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Cat has fleas.. what's the best way to kill 'em all?


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I've read so much crap on the internet my head is going to explode. From powders to flea collars to frontline. What's the best way to get rid of them? I recently put a flea collar on him the other day but they're still on there. He's an indoor cat and never gets to be outside.


I just saw this on the webz. Anyone ever use it/have any luck with it?



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I've used Frontline on my pup, and it seems to work pretty well. However she does spend a decent amount of time outside (walks, dog park, etc) so by the end of the one month cycle they seem to come back. I also give her flea baths to try and help with it. Also, I've started looking into something called Sentinel. It's a combined flea and worm medicine tablet. I'm not sure if they make it for cats though.
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I say start with flea bath to kill most of them then put frontline on for the rest, and unless its a recent devolopment I would prolly flea bomb the house too, unfortunately fleas are tough to get rid of, maybe we will have a cold enough winter this year to kill off a good portion of the pest population.
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A tablet should be your best bet. Just turns their blood into poison, but it still will not stop them being tracked inside if they happen to be bad outside. We had a flea problem for a minute with our dog and got Trifexis... Have not had a problem since, and she'll roll around outside for hours down at the park.
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Fleas are seriously a pain in the ass. My parents neglected to do something about it when they first moved in last spring. Before they knew it the entire house was a flea pit and was miserable just walking around. They tried all kinds of flea shit but there are really only two solutions.


for the cat: flea bath and frontline. those fuckers do not die in water, so be prepared to bathe it multiple times.


for the house, any sort of flea shit you can buy at the store will not work. It just stinks up your house and wastes money. call an exterminator and they will take care of them quickly and efficiently.


So glad i dont live there.

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Wash ALL bedding in the house and if you are having problems atthe end of the month it sounds like your yard needs treated as well. Make sure you are buying your feotline from your vet, as merrill (the manufActor) doesn't sell to online sales places. They also have guarntees that are in place if you buy from your vet.


Give it to your pet, and repeat again 2-3 weeks later if still really bad, has been our vets asvice on the few random times we have neglected flea meds.


Washing all bedding, (including YOUR bedding) is imperative. Uber vacuuming is important too, couch cushions, under beds couches, and ditch that canister/bag ASAP.

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Uber vacuuming is important too, couch cushions, under beds couches, and ditch that canister/bag ASAP.


Your the first to say it. I will second that. Make sure to vac the hell out of the house. Not just like when your cleaning house on the weekend. But 10x it. Throw the bag away.

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We just gave the cat a bath (that was fun.. first time in 12 years). Seems that most if not all the fleas are gone now. I also bought a flea comb. I ran it through him a few times and didn't find anything. One trick that I found on the net is to snip off a chunk of the flea collar and stick it in the canister for the vacuum. We did that.. and now Lori is going to clean the entire house again.
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My Mother-in-law's dog broght them to our house and I want to kill her for it. My cat has never had any problems in 10 years with them and my dog and cat have had them. We gave everyone a baths and have them on treatments. We are using that place from down under to get our stuff now that I think we have everything under control. We also had some tic problems, but we treated our yard and that was great!
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