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Carrying concerns


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With the exception of a few places I don't know if I want to give my business to places that won't let me have a concealed firearm. Does anyone else feel tempted to not walk into buildings or stores with a sign that forbids carrying? If you do how does this change your daily life? Is there other places you might go for shopping for groceries, going to movies, eating a nice dinner instead of more popular locations? This list is not complete feel free to add any other places you can think of.
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With the exception of a few places I don't know if I want to give my business to places that won't let me have a concealed firearm. Does anyone else feel tempted to not walk into buildings or stores with a sign that forbids carrying? If you do how does this change your daily life? Is there other places you might go for shopping for groceries, going to movies, eating a nice dinner instead of more popular locations? This list is not complete feel free to add any other places you can think of.

In the beginning there were quite a few places I went daily that were posted. Now that some of the panic has died down alot of them have come around to the reality that the people you should be worried about are going to be carrying anyway, regardless of your fucking sign.


There are only a couple of places I go that I can't carry now. OFCC has some cards they have had their members handing out for years now that basically say this is your last time in their business because they're denying you the right to carry. That may have helped things along. I'm sure they still have them though.


I think it's a good idea to let the owners/management of an establishment know why you won't be returning, though they may look at you like a gun-toting-redneck instead of taking you seriously

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Its Concealed Right....


I know Ill get hate for this but. Other than Gov buildings I still carried mine. Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.


Also, do you think you'll not need it in said establishments because of a sign... nope

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With the exception of a few places I don't know if I want to give my business to places that won't let me have a concealed firearm. Does anyone else feel tempted to not walk into buildings or stores with a sign that forbids carrying? If you do how does this change your daily life? Is there other places you might go for shopping for groceries, going to movies, eating a nice dinner instead of more popular locations? This list is not complete feel free to add any other places you can think of.


I did not give my business to establishments other than (bars/restaurants) that had no carry signs. The exception was if I drove all the way to the other side of town to walk up the store I had never been to before and see the sign. At that point I disarm, walk in, get what I need, and leave, never to return again.


I used to love shopping at the Thrift Store on cleveland less than .5 miles away from my house but I haven't been there since I got my CCW like 3 years ago. That kind of sucked. A few store in northern lights have those signs. I found them somewhat comical though. Who is that sign stopping from coming in with a gun? the guy that's going to rob you or the law abiding citizen that wants to pay for what they are taking? Idiots. I suppose you can't expect too much logical reasoning in da hood, but it still sucked because I really enjoyed the thrift store. Other than that though it didn't put too much cramp on my lifestyle as I really don't go out to drink too much. Maybe a couple times a year. I also usually carried a knife with me where I couldn't carry a gun, so I would have some form of protection. Funny thing about concealed knives though, I talked to a Mifflin Cop and two CPD officers and neither of them knew the official laws pertaining to carrying a knife.

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Who is that sign stopping from coming in with a gun? the guy that's going to rob you or the law abiding citizen that wants to pay for what they are taking? Idiots.


Never made sense to me, but that's ignorance at work. Guns are scary. :gabe:

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Its Concealed Right....


I know Ill get hate for this but. Other than Gov buildings I still carried mine. Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.


Also, do you think you'll not need it in said establishments because of a sign... nope


This has always been a stumbling block for me. Part of me wants to say that those who carry anywhere even where legally prohibited, are criminals, straight up. But the other part of me, looks at it as, It is my fundamental right to protect myself to the best of my ability. My getting a license just makes my life easier should I have a legal confrontation. In other words, by getting a license, I go from technically being a crook all the time to only being a crook part of the time which is fine with me, becasue I can ALWAYS protect myself. If I knew a CCW holder was carrying in a bar or restaurant or an extablishment sith signage prohibiting carrying, I wouldn't make a stink about it. I.E. it doesn't bother me. Not to say I do/have done it, but if tothers do it, I would not feel uncomfortable. Again, anyone who is going to shoot up a bar, is going to shoot up a bar, regardless of a piece of plastic some agency hands them or not.

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This is not legal advice nor am I saying I personally ignore said signs, or other CPZs. Just an opinion.


