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Honestly it comes with time. I've dropped from 320 to 250 and while they're almost nothing compared to what they used to be they're still pretty noticable. I do alot of ab work in the gym and it's definitely paid off but like I said it just takes time.
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Honestly it comes with time. I've dropped from 320 to 250 and while they're almost nothing compared to what they used to be they're still pretty noticable. I do alot of ab work in the gym and it's definitely paid off but like I said it just takes time.


I should probably start working in more targeted weight training, I've been doing 6 days of cardio trying to get down to 190 so I can work on toning up

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My father and I, while both slender, still have them. I got my BMI down to something absurd when I was 23, lost close to 40-50lbs (like I weighed less then I did as a Junior in high school) however I still had them. My brother on the other hand never had them, and probably never will. When he puts on fat it gets equally distributed throughout his body...Bullshit. As I said, depends on the person.
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My father and I, while both slender, still have them. I got my BMI down to something absurd when I was 23 (like I weighed less then I did as a Junior in high school) however I still had them. My brother on the other hand never had them, and probably never will. When he puts on fat it gets equally distributed throughout his body...Bullshit. As I said, depends on the person.


Yeah, genetics suck. I never had them in high school when I was at 190-210 but I was very active compared to now so hopefully I can get rid of em' :fuckyeah:

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out patient procedures are available to get rid of them. mostly genetics related. I'm sure if you went to extremes in dieting and exercising they would go away, but if you want to lead a remotely normal life, you might be stuck with them otherwise. When I was younger and lean/trim, I had them too. Pissed me off as I was in 30" pants and had them. Now I'd kill to be in 30" pants.
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It's great to have goals and want to look good, but the really important thing is you are taking care of yourself through diet and exercise. You've probably gotten most of the benefit you are going to see from a health standpoint if you are eating good and exercising (and staying that way, not just for a 'diet').
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Go on a cycle of Clen OP while cutting down cals and doing lots of cardio. Fat will melt right off. GL in your love handle losing goals in 2011!



but srs though, its mostly genetics that you cant lose that shit unless you diet down enough that you are in single digit fat %. Also, look up workouts that key in on your obliques and adominals. workouts where you would have weight in your hand and you are either twisting your body or bending sideways. leg lifts would also work well too. Usually though, people who have had weight problems in the past would have "the love handles" be the most difficult to lose in the end. But every person's body tends to store fat in diferent places more then others so you will have to work harder in order to lose it. gl man and gj on losing the weight you have already lost. I have much respect for people who respect themselves

Edited by Rustlestiltskin
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You cannot target fat loss, it is almost impossible. Your body is going to get rid of it as it see's fit. You cannot reccomend carb cycling to someone who is potentially carb sensitive or has cholesterol problems. I would like to know what your current diet is like and work out routine. Your diet is going to play a large role in your progress not necessarily your workouts. Also timing of nutrients is key at a certain point.


post up your current nutrition and workout plan.

Do not take clen.

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you will probably have to get down to 12% body fat to get rid of them.

you have to keep losing fat.


Not always, some peoples bodies distribute fat better than others. Also ones estrogen production comes into play at this time as well. A larger estrogen production will cause fat/water storage around the usual male problem areas.

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You cannot target fat loss, it is almost impossible. Your body is going to get rid of it as it see's fit. You cannot reccomend carb cycling to someone who is potentially carb sensitive or has cholesterol problems. I would like to know what your current diet is like and work out routine. Your diet is going to play a large role in your progress not necessarily your workouts. Also timing of nutrients is key at a certain point.


post up your current nutrition and workout plan.

Do not take clen.


clen was a joke ya derp derp. brb, up your dose of clen and experience hardening of the heart arteries.


Most people I know just do a ECA stack but even with that you can have complications if you are sensitive to caffiene and ephedra

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You spend way to much time on the misc.








Good luck with your trolling goals in 2011.


u mirin.:gabe:


I'm actually gonna get back into working out this month and just do a year straight to see how much I can gain. i'm floating around 180 now and thats the smallest i've been but since i'm ecto/meso i rarely put on fat if any. If you lived closer we could workout bro. Gonna just get my lifts back to normal for the first few months and jump on a bicycle for dat dere winter bulk.

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u mirin.:gabe:


I'm actually gonna get back into working out this month and just do a year straight to see how much I can gain. i'm floating around 180 now and thats the smallest i've been but since i'm ecto/meso i rarely put on fat if any. If you lived closer we could workout bro. Gonna just get my lifts back to normal for the first few months and jump on a bicycle for dat dere winter bulk.


I need a serious work out partner, shit sucks. Im slowly getting back into it doing small work outs here and there. I cannot be mad with where i am at this time with all the time off but i feel like a bitch.



For your frame, I would say get to 200-205 and try to stay there.



u mad im stylin on you? :fuckyeah:

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You cannot target fat loss, it is almost impossible. Your body is going to get rid of it as it see's fit. You cannot reccomend carb cycling to someone who is potentially carb sensitive or has cholesterol problems. I would like to know what your current diet is like and work out routine. Your diet is going to play a large role in your progress not necessarily your workouts. Also timing of nutrients is key at a certain point.


post up your current nutrition and workout plan.

Do not take clen.


I tried the whole carb cycling bit before and I didn't get anywhere with it. Right now diet and workout is as follows.


Diet I am eating 5 small meals a day, I quit counting calories but so far this is the only diet that has been easy to stick with and has been effective with my workouts.


Pre workout/breakfast - egg white omelet with 5 egg whites, salt, pepper & a couple squirts of hot sauce with 2 slices of plain wheat toast glass of orange or tomato juice. Sometimes I'll mix this up with oatmeal/oats.


Post workout - Optimum Nutrition "100% natual" oats whey protein shake or whole wheat bagel, cold carrots or glass of low fat chocolate milk. Get to work and then drink plain black coffee like a bauce.


Lunch - grilled or ground turkey breast either plain or in a whole wheat wrap with low fat dressing, and vegetables and one of those snack pack 100 calorie deals.


Mid day - low fat yogurt, can tuna plain, serving of fruit/vegetables.


Dinner - salmon patties with lemon pepper or lemon chicken (grilled), spinach or other vegetable or fruit.


Zero pop/soda and no gatorade. Straight up tap water cause im a G yo. :masturboy:


Current workout is simple. Monday-Saturday, 6:30am-7:30am, cardio. I will generally do 30 minutes of jogging/running on the tred and another 30 minutes on the eliptical or bike. Haven't brought weight training into my workout yet.

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I need a serious work out partner, shit sucks. Im slowly getting back into it doing small work outs here and there. I cannot be mad with where i am at this time with all the time off but i feel like a bitch.



For your frame, I would say get to 200-205 and try to stay there.



u mad im stylin on you? :fuckyeah:


Yea I hear ya. I took off a 8month break just to get away from it but i'm going to go in this month and go all out for 12 months. yea i already figured 200-210 is real obtainable since i can get up to 195 just being natty. so a shredded 210 is my goal for spring/summer 2012

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