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Apple Guys I Phone 5 ?'s


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read this article. may answer some Q's... http://www.macrumors.com/2011/09/08/foxconns-iphone-5-production-already-hitting-150000-units-per-day/


Details on the iPhone 5 remain scarce, with conflicting information pointing to either an only slightly larger display of up to around 3.7 inches on a device similar in size to the iPhone 4 or a significantly larger but thinner device with a display likely around 4 inches.

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I hope that artist rendition isn't accurate. It is time that there not be any wasted space on the front of the phone; the phone should be the same size but the entire front be the screen.


I have heard it will have an 8 mega pixel camera (long overdue), rumors of an Micro SD slot (I doubt it), no more home button, and thinner than the iPhone 4.


I didn't feel the iPhone 4 was a big enough leap to upgrade my 3GS - we will see about the 5.

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I was waiting for the iPhone to come to verizon for 2.5 years, they finally did and I was still in contract. Ran out like 5 months ago but figured if I waited this long, minds well wait to get an iPhone 5. Never had a smart phone before ( use a touch for my music though ) so I'll be right there in line when they release the 5.
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Cliffs: Go to Apple store and see if they will swap your 3GS for a refurb for ~100 bucks, wait a month for iPhone 5 to come out. Sell your practically brand new 3GS refurb on http://cashforiphones.com = profit?


My 3G battery was not holding a charge for more than a couple of hours so I went to the Apple store at Easton to see what they could do. For $75 they ordered me a refurb(they do not stock old 3G iPhone). When the refurb came in the touch screen was defective so they gave me a refurb 3GS at no extra charge. When the iPhone 5 comes out I will get one and sell my 3GS on http://cashforiphones.com so I should be getting the new iPhone 5 for ~100 bucks(with contract of course). Dead Space will be scarier on that new iPhone5 screen for sure. (f',..,')f



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I loved my 3GS, love my 4 even more. I use the extra features daily (in-built HDR, higher quality camera, faster data connection, wifi hotspot, longer battery life.


There is NO information about the next gen iPhone. Anything you read is pure speculation.


Personally, I'm expecting a dual core SOC, larger screen(4" please!), and there's a slight chance of a 4g connection. Oh, and iOS5, hopefully with an untethered JB to immediately follow.

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I hope that artist rendition isn't accurate. It is time that there not be any wasted space on the front of the phone; the phone should be the same size but the entire front be the screen.


I agree 100%; if it's the same as the 3Gs (or 4G) in that respect I will have a hard time justifying it over a droid. I don't want some gigantic phone with a gigantic screen but I also don't want half of my screens surface area to be blank for no reason. If the 5 is lame in this respect hopefully the Nexus Prime won't be a monster (but rumors are not looking good).


I really want NFC payment capability on my next phone too.

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