Outside of the federal CPZs, or other special CPZs like restaurants that serve/bars (till the 30th anyway :) ) it is my understanding if you are caught with your firearm it is a civil matter. My question is if you are concealed carrying, and you're careful, and aware of your surroundings, how would you get caught? Even so, I advise one obey the law to the best of their ability, balancing their care of personal self-defense, with their right to choose the places they do business with.


Also never talk about guns at work. Ever. Unless your work is stated firearms friendly.

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With the exception of a few places I don't know if I want to give my business to places that won't let me have a concealed firearm. Does anyone else feel tempted to not walk into buildings or stores with a sign that forbids carrying? If you do how does this change your daily life? Is there other places you might go for shopping for groceries, going to movies, eating a nice dinner instead of more popular locations? This list is not complete feel free to add any other places you can think of.



I don't agree. Business have reasons for not allowing guns and to take that personally or as a way of excluding those that do carry because of anything other than the business looking out for it's own needs and to look out for their own patrons is looking at the glass half full.


Honestly, if I owned a bar, I wouldn't want every guy walking in their to carry either. Guns don't kill, people do, so guns would be allowed, but not the idiot owners that accompany them. Just look at all the idiots and assholes driving on 270. Great cars, and cars don't kill people, but those that operate them with less than 1/2 brain do. If excluding all guns keeps the few idiots that I might encounter out of my bar, then I'm good with excluding all gun carriers. Sorry, but my wife owns a business and she doesn't allow guns in her office either. Except hers :p But she owns the place so she can do that.


That said, I won't say if I do or don't carry in Kroger or other stores. Risks associated with it, but one I may or may not be willing to take. However, I don't not shop there because they say no guns.

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This is not legal advice nor am I saying I personally ignore said signs, or other CPZs. Just an opinion.


Outside of the federal CPZs, or other special CPZs like restaurants that serve/bars (till the 30th anyway :) ) it is my understanding if you are caught with your firearm it is a civil matter. My question is if you are concealed carrying, and you're careful, and aware of your surroundings, how would you get caught? Even so, I advise one obey the law to the best of their ability, balancing their care of personal self-defense, with their right to choose the places they do business with.


Also never talk about guns at work. Ever. Unless your work is stated firearms friendly.


Gov buildings and airports = really really bad idea.


You can walk into any private establishment you want to while carrying, regardless of whether or not they have that sign. Any private place can ask anyone they want to leave for whatever reason they want to, including because you have a firearm, and if you refuse to leave then you are trespassing. It's as simple as that. Those signs are just a warning to those carrying that the owner of the place doesn't want anyone in there carrying, but if nobody knows you are doing so, how can you get in trouble for it? And if you are caught, all they can do is ask you to leave, at which point you leave or they call the cops.


Personally, I don't disarm, but this is something that needs to be thought over by each and every individual. I've carried into bars before, but refuse any alcohol when doing so. I rarely drink in the first place, so thats no big deal to me.


My gf wants to get her CCW because she doesn't feel safe at CSCC, what with the rapes that have been happening on campus and the parking garages and what not. We both know its illegal to carry there, but her safety is far more important. If CSCC campus PD and CPD can't keep the place safe, why should anyone be able to say that she isn't allowed to keep herself safe?

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I don't agree. Business have reasons for not allowing guns and to take that personally or as a way of excluding those that do carry because of anything other than the business looking out for it's own needs and to look out for their own patrons is looking at the glass half full.


Honestly, if I owned a bar, I wouldn't want every guy walking in their to carry either. Guns don't kill, people do, so guns would be allowed, but not the idiot owners that accompany them. Just look at all the idiots and assholes driving on 270. Great cars, and cars don't kill people, but those that operate them with less than 1/2 brain do. If excluding all guns keeps the few idiots that I might encounter out of my bar, then I'm good with excluding all gun carriers. Sorry, but my wife owns a business and she doesn't allow guns in her office either. Except hers :p But she owns the place so she can do that.


