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Does anyone else think this is a bad idea?


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King of the concrete = Racing from finish line towards the starting line to simulate "street" conditions.



It goes to show that if you put a large number of stupid people in one place bad things will happen.


Some of the cars that run in that region are no freaking joke.

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What fucking difference does it make which end of the track you start on?


Tracks have sand traps and safe barriers at the normal finish line. Starting lines have solid objects and other bad things. What would you rather hit at a high rate of speed if your throttle sticks?

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What fucking difference does it make which end of the track you start on?

whys it a bad idea?? whats safer running on an actual street or racing at a track with a safety crew with street like conditions. seems smart to me



Did you see that big ass concrete lane divider (starting line with the tree) that he almost smacked???

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Tracks have sand traps and safe barriers at the normal finish line. Starting lines have solid objects and other bad things. What would you rather hit at a high rate of speed if your throttle sticks?


I understand that.


But what sense does it make to start at the finish, when running from the start is just the same thing? It's a straight line for pete's sake, start on the end you're supposed to.

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They do it because the end of the track has not been prepped like the beginning with traction compunds and rubber and is like a normal concrete street, they only allow them do to burnouts and prep to a certain spot at the end of the track,, who gives a shit if he almost smacks a concrete divider or theres other things to hit at the start if his throttle sticks, and not all tracks have proper run off either with sand traps and catch nets or corn fields, some have woods, whats better him hitting those or hitting a car pulling off a side street or someone standing on the side of the road.
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They do it because the end of the track has not been prepped like the beginning with traction compunds and rubber and is like a normal concrete street, they only allow them do to burnouts and prep to a certain spot at the end of the track,, who gives a shit if he almost smacks a concrete divider or theres other things to hit at the start if his throttle sticks, and not all tracks have proper run off either with sand traps and catch nets or corn fields, some have woods, whats better him hitting those or hitting a car pulling off a side street or someone standing on the side of the road.


Holy run-on sentence!

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Trying to make sense for people who dont understand caused that lol


No buddy. You dont understand. No one said street racing is safer. So dont try to compare to street racing. If you don't think they prep the concrete you are stupid. And you said "who cares if he hits the concrete barrier"? Now I know that people like you put this contest together. What do you think is going to happen when someone hits that concrete at 120+. I'm sure they will care than. There is a better way to race at the track and simulate "street" conditions. They do something similar in New Jersey and they start at the 330. That is way safer.

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Lmao I fully understand buddy, I said they dont prep past a certain point, example kots in chicago theres no prep past the starting line on the day that they run, Wouldnt the 330 put you even closer to one end of the track with even less shut down when your going 120+ , any body races knows theres a risk of wrecking, if he does hit the wall yeah that sucks, hopefully he has on track insurance since their at a track he can use it. All im saying is this a good way for people to be off the street and theyve got the right idea
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Lmao I fully understand buddy, I said they dont prep past a certain point, example kots in chicago theres no prep past the starting line on the day that they run, Wouldnt the 330 put you even closer to one end of the track with even less shut down when your going 120+ , any body races knows theres a risk of wrecking, if he does hit the wall yeah that sucks, hopefully he has on track insurance since their at a track he can use it. All im saying is this a good way for people to be off the street and theyve got the right idea


Runny McOnnerson strikes again. Periods my man, use em.


Also, what would really solve this problem is to put ramps where they finish at the starting line, so that they can just go over the solid objects rather than hitting them. Science.

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I believe there have been 2 or 3 backwards races like that, no other incidents. The car's wheelbase is short as fuck, unstable at high speed. Add that with the fact the car is already going to be loose because the track is unprepped. Multiply that with a guy who knows his car, and tries to drive it out even its skating around..... and this vid you see is the result.
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