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Good parenting or child abuse...?


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The language was a bit much, eye brows were dumb, and the taping was neither here nor there. My parents are very old school so that brought back a few memories. I played it for my three only because they've been at each other pretty good lately. Not a peep tonight. My daughter was so shocked she couldn't watch the whole thing. She burst into tears after the spanking started.
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I am all for seeing some 16 year old punk kid getting worked over(what was shown in the video) for being disrespectful and arrogant, rude. At that point its a last ditch effort to change the kid around and back in his place. As stated above I think its a bit over the top for a 7-8 year old who appeared to be scared already, and did sound like he was raised with manners at some point. Hell for all we know the kid could have a 2 page rap sheet and the dad has had enough and decided nows the time to fix it.
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All of the guys stating their comments as facts...


please post up how many kids you're currently raising.




1 and I can assue you he will never have his ass beat with a belt, spoon, paddle, spatula, or even a hand outside of tap on the ass. A spanking is 1 thing, a beating is another and what was in that video sounded like a beating to me. I find it funny that people are comparing fear to learning, the only thing fear is used for is to hide some sort of inner insecurity. Its the same tactic that a school bully uses on those that are weaker then him. I will bet that kid doesn't grow up to be a pro athlete but rather a kid on tv for shooting up his pops cause he's tired of getting his ass beat with a belt.


I got my ass beat as a kid and it didn't build character for me, if anything it made me resent those that were beating my ass. I got things taken away from me such as quad runners, dirt bikes, nintendo and the ability to go outside and play and that made me stop acting like an ass and shape up.

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I'd like to know a little more about what actually happened. But either way the dad is doing the right thing. Based off of the stats in the beginning of the video he's trying to make sure his son has a :fuckyeah: figure. I wish more people would do that. It will in turn create less d bags. Too many kids have no form of discipline or any kind of authority when growing up. Which in turn increases the likelihood that they will commit crimes and go to jail/prison which in turn just fucks everyone over.


The one thing I don't agree with is recording it and then putting it online where it's more of a humiliation thing. That can and should be considered child abuse.

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Two kids here. 18 and 10 (10 year old is Autistic so that's a different ball game there)..


Back when Chris was in 1st grade he got suspended for something retarded. standing on the toilet or some other shit. He got suspended for a day so the punishment was getting a tooth brush and I had him clean the tiles (like 100 or so) in the kitchen for a full day.


I never believed in spanking. Well.. sort of. When I was a teenager and my younger 20's I did but I grew out of that. The real punishment I found out for him was taking shit away from him. No Playstation, no games, xbox. Grounding him to his room with no TV, no nothing.


Never ONCE took a belt to my son(s). I've gotten pissed at Ryan ( the 10 year old) but that was a quick smack on the ass but I'm not sure if he understood what as I doing other than "daddy hit me". Yeah.. no.



In the video.. I want the see what the kid did first of all to deserve this. Other than disrespecting this and that.


I would have given the kid a racquetball racket and told he should grow up to be like Phil.

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I'm glad my parents and grandparents beat me (READ: not beat me senseless but spanked me) if I screwed up. Damn if it didn't set me straight. Didnt watch the video as my phone won't let me but the comments let me contribute properly.


Im glad I got beat too. It made me think twice and realize early that there were painful consequenses for my actions. I didnt care about material items so that time-out/your grounded mess was for the birds.


Heres the way I look at it... You are the damn parent, not their equal. If a kid feels like they are above you and nothing else works knock them back into their place. I would never say lead with a spanking (rewards tend to work better for a lot of people and its positive), but dont take it out of the equation. Kids respond to different punishments/rewards. Remember the punishment is not for you, its for them. You dont get to decide what works, you only get to decide what you are going to try to drive results. I just say what ever you chose, because it is up to you and your family, just please keep it within reason... and legal. A lot of parent suck at this. Beatings for spilling a beer by accident and time-outs for stabbing another kid. The end result are these emo kids in the mall drinking Starbucks and loudly calling their moms cunts for not buying them more black nail polish :nono:


On to the video, abuse and spankings are two different things. I saw abuse in that video on a phsyical and phsychological level. Im all for spankings, but you have to be able to control yourself as a parent. And why in the hell do you tape yourself beating your kid... who does that!?!!

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My son spilled my beer one night.. I made him sleep out in the shed that night.


Brian. don't you have vids of you slapping your wife's ass with an extremely large dildo? I wanna see the vid. I think that would be concern for wife beating...

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I had my ass beat with belts and wooden paddles when I was a kid. It was an omnipresent reminder to do what my parents asked of me. I may not agree with everything he did including taping it, but if it helps the kid walk the straight and narrow and grow up to be a productive member of society, so be it.




I never got the belt, but there were two thick wooden paddles.

The kid was told prior to this how to behave, and he didn't so there were consequences. No black eyes, no broken bones, etc.


I personally would not use a belt, and I certainly would not be yelling at and cursing at my kid, but everything else, I have no problem with. Again, outside the language/tone of voice used with the kid, I would not fault the guy. This? Or expulsion and jail? Which is worse? I would take my @ss whooping and learn from it and shape up.

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My son spilled my beer one night.. I made him sleep out in the shed that night.


Brian. don't you have vids of you slapping your wife's ass with an extremely large dildo? I wanna see the vid. I think that would be concern for wife beating...


I beat my girlfriend not my wife. I do have morals ya know...

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