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The Official 2011/2012 Columbus Blue Jackets thread.


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So we lost the home opener against the Nashville predators. Offense looked weak, we had MANY missed opportunites, Mason looked less than exceptional and we were unorganized more than half the time. Power plays, which looked promising in teh preseason, were laughable at best tonight.


Defense was par for the course with some good sacrafices.


We were not a physical team and did not pass out any hard hits.


I'm not making predictions but for a team that picked up some exciting acquisitions in the off season..... we debuted like herpes; and it didnt go over very well with all parties involved.

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So we lost the home opener against the Nashville predators. Offense looked weak, we had MANY missed opportunites, Mason looked less than exceptional and we were unorganized more than half the time. Power plays, which looked promising in teh preseason, were laughable at best tonight.


Defense was par for the course with some good sacrafices.


We were not a physical team and did not pass out any hard hits.


I'm not making predictions but for a team that picked up some exciting acquisitions in the off season..... we debuted like herpes; and it didnt go over very well with all parties involved.


Forgot to mention getting super sloppy and giving Nashville an almost uninterrupted 6-minutes of PP time. Don't quite know what Dorsett (I think?) was thinking not skating back to the bench for a new stick/change, as a result he was on the ice too long and made a sloppy mistake, leading to another PP for Nashville.


I too was disappointed to see CBJ's power play back at the "so bad they might as well decline it" level.


I'm slightly less harsh in my assessment of the team though. I've always thought Tyutin was a massive waste of resources and I still stand by that, but despite a lack of scoring the top 2 lines looked VERY coordinated and very comfortable passing blind and to space. Umberger looked slow as hell but that was probably due to having to play a lot of PK and D. Nash and Carter definitely have the kind of chemistry you want from a pair of topliners.


It was good to see Mason playing more conservatively but you could see him get flustered and forget his positioning a few times. How long is Arniel going to hold off making a move to get rid of him?


Also if there isn't one already, there should be a stickied thread in the Garage Sale for a ticket exchange.

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I'll never understand why i still hear people bitching that we should trade nash.... are you fucking serious?! He's been the only consistant all-star/goal/point producer this team has ever had and people want to trade him for "a good goalie and two 30goal type guys" What.The.Fuck?!


To top that off i actually read some stupid bitch saying how Howeson was a terrible GM b/c he keeps letting players go... players like upshall and chris clark.... CHRIS FUCKING CLARK! This woman was upset we let him go!? ok upshall was decent but we already had 2-3 guys exactly likehim. Clark was the same thing, a veteran leader in the lockerroom but liability on the ice, we already had 2 or 3 of those too.


Careful Columbus, only 79 more games to go... we should hit the panic button now yeah?

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Nash is a star player when he's playing with star players. He doesn't make anyone around him produce. Carter is there to help with that. The first person I want to see gone is Umberger, followed by Nash. They already got rid of Commodore, which was one of the players I wanted gone anyway.


CBJ can't play as a team. They are the worst team in the league at sustaining pressure in the opponents end. Playing dump and chase all game is worthless without the chase aspect.

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Our Power Play and Defense has been shit. There have been some sparks here and there, but then they do something bone headed. Last night our first line really looked like it was starting to click and possibly turning into the line we all thought it would. And that is with Carter fighting the flu. The rest of our lines have not looked or produced. Johanson needs to shoot the puck if he is going to stay with the big leagues this year.


It is a dissapointment to see how the team has played so far this year after how well they played during the home pre-season games.


Oh well, this is my first season to purchase season tickets. 227 with the Arch City Army.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this with the Hitch situation and i still think this now...Nash is a great player on the ice but a sub par leader in the locker room. Time and time again you hear that he "leads by example not by his words". Its not the cure for the problem but in a habitual state of rebuilding with a steady stream of fresh fish we need someone to set the bar. Coaches need to start moving players. I don't care if you only have a 1 way contract or not, you play like shit you need to go to Springfield for a few games.


Finish your checks, be physical, b e aggressive, and for fucks sake show some heart when you are winless 7 games into the GOD DAMN SEASON.


The Jackets are on the cusp of qualifying for Major League Figure Skating.



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Glad Columbus is using tax revenue to fund this shitty organization.


I want an NHL team in our city, so im fine with my tax dollars going to them. The players don't care where they play so it has no baring on how good or shitty they play.

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We need a new spark for this team. Nash leaving and being replaced is the move we need to make IMO. We have focused building a team around Rick Nash. Nash is a good player but he doesn't get his teammates involved or make them any better, which is what you want out of your star player. We've tried it and it doesn't work.