That said, I won't say if I do or don't carry in Kroger or other stores. Risks associated with it, but one I may or may not be willing to take. However, I don't not shop there because they say no guns.


Tim, not trying to stir things up at all but this is a legit question, by you "not allowing" anyone to carry a firearm in your establishment, who does this prevent from carrying? The mofo that doesn't care what you allow or what you don't and is going to carry anyway? I mean, if someone wants to go into a bar and shoot people up, they are going to do it regardless of whether you "allow" them to. Or are you looking at it as, lets say, by you openly allowing people to carry on the premises, you are essentially inviting more people to carry? So insetad of 100 out of 1000 people carrying, not 1000 people out of 1000 people are carrying and of them is carrying now who may not have before because now you allow it and he decides to get wasted and shoot someone?


Sorry if that is confusing, I am just trying to better understand a businesses perspective when deciding to prevent citizens from being equiped to properly defend themselves while on the premesis.

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I just want everyone to know the OP has nothing to do with bars and/or places that serve alcohol minus grocery stores. I would never carry a gun (even if legal) if I was going to enjoy alcohol because of my own person reasons. I completely understand no carry at airport, post office, court house etc. I wanted to discuss everywhere else.


If I feel like going out saturday and spend my pay check at the mall where would I go? Maybe I want to visit 6 different stores. Maybe afterwards I go downtown and want to enjoy some tasty Thai food then a movie at Lennox. And maybe at night I want to play some disc golf at Griggs. How does your normal weekend running around affect if you keep your firearm in the car? It seems so far that most of you would carry regardless. Isn't it a felony if you are caught carrying and you are aware of signs that you are not allowed to carry?

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I just want everyone to know the OP has nothing to do with bars and/or places that serve alcohol minus grocery stores. I would never carry a gun (even if legal) if I was going to enjoy alcohol because of my own person reasons. I completely understand no carry at airport, post office, court house etc. I wanted to discuss everywhere else.


If I feel like going out saturday and spend my pay check at the mall where would I go? Maybe I want to visit 6 different stores. Maybe afterwards I go downtown and want to enjoy some tasty Thai food then a movie at Lennox. And maybe at night I want to play some disc golf at Griggs. How does your normal weekend running around affect if you keep your firearm in the car? It seems so far that most of you would carry regardless. Isn't it a felony if you are caught carrying and you are aware of signs that you are not allowed to carry?


No, places that are just posted and not prohibited by law are just a criminal trespass if you have been caught there before.


Oh yeah, one place I forgot to mention that I will always carry, no matter what signs are up, are banks

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Me personally, I disarm before I enter if I want to go badly enough. I will not knowingly illegally carry. Disarming isn't hard for me as I rock a galco belly band and usually have it down by my waist to serve as an in the pants holster. So to simply answer the question, I am not greatly affected by no carry signs.
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No, places that are just posted and not prohibited by law are just a criminal trespass if you have been caught there before.


Oh yeah, one place I forgot to mention that I will always carry, no matter what signs are up, are banks


That's one reason among others that I stopped banking with 53rd and moved all my ish over to Chase. Chase never had signs, 53rd did.

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My gf wants to get her CCW because she doesn't feel safe at CSCC, what with the rapes that have been happening on campus and the parking garages and what not. We both know its illegal to carry there, but her safety is far more important. If CSCC campus PD and CPD can't keep the place safe, why should anyone be able to say that she isn't allowed to keep herself safe?


The argument to that statement would be, she has a choice of places to attend school, so she is in thr wrong for putting herself in a position that is dangerous then using that situation as an excuse to break the law.


Again, not saying I would care either way if I was a fellow student and somehow knew she carried, but I can see how the other side would argue it. Also, is she ust getting her CCW so she is not perceived as a criminal when carrying outside campus? Obviously she would be considered a criminal for carrying on campus whether she has a CCW or not as CCW has no validity there.

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The argument to that statement would be, she has a choice of places to attend school, so she is in thr wrong for putting herself in a position that is dangerous then using that situation as an excuse to break the law.


