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No you don't, but I will accept that.


I am less mad after eating, but still annoyed. I probably shouldn't have brought this up so publicly, but at the time, I was pissed.



Keep eating, maybe you'll get happy again ?


Maybe to buy a Toyota Venza, that will cheer ya up.

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Stuffed actually.


No, that was dumb, and I admit it lol.



He just texted me to fuck off. lol






I've bought stuff from him before with no problem at all.

Very nice guy in person, I'm hoping this is all some crazy mis-understanding, but that text makes me think otherwise.



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Well I have had 3 cars sold under me, and a few items on Cr so let's not act like it's all cherrys and strawberrys guys. I've undersold some people. This is a close community I agree, I've bought and sold to people on here that I check up on and make sure it's still good. But when multiple people hit u up for the same item, it's 1st come 1st serve. There is no "dibs". It's a business move. Sorry if I am the only person that will back the one guy who is being shitted on but, it's a sale. It ain't no contract. Get over it.
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I can understand why you were disappointed. Especially on a small forum like this where the fittest (or the most tolerant) survive.


I would have held onto it until you said you couldn't do it then I would have then sold it to others.

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Please explain?


I understand people do what you typed above, doesn't mean its right.




Cause you come on a forum to bash the shit out of him because you didn't get your golf clubs. Next time you want to shit on someone, make it a better reason. ESP on a RACING forum. Leave him a neg trader rating and move on.

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PHIL and LT1 CHOAD sittin in a tree











Says the guy who always claims he's going to come up and race and never fucking showed up.

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Its practically winter, this happens.


And chris, you are not a pro. You won't even race me. Every time I ask, some sorry ass excuse.


That would have to be the slowest race in the 10 yr history or Cr. I thought Pauls Sebring vs my brother base model trailblazer was the worst, but this, this would take the cake.

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That would have to be the slowest race in the 10 yr history or Cr. I thought Pauls Sebring vs my brother base model trailblazer was the worst, but this, this would take the cake.


Actually, nickeys mazda pickup vs ohai's toyota on 270 was the slowest race I have witnessed.

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Hate to be a dick, but it is first come first serve. To many people flake out, and if the asking amount is met then there is no issue with selling it. I've done and it's been done to me. Deal with it and keep looking for deals. Stop botching on Cr about you big pussy


i agree first come first serve.... unless... it sounds as if they had agreements for vwdouch to pick up the clubs and lt1 fag FORGOT the clubs..so that was lt1 homos fault. they arranged another time since lt1queer made the mistake and forgot them.


now had vwflamer missed the time then yes sell them bitches but since lt1fruit screewed up he should of had the decency to meet with the arangement.



all in all lt1 faggot is just that a worless member. this ends my jumble of a post






edit also the lt1butt fluffer has been on ctr since this thread has started and i know hes seen it adn wont even post... what a bitch

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