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Iraq war, DONE


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We'll see what happens after our Military footprint has left. The Iraqi security forces are leaps and bounds ahead of the Afghan security forces. Not sure if that's enough for them to do what's right though.


Shit no...the whole damn thing has maybe three years before it collapses along tribal and religious lines, then a newly resurgent al-Quaida will mop up the bits left afterwards. The fuckers don't even have to do anything but wait for the infighting and corruption to do their work for them.

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Yeah but he just placed two carrier battle groups off the coast of Iran and 100 military "advisers" to central Africa last week. So pulling out of Iraq means little in the long run other than Washington is worried we're about to get spread too thin to protect the guys that were still there.
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Glad they're coming home, because it cost a lot of money to keep this bullshit going.


While I agree with this....where the fuck are 40,000 troops going to find jobs when millions are already struggling? I understand many will stay in the army, but yeah...

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