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While the rest of the United States sent summer off with a grill full of hot dogs, a few of Ohio's brightest high schoolers used the power of cyberculture to express themselves, igniting a battle of common sense. On Friday evening, as Kirtland High students celebrated a victory against their rivals at Painesville Harvey, a few of them hung a handmade banner from the bleachers in euphoria. Scribbled on the blue tarp, 'You Mad Bro," an obvious nod to Internet meme, "You mad?" Now those web savvy teens are in hot water, accused of "racial intimidation" by a group of their peers, including Roderick Coffee, president of the Lake County chapter of the NAACP, and a football fan who was in attendance that night.

"I think the reference to 'bro' in the sign definitely has a racial connection to it," Michael Hanlon, superintendent for Painesville City Schools said to local channel Fox 8. And while the accusers also note that regardless of racial intent, the stunt was just bad sportsmanship, they seem to miss the connection to the popular meme, a Lolspeak phrase used to taunt folks while they're down, which would have changed the context of this particular prank




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