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So at brian carters house.......


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LOL! Shits awesome! My nosey ass neighbors are all concerned.. and I'm all playing it like a victim :lol: I pulled it down in 4 minutes and ended up with about 4 rolls of tp to wipe my ass with... thanks guys.


You guys/gals are so lucky I turned my alarm on. The kids were trying to find a way to send the dog outside since I wouldnt wake up. Yesterday was my son's birthday so I was dead to the world. 2 hours at Skyzone, 4 basketball games, visited almost everyone in my family, then played juice pong for a few hours (they cant drink beer since they're 12). I hit that bed and didnt look back.



Morning carnage and proof that I'm still loved...





P.S. If it would have rained I would have driven to each one of your locations and treated you like those guys that "luckily" live at the beginning of every Final Destination movie.

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LOL! Shits awesome! My nosey ass neighbors are all concerned.. and I'm all playing it like a victim :lol: I pulled it down in 4 minutes and ended up with about 4 rolls of tp to wipe my ass with... thanks guys.


You guys/gals are so lucky I turned my alarm on. The kids were trying to find a way to send the dog outside since I wouldnt wake up. Yesterday was my son's birthday so I was dead to the world. 2 hours at Skyzone, 4 basketball games, visited almost everyone in my family, then played juice pong for a few hours (they cant drink beer since they're 12). I hit that bed and didnt look back.



Morning carnage and proof that I'm still loved...





P.S. If it would have rained I would have driven to each one of your locations and treated you like those guys that "luckily" live at the beginning of every Final Destination movie.


Skyzone NOOOOOOOOOO. I broke the shit out of my ankle there in May at my daughters b-day party after about 15 seconds in and the third bounce. Then had to sit there in the worst pain for an hour while the 6 kids I took finished their hour. My shit is still jacked up :).

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Skyzone NOOOOOOOOOO. I broke the shit out of my ankle there in May at my daughters b-day party after about 15 seconds in and the third bounce. Then had to sit there in the worst pain for an hour while the 6 kids I took finished their hour. My shit is still jacked up :).

Your old... or a moron :lol:

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Not the best tp'ing I've seen by any means. Also, it appears you guys actually bought tp. If you were cool like me, you would have confiscated your own key by now that opens public bathroom tp and pt dispensers. Be a winner. Be me.
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Wow. If that had happened on my property, there would be a few dead bodies for me to haul off.


we knew brian would laugh at it, we also text him and took pics when we thought it was him that was up and not his kids. we were hoping he would open the door and we were going to just throw it at him and bum rush him.

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