Again, not saying I would care either way if I was a fellow student and somehow knew she carried, but I can see how the other side would argue it. Also, is she ust getting her CCW so she is not perceived as a criminal when carrying outside campus? Obviously she would be considered a criminal for carrying on campus whether she has a CCW or not as CCW has no validity there.


After the VA Tech shooting, I can't argue that ANY school is 100% safe from bad guys. The bigger the school, the more likely you will run across someone with ill intentions, and the more affordable schools here are giant. May as well give the good guys equal footing.

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Tim, not trying to stir things up at all but this is a legit question, by you "not allowing" anyone to carry a firearm in your establishment, who does this prevent from carrying? The mofo that doesn't care what you allow or what you don't and is going to carry anyway? I mean, if someone wants to go into a bar and shoot people up, they are going to do it regardless of whether you "allow" them to.


Ryan, you know me well enough to stir the pot whenever you want http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/../ubb/tongue.gif I don't take it that way at all though. Just an honest question, so here are my thoughts in return.


You're right, "not allowing" anyone to carry isn't going to prevent bad guy from coming into to shoot up the joint or killing a guy he has a beef with.




  • However, is allowing everyone to carry going to change that?
  • Could it make matters worse even?
  • Are the odds more likely the situation would be better or worse?


Or are you looking at it as, lets say, by you openly allowing people to carry on the premises, you are essentially inviting more people to carry? So insetad of 100 out of 1000 people carrying, not 1000 people out of 1000 people are carrying and of them is carrying now who may not have before because now you allow it and he decides to get wasted and shoot someone?
I'm a little unclear, but if I read the above correctly, yes, by inviting more guns and owners into my bar, by that mere fact, I'm asking for a lot of unknown people now possessing a weapon, to exude even more control.




  • Is that a wise thing?
  • In the case of a bar or restaurant how is alcohol likely going to impact behavior? Especially knowing people don't obey rules all the time.
  • As a business owner, what would be the compelling benefits to me by allowing it?

Sorry if that is confusing, I am just trying to better understand a businesses perspective when deciding to prevent citizens from being equiped to properly defend themselves while on the premesis.


  • Why are you as a citizen seeing it as a business is preventing you from anything?
  • Is preventing you from defending yourself their goal or is there perhaps a more compelling and likely reason for a no guns allow policy?


Again, these decisions aren't driven by personal intentions or emotion.

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LOL at this thread.


If i owned an establishment i wouldnt allow it. Just because the state says you are allowed to conceal carry doesent mean i believe them. I cant tell you how many times ive been at the pistol range and seen some people in conceal carry classes; scary unprofessional and not anyone i would want to have a gun based on watching them shoot for 2hrs.


The only one in my place of business with a gat is me.


I'm not necessarily against conceal carry but in the current form i am. Needs more training, range time, etc.

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I just want everyone to know the OP has nothing to do with bars and/or places that serve alcohol minus grocery stores. I would never carry a gun (even if legal) if I was going to enjoy alcohol because of my own person reasons. I completely understand no carry at airport, post office, court house etc. I wanted to discuss everywhere else.


I'm only using the Bar scene as it seems fitting and common for the group here at CR. Please feel free to substitute any venue however. My same questions I have would apply.

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Oh yeah, one place I forgot to mention that I will always carry, no matter what signs are up, are banks


That strikes me as odd that you would break the rules like that. Just saying as you're so by the book on some other items discussed here. I"m assuming you meant at banks that may permit guns? If some do even, as I don't know. Wife and I rarely if ever go to the bank any more. If so, just clarify.

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That strikes me as odd that you would break the rules like that. Just saying as you're so by the book on some other items discussed here. I"m assuming you meant at banks that may permit guns? If some do even, as I don't know. Wife and I rarely if ever go to the bank any more. If so, just clarify.


I barely bank anywhere that doesn't allow guns, and the smaller banks where I do, the branch manager or higher knows I carry in their bank.

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I barely bank anywhere that doesn't allow guns, and the smaller banks where I do, the branch manager or higher knows I carry in their bank.

haha, a guy i work with has gotten caught not once but twice in between the double doors where he banks. He just forgets he has it on him.

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