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Libertarian colonies offshore. Read about it here:





Pay Pal founder and early Facebook investor Peter Thiel has given $1.25 million to an initiative to create floating libertarian countries in international waters, according to a profile of the billionaire in Details magazine.

Thiel has been a big backer of the Seasteading Institute, which seeks to build sovereign nations on oil rig-like platforms to occupy waters beyond the reach of law-of-the-sea treaties. The idea is for these countries to start from scratch--free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place. Details says the experiment would be "a kind of floating petri dish for implementing policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting booths, have been unable to advance: no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons."

"There are quite a lot of people who think it's not possible," Thiel said at a Seasteading Institute Conference in 2009, according to Details. (His first donation was in 2008, for $500,000.) "That's a good thing. We don't need to really worry about those people very much, because since they don't think it's possible they won't take us very seriously. And they will not actually try to stop us until it's too late."

The Seasteading Institute's Patri Friedman says the group plans to launch an office park off the San Francisco coast next year, with the first full-time settlements following seven years later.

Thiel made news earlier this year for putting a portion of his $1.5 billion fortune into an initiative to encourage entrepreneurs to skip college.

Another Silicon Valley titan, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, announced in June that he would be funding the "Clock of the Long Now." The clock is designed to keep ticking for 10,000 years, and will be built in a mountain in west Texas.



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Can I go in on a condo with someone? We can say we're permanent residents!


When I was a banker in FL, people would charter a boat, bring a notary, and go offshore further than 9 miles from the coast in order to sign a real-estate deal and avoid certain stamp fees and taxes...

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true, i still wanna open our zday compound in wva. totally feasable. dirt cheap land, lawless living (almost), free booze (moonshine), etc


Yup. Gimme a Bobcat, some dirt, rock and concrete and I'll do work. Off shore sounds great in theory, but I'm not keen on the idea of middle of the ocean. New Orleans found out you can't fuck with mother nature. That cunt wins everytime.

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Yup. Gimme a Bobcat, some dirt, rock and concrete and I'll do work. Off shore sounds great in theory, but I'm not keen on the idea of middle of the ocean. New Orleans found out you can't fuck with mother nature. That cunt wins everytime.


I have honestly thought about throwing in the towel selling everything i own and moving into the mountains.

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Question: what happens when your neighbor on the offshore utopia thinks getting rid of idiotic moral codes and taxes includes his god-given right to kidnap and molest your children at gunpoint, and he's got bigger guns than you?


You trust the community won't be a bunch of sissy childish brats, and round up a posse. So long as the community in general has a standardized moral code they're stronger than a small band of individuals.


Of course, you could always cry about it and get the US to come fix your problems and rebuild your shit for you I suppose.

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Off the top of my head, Arkansas, Montana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Arizona etc.... I'll wait til the first Hurricane ruins the idea.


people have already tried that.....then the ATF comes in and burns your house down and starts shooting people.

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