As big as he is, he needs to put his body into someone in the offensive zone every shift.

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You all almost sound as bad as the idiots over on HFboards.


We have half of our defense out currently, probably 2 of our best (Wiz and Methot), we also have 2 of our top 6 forwards on IR, and Boll/Dekanich are out. There's probably not many people who are more missed than I, but almost any team is going to have problem when half their team is hurt. Just look at the NJ Devils at the beginning of last year.

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You all almost sound as bad as the idiots over on HFboards.


We have half of our defense out currently, probably 2 of our best (Wiz and Methot), we also have 2 of our top 6 forwards on IR, and Boll/Dekanich are out. There's probably not many people who are more missed than I, but almost any team is going to have problem when half their team is hurt. Just look at the NJ Devils at the beginning of last year.




With no viable backup to Mase, however porous he's been he's all they've got. Though he's useless as trade bait, they need to suck it up and buy a good netminder. Maybe that shitclown Garth Snow will trade Nabokov once Rick "Injury Magnet" DiPietro gets better. Hell, even Al Montoya would be a welcome change. And you never know, the right offer might even lure the Dominator back to the U.S. (/ridiculous dreaming).


When Wiz comes back he will be both a leader and a solid checker/enforcer, but now they're without Martinek.


No Carter, no Boll, I at least like that Arniel is cycling guys like Calvert/Atkinson(FUCK BC EAGLES)/Giroux with some consistency, giving each top line experience in Springfield and tough NHL experience with the CBJ.

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I want an NHL team in our city, so im fine with my tax dollars going to them. The players don't care where they play so it has no baring on how good or shitty they play.


You mean using tax revenue from a Casino that the people from the area that the money is going to support rejected 2 times? You mean using public funds, an idea that the people of Columbus rejected 5 times? All for a team that loses money because they suck and aren't getting any better....



Sounds like a GREAT investment

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With no viable backup to Mase, however porous he's been he's all they've got. Though he's useless as trade bait, they need to suck it up and buy a good netminder. Maybe that shitclown Garth Snow will trade Nabokov once Rick "Injury Magnet" DiPietro gets better. Hell, even Al Montoya would be a welcome change. And you never know, the right offer might even lure the Dominator back to the U.S. (/ridiculous dreaming).


When Wiz comes back he will be both a leader and a solid checker/enforcer, but now they're without Martinek.


No Carter, no Boll, I at least like that Arniel is cycling guys like Calvert/Atkinson(FUCK BC EAGLES)/Giroux with some consistency, giving each top line experience in Springfield and tough NHL experience with the CBJ.


I honestly thought they would have gotten Marty Turco to stay another year in the NHL and backup Mase. I don't think Dekanich is a horrible idea, and I know he's a solid goalie. We'll just have to give him a chance when he comes back from his ankle injury.


My honest opinion is that go hard at Jonathan Bernier (Kings) or Cory Schneider (Canucks), both are outstanding goalies with good #1 starters in front of them. Give up Mase, Savard, and a 2nd round pick for them.


You mean using tax revenue from a Casino that the people from the area that the money is going to support rejected 2 times? You mean using public funds, an idea that the people of Columbus rejected 5 times? All for a team that loses money because they suck and aren't getting any better....



Sounds like a GREAT investment


Or you mean a team that drives a great area downtown and supports an entire arena district? You mean an area that was crap before the Blue Jackets came in? You mean supports a lot of businesses that would most likely close when people stop coming into town for the Blue Jacket games? Sure.

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Or you mean a team that drives a great area downtown and supports an entire arena district? You mean an area that was crap before the Blue Jackets came in? You mean supports a lot of businesses that would most likely close when people stop coming into town for the Blue Jacket games? Sure.



You mean the area that voted that same tax revenue down "not in my backyard".


Let it fail. Another gov't bailout for a shitty product.

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You mean the area that voted that same tax revenue down "not in my backyard".


Let it fail. Another gov't bailout for a shitty product.


I mean I blame obama, N. Korea, illegal immigrants, anti assault rifle proponents, universal healthcare and the govt. controlled earthquakes.

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People who start talking politics when no one is listening to them are pieces of shit. Go set your soap box up on another corner; this one is occupado with blue jackets banter.


This has to do with the Blue Jackets, tard


They suck. The inept mayor is using revenue that the people in the area didn't even want in the first place to buy an area for a team that loses money.

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