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Colo's Classic Car Show 10/9


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Thanks for the support, most successfull show ever over 500 cars and 12,000 people in attendance. What did everyone think of Boots of Autosmarts.com doing the announcing?


Having that many cars in the zoo still blows my mind. I absolutely loved it this year.


My only 2 concerns.


#1. Asking for pre-registration as soon as cars come in the gate seemed to be holding stuff up.


#2. The damned ticket booth where we were all parked. SilverTwin had the unfortunate spot of being right next to it and had people sitting on his car... literally.

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Seemed like some of the parking crew didnt know what was going on. My friend parked where they told him too when we arrived, then half hour later heard over intercom that they were going to tow his car if it didnt get moved. I went over and told the guy that we had parked where they told us too and he moved some golf carts so we could park there but then we werent even by other cars, off by ourself.


Obviously they were at capactiy with parking but he had to talk to a couple people before we even found a person who knew which car they had meant announced. PA plates red Mustang vert...

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Seemed like some of the parking crew didnt know what was going on. My friend parked where they told him too when we arrived, then half hour later heard over intercom that they were going to tow his car if it didnt get moved. I went over and told the guy that we had parked where they told us too and he moved some golf carts so we could park there but then we werent even by other cars, off by ourself.


Obviously they were at capactiy with parking but he had to talk to a couple people before we even found a person who knew which car they had meant announced. PA plates red Mustang vert...


Yeah we had 1 guy right at the entrance point us in a direction then we were on our own, ended up parking behind the shelter that had the lambo kit car in it which turned out to not be to bad of a spot but it would have been nice to have some direction.

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I had a good time at this show. Im not a big car show type guy but I did enjoy meeting up with the croud I found to just shoot the bull and walk around. When I pulled in I told the guy that was parking everyone I was looking for a group of guys that I knew and was going to just drive around untill I found them. He had no problem with that.
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What about "Boots" with Autosmartsradio.com doing the announcing, how about the prizes? Trophies? I'm looking for feedback to make this event even better. Jack Hanna has prommissed to be at the event next year and I want to grow this event even more!


Honestly we could not really hear any of the announcing where we were at. I could hear it as we walked around but didn't really focus on paying attention. What I did hear seemed good to me. Sorry I can't offer more insight.


I didn't really pay attention to the trophies either since I go more for the fun/social aspect.


I really enjoy this show. This was my second year and will gladly return for a third. How much bigger of an event can the Zoo accomodate? I was really impressed with the turnout and couldn't imagine it being much bigger.

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Thanks for the input, we may temporary fence off part of the parking lot ajoining Jungle Jacks Landing to accomodate more we turned away about 50 cars at noon because we were full. With Jack Hanna vowing to be here for the event next year it is sure to boost to 600.May have a ride a drive in parking lot with Mid Ohio ect.
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It seemed to be awesome, was working down the street and saw all the cars leaving. will for sure have to go next year.


quick question... did anyone see all the emergency trucks in the area of the time it ended? someone was life flighted out of the area it seemed to land down by powell rd/riverside intersection

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