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RIP Steve


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And for having all that money he sure did not believe in philanthropy.


I wouldn't go so far as to imply he didn't give a shit. What was his annual salary again? He also was passionate and even considered a perfectionist because he was out to have technology enhance quality of life for those who used it. He didn't just create change for change sake.


I don't know much about his personal life but I won't fault him for what may be less than charitable givings. He never pretended to be Ghandi but compared to all the other CEO's in the world who's companies make stuff, I think he held his own by creating products that truly made a difference to everyone from Autistic Children to my very own parents who are in their 80's and love their iPad.

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$100 says the iPhone5 ad campaign includes something about it being "Steve's last project".


You know that biatch is readyfor market. They knew he'd kicked the bucket too close to the announcement timeframe, hence: iPhone 4S


Give it 6months then magically the 5 will come out........ way to defer some earnings from the cult, Apple. Kudos.


And you deem the above as a negative? You? Really? I doubt it will be another release of a new product. I could see perhaps a Steve Jobs Edition of some sort. What that looks like I don't know. Just saying....

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Before the iPod you all carried around big ass CD players. Now there's a while media player industry. The same can be said about laptops and desktops and software.


Not quite true. There were MP3 players before the ipod. The nomad was popular before the ipod came out. Wikipedia tells me the first mp3 player came out in 1996, 5 years before the ipod. The ipod didn't become popular until it was compatible with windows, which is kind of funny. By that time you could get cellphones that could play MP3's which is why I never had the need for an ipod.


I still have a feeling that the ipod got popular by luck of the draw, with it having a catchy name also helped. Then you had these people who loved their ipods, and now they just had to get the newest ipod that could make phone calls. There were cellphones that were better than the iphone before it came out too in a lot of ways, but the iphone no doubt had that strong combination of a)a good touch screen b) an easy to navigate app store. Then you had itunes, which was marketing genius to force it onto ipod users.


After all that, how does apple sit in the world today? Still second to PC's, and they have been 2nd to Android for a while now. Now with Steve Jobs gone, it will be interesting to see what happens.

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Not quite true. There were MP3 players before the ipod. The nomad was popular before the ipod came out. Wikipedia tells me the first mp3 player came out in 1996, 5 years before the ipod. The ipod didn't become popular until it was compatible with windows, which is kind of funny. By that time you could get cellphones that could play MP3's which is why I never had the need for an ipod. I still have a feeling that the ipod got popular by luck of the draw, with it having a catchy name also helped.


True there were MP3 players prior. However, I remember when the iPod launch in the fall of 2001. It was right after 9/11 and tradeshow season in my industry all but haulted, but regional shows took off and the iPod jumped to the top of everyone's list of best give aways and draws. No other small MP3 player or devices was ever considered. It was crazy how many we bought and gave away. That's where my first one came from.


I don't at all think it was luck. I remember mine. It was cool, easy to use and just plain different. Apple's trademark hook....different. They nailed it.



Then you had these people who loved their ipods, and now they just had to get the newest ipod that could make phone calls. There were cellphones that were better than the iphone before it came out too in a lot of ways, but the iphone no doubt had that strong combination of a)a good touch screen b) an easy to navigate app store. Then you had itunes, which was marketing genius to force it onto ipod users.
So true. Apple, like Chipotle did years later, created a culture and a following. So now they took hip well designed simple devices that did what people needed and wanted vs. what everyone else making did, which were creating devices that tried to offer the moon without knowing what their target audiance really wanted. So while you you are actually right, there were better phones; as there are today, but what does that really matter if people don't see value in them? Again, you're right, iTunes and the App Store were pure genius. Offering people what they wanted and giving them what they could get elsewhere but now with ease.


After all that, how does apple sit in the world today? Still second to PC's, and they have been 2nd to Android for a while now. Now with Steve Jobs gone, it will be interesting to see what happens.
So does where they sit as a single company vs dozens combined really matter? In market that struggles they continue to dominate and not on price but through value. People everyday in shit hole jobs walk around with an iPad. Pretty strong to hit the top of a market in tablets and enjoy world class sales of a single device like an iPhone when unemployment is at record levels. All while being so very profitable. Well done Steve.




^^ I like this :)

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And you deem the above as a negative? You? Really? I doubt it will be another release of a new product. I could see perhaps a Steve Jobs Edition of some sort. What that looks like I don't know. Just saying....

Did I say it was a negative? Its a good move on the company's part. They know how to make money.

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iTunes and the App Store were pure genius.

Pure genius from a business standpoint, yes.

From a product/solution, far from it.


Its ironic that nearly everything Jobs criticized Adobe (Flash) for is patently true of iTunes. Bloatware, buggy, invasive, etc etc n so forth. Its a shit solution and everyone knows it. What was perfect about it? The timing: iTunes was pitched (to the recording industry) at precisely the moment they (the industry) was flailing about for a lifesaver to preserve their pyramid of production leeches' salaries. The 99cent pricepoint was astute business, I'll give you that. However, iTunes itself sucks donkey balls.


The app store, now, that was an elegant sales solution to a profit threat, and as such, was indeed genius.


Nice job Linnux (specifically Michael Robertson), for inventing that.

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The day that the iPhone becomes open sourced like Android is the day I will buy one. The only thing the iPhone has that is better is nicer looking screen and lipo battery. But hell I have looked up plans to make a lipo replacement for my phone for not that much money or effort. With a new CEO I sure hope this happens. If they don't release something major like this for example http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/e722/?srp=4 I see no need for an iPhone.
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If they don't release something major like this for example http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/e722/?srp=4 I see no need for an iPhone.


I'm going to buy one of these and use it in my office as people call me on my cell all the time. I bet it gets some crazy ass looks :gabe:

I'll put one of those Apple stickers on it and call it the iPhone 5




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Hey I have 2 Mac books 2 iPads 2 iPhone 4s, apple tv, airport extreme and iPods in my household, I love apple. I'm just saying steve jobs was not the only person working for apple. Also I'd say he did not care too much about other people it was evident by the accounts of employees and less than charitable efforts.
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I'm going to buy one of these and use it in my office as people call me on my cell all the time. I bet it gets some crazy ass looks :gabe:

I'll put one of those Apple stickers on it and call it the iPhone 5





Start another hipster trend brilliant ! :dumb:

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While Cydia may have physically been around before hand, I don't feel like apple went into the iPhone not fully intending to create the app store down the road.


And Steve's death will never show up in a commercial or a special edition, IMO. That doesn't at all follow apples marketing, and I bet Steve would be pissed if that happened. He was never about that kind of cheap marketing.

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While Cydia may have physically been around before hand, I don't feel like apple went into the iPhone not fully intending to create the app store down the road.


And Steve's death will never show up in a commercial or a special edition, IMO. That doesn't at all follow apples marketing, and I bet Steve would be pissed if that happened. He was never about that kind of cheap marketing.


Early on it was said they wouldn't be supporting 3rd party apps. The app store only is what it is today due to hackers.

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Didn't Cydia predate the apple AppStore?


And I think we are all missing Steve's largest, most annoying creation - the hipster


After reading through this thread and thinking to myself must every thread on CR turn into a giant fucking argument.....













Thank you good Sr!

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The app store only is what it is today due to hackers.


So you're not saying that creating something and marketing it based on what the market is demanding is wrong I hope?


Sounds to me like a smart move and one that is proving successful. Much better than the "build it and they will come" approach many of Apple's competitors are attempting.


Again, cool techie stuff is great but unless the market demands it there's really no value to be seen.

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