again I used to drive all over the place for work. The bravest I have ever seen was back in 96, a 17 year old pretty girl got into my old painting van after her car broke down on 270, middle of winter. I drove her 20 mins into the opposite direction to her dads office and immediatly went inside and told him how stupid his daughter was for getting in my van. I do it as sort of a karma thing and I typically stop for anyone. I have even drove miles to an exit just to turn back around to help out.

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Like I said earlier, a lot of departments have policies for what an officer can do when they're on specific duties. He may have been limited by what his department wants him to do. He also could have radioed in about the stranded person without you knowing about it. A lot of people (even ones who went through an academy) criticize police action or inaction without realizing the limitations that officers must deal with.


This is the first rational argument I've seen for not helping her out.



About 2 hours later a CFP car pulled up behind her and made sure she and whoever was helping her were safe.

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