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Comic book nerds?

El Karacho1647545492

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Any of you guys out there? I'm at work but my roommate just informed me 4 boxes of comic books just arrived on our doorstep from my crazy uncle in California. I imagine most of them are from the early/mid 80's but when he called he said there's a chance some of them are from the 60s or 70s but he didnt have the time or energy to look.


So, anyone out there who knows shit about these? I've got a lot of work ahead of me figuring these bitches out.

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I used that the last time I sold off a load of comics and it was an epic waste of time. I don't so much care about finding prices on each as opposed to knowing whether or not they're cool. If there's an odd valuable one here or there, great, but I don't care to go through and value each one.
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