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true, but why the hell not?


your turd ass camaro could barely take the B6 S4, that car was slow as balls.


We raced to 40 in the middle of downtown during rush hr. What were u expecting? :lol: atleast I came out though

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i agree first come first serve.... unless... it sounds as if they had agreements for vwdouch to pick up the clubs and lt1 fag FORGOT the clubs..so that was lt1 homos fault. they arranged another time since lt1queer made the mistake and forgot them.


now had vwflamer missed the time then yes sell them bitches but since lt1fruit screewed up he should of had the decency to meet with the arangement.



all in all lt1 faggot is just that a worless member. this ends my jumble of a post






edit also the lt1butt fluffer has been on ctr since this thread has started and i know hes seen it adn wont even post... what a bitch


lol, nice


Thanks Paul, you just wish I had bought that CC. You loved the way it looked.


"This looks like a retarded Hyundai."

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We raced to 40 in the middle of downtown during rush hr. What were u expecting? :lol: atleast I came out though


U mad?



Phil is just backing him because he has an LT1.

I personally wouldn't be too excited about the "transaction" either. Must have gotten more money from the other person. Who knows. Not the end of the world.


I agree. The clubs were for my brother, he doesn't have a lot of money and loves golf. He has a brain tumor and was trying to do something nice.


Maybe that is why I was a bit more pissed than I should have been.

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The day you raced Sean in the colt I left my car in 5th gear and was realing the both of you in

Face facts 15 second gti is slower than than my car and you make more hp


So why would it matter? You should be able to handle me no problem... Yet don't want to run?



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OK I am here. I have been busy texting some dude that was bitching about buying my clubs and I just seen this.


So Here is the deal. Nothing Shady here. I have had 10 people say they wanted to buy theses clubs and nobody has came through. This was first come first serve as I held off other buyers based off of people telling me that they will show up on certain days and never end up showing up. I did forget to throw them in my truck the other day which is my fault. I told Aaron yesterday that I put them in my truck and to let me know when he wanted to come get them. I never heard back from him until today around 4:30ish PM, telling me that he was on his way.. They were sold in that window. And I saved him a wasted trip by texting him back to let them know that they were sold and that I never heard back from him. I guess if he wanted them that badly, then he would have at least responded and asked me not to sell them and that he would be there to pick them up at such and such a time. If I get no response, then they are gone. Plain and simple. Nothing shady here, not trying to be a dick. Just saying that when I want to buy something, then I usually respond to people ASAP and ask them to hold said item until I can get there.

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OK I am here. I have been busy texting some dude that was bitching about buying my clubs and I just seen this.


So Here is the deal. Nothing Shady here. I have had 10 people say they wanted to buy theses clubs and nobody has came through. This was first come first serve as I held off other buyers based off of people telling me that they will show up on certain days and never end up showing up. I did forget to throw them in my truck the other day which is my fault. I told Aaron yesterday that I put them in my truck and to let me know when he wanted to come get them. I never heard back from him until today around 4:30ish PM, telling me that he was on his way.. They were sold in that window. And I saved him a wasted trip by texting him back to let them know that they were sold and that I never heard back from him. I guess if he wanted them that badly, then he would have at least responded and asked me not to sell them and that he would be there to pick them up at such and such a time. If I get no response, then they are gone. Plain and simple. Nothing shady here, not trying to be a dick. Just saying that when I want to buy something, then I usually respond to people ASAP and ask them to hold said item until I can get there.


Blatant Liar.



Sorry, I was busy yesterday. Tomorrow around 6pm?


Sounds good to me. Gimme a call when your on your way phone #



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What did I tell you last week I don't play untill it gets late when you leave at 11:00 I ain't doin shit


Being your shit to the track day. The price of the entry fee says I smash your dick in the dirt


I left at 11:45.



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Phil is just backing him because he has an LT1.

I personally wouldn't be too excited about the "transaction" either. Must have gotten more money from the other person. Who knows. Not the end of the world.


Don't act like u kno me hahahaha

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Blatant Liar.

Blatant Lie my ass.


I forgot to put the clubs in my truck this morning. I'ts been a crazy day so far. Can we do this tomorrow instead?


Ill see what day works for me when I get home this evening. Thanks.I have the clubs in my truck. Let me know


That was the last that I heard from you.

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Aaron sorry you feel this way buddy. I have never screwed anyone over and that was not my intent with you. The clubs were first come first serve, hence the price, as I was trying to sell them fast. I did not get anymore money and the first person that had cash in their hand and was not bullshitting got them.
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OK I am here. I have been busy texting some dude that was bitching about buying my clubs and I just seen this.


So Here is the deal. Nothing Shady here. I have had 10 people say they wanted to buy theses clubs and nobody has came through. This was first come first serve as I held off other buyers based off of people telling me that they will show up on certain days and never end up showing up. I did forget to throw them in my truck the other day which is my fault. I told Aaron yesterday that I put them in my truck and to let me know when he wanted to come get them. I never heard back from him until today around 4:30ish PM, telling me that he was on his way.. They were sold in that window. And I saved him a wasted trip by texting him back to let them know that they were sold and that I never heard back from him. I guess if he wanted them that badly, then he would have at least responded and asked me not to sell them and that he would be there to pick them up at such and such a time. If I get no response, then they are gone. Plain and simple. Nothing shady here, not trying to be a dick. Just saying that when I want to buy something, then I usually respond to people ASAP and ask them to hold said item until I can get there.


well since YOU WERE THE TOOL WHO FORGOT THEM, you should of gave the man the decency to get them from you. hell since u fucked up an wasted HIS time you shodl of drove the clubs to him since you WASTED his time when YOU FORGOT them...just saying

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