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10-7 is on bishes


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You make me ashamed as to what the new generation of CR has become.

Paul is OG and was out racing before you decided to try and hang with the cool kids.




Bring your hoopty to track day or shut up.


If sitting around bitching about the new generations and reminiscing a bout the "good ol days" Is og I do not want

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Y u jelly

Can you pass this along please


Dear pual's girl


Can pual please fix his srt turd

Once he has completed this can he come out and play please




Mr. Asshole

please the girl yells at me all the time to fix the car.. i choose to not cause i know ill play with it. and frankly i just want to sell it....that cars old news


but hey another good try by the hobbit at a stab at me. your so cool bro



Also is that torrettes,twitch or muscle spasm what ever it is you should see a doctor


its nerve damage, something i cant control. again thanks for TRYING to take a stab at me . get a life troll.










back on topic i am a boss and i will be at the track day even if its in the s10.... haha

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