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Because not man.


you've got two hard charging women who not only assaulted him first but were so motivated to continue assaulting him that they hopped over a counter as he retreated back. Normally I'd agree with just subduing them, but all bets are off when they continue to attack...man/women is irrelevant at that point.

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you've got two hard charging women who not only assaulted him first but were so motivated to continue assaulting him that they hopped over a counter as he retreated back. Normally I'd agree with just subduing them, but all bets are off when they continue to attack...man/women is irrelevant at that point.


If you ever see me run from unarmed women and grab a weapon feel free to cut off my penis and donate it to charity.

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That's a dude.


That's Lucia Rijker, a woman, and a champion in both boxing and kickboxing.


My point is that when someone comes at you, you have no idea what kind of training they've had. If someone attacks me, man or woman, I'd look for the closest thing I can turn into a weapon to end the fight a quickly and safely (for myself) as possible. Pride be damned.

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That's Lucia Rijker, a woman, and a champion in both boxing and kickboxing.


My point is that when someone comes at you, you have no idea what kind of training they've had. If someone attacks me, man or woman, I'd look for the closest thing I can turn into a weapon to end the fight a quickly and safely (for myself) as possible. Pride be damned.


Maybe Im not the one to argue this point because I grew up defending myself with my own hands. It has nothing to do with pride as much as it does knowing how to use something you will always have available to you.


Can you seriously say if a girl is being agressive to you the first thing you think of is to grab a weapon?

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How the fuck can you press charges on the guy?


She hopped the counter with EVERY intent to assault the guy further with physical force, regardless of what he did, it was self defense.


They are all dumb, ignorant people and deserve to be punished, but


1) The guy served 10 years for shooting and killing someone in HS


2) When he 2 FEMALES were already down, he hit them several more times-fracturing their skull, breaking bones...ect. People like this need to be put the sleep, not vindicated.


Any fight I have been in, when someone is done, its DONE. Its pussy shit to keep going when someone is laid out-period. Let alone some FEMALES.


Does he have the right to defend himself? Sure. But as a man, if you cant take care of 2 chics half your fucking size, your no man in my book.

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Maybe Im not the one to argue this point because I grew up defending myself with my own hands. It has nothing to do with pride as much as it does knowing how to use something you will always have available to you.


Can you seriously say if a girl is being agressive to you the first thing you think of is to grab a weapon?



I'm coming at you bro.



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This goes into using deadly force vs non deadly force.

What signed his death warrant was standing there and beating them while they were on the ground with a cracked skull already.


Not like they are coming after him with anything other than long nails, once they were on the ground he should have run away, not beat them unconscious.


Same thing would happen to you if some guy tried to rob you and you got into a fight, and he was on the ground bleeding and no longer a threat, then you pull out a gun and shoot him to make sure he won't get up. You'll go to federal pound me in the ass prison and visit the guy above.


Who died in this video? A little bit of me dies inside each time you say things like "this is a deadly force issue" when deadly force wasn't used.


I think I'd like to take the opposite stance on this issue. How was the cashier supposed to know what these women were up to? Maybe he thought one of them had a knife or a gun. I can't see what's going on behind that counter after he jacked them up - maybe they're reaching into their pockets for something and he feels like he needs to continue to subdue them.


And what if this was two dudes who jumped a counter and a woman cashier jacked them up? Just wondering, but I bet people wouldn't have as much an issue with it. Or, what if, after the fact, we found out one of the women had a gun on them?


I have an issue with ordinary citizens being accused of "excessive force" after the fact. Police officers and so forth are trained to use force, etc. So, when they go to far, we can point a finger and say, "Hey, look, you know better, you shouldn't have used that much force, and we can hold you responsible." But, when it's an ordinary citizen, who's to say what is excessive? Maybe cashier dude was scared for his life and maybe instinct just took over. Sure, it looks excessive, but I bet two crazy ass bitches jumping over a counter at me might look a little scary and might make me overreact just a bit.


And while I'm on my mini-rant, that guy wouldn't go to federal prison unless he committed a federal offense, and no such offense was evident by the video (unless, for instance, those women were U.S. Marshalls or something acting in an official capacity, though I'm fairly sure that wasn't the case).

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come at me physically, man or woman, you are catching a beat down to the best of my ability. They way I see it, when you physically assault me, and especially when there is two of you, I don't care if you are man, woman, or hermaphrodite, it's on.
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Who died in this video? A little bit of me dies inside each time you say things like "this is a deadly force issue" when deadly force wasn't used. ..


By the legal definition it was deadly force. He acted with the amount of force that caused a serious injury. People dont have to die or be on the offense to call it deadly force. I also know from a little venture into the area in the past that the level of deadly force a person is allowed to use is different than what a police officer can do. If a citizen has any possible way to avoid the confrontation or remove themself they must chose that route (outside of protecting your home). Now the question falls into was he protecting his place of employment (home away from home) or being an agressor to subdued hoodrats. The scenario you mentioned was what if the girl had a gun. You can approach it this way.. but many people that shot people "just in case" are sitting behind bars.


We can play it from both sides (which is actually fun).. but Im still hung up on him running from girls. Maybe they live in his neighborhood and hes seen them stab a few guys or something.

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I forgot to add that I would rather be alive and have to deal with the court than under-estimate someone and be dead. My personal go to defense mechanism is attacked to my wrists, everyone is different. In this guys case who knows what happened behind that counter. If he had good reason the beat the girls then I hope the courts show him mercy.
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come at me physically, man or woman, you are catching a beat down to the best of my ability. They way I see it, when you physically assault me, and especially when there is two of you, I don't care if you are man, woman, or hermaphrodite, it's on.




Awesome post/avatar combo.

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By the legal definition it was deadly force. He acted with the amount of force that caused a serious injury. People dont have to die or be on the offense to call it deadly force. I also know from a little venture into the area in the past that the level of deadly force a person is allowed to use is different than what a police officer can do. If a citizen has any possible way to avoid the confrontation or remove themself they must chose that route (outside of protecting your home). Now the question falls into was he protecting his place of employment (home away from home) or being an agressor to subdued hoodrats. The scenario you mentioned was what if the girl had a gun. You can approach it this way.. but many people that shot people "just in case" are sitting behind bars.


We can play it from both sides (which is actually fun).. but Im still hung up on him running from girls. Maybe they live in his neighborhood and hes seen them stab a few guys or something.


After I posted, I thought the actual (legal) definition of deadly force may be different than my literal interpretation of it. Looks like I was wrong there, so Jones owes me a deadly force e-chop for that.

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