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Tilley posts boobs & Noob gets Flamed , Everyone Wins


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At any point did I say I'm scared of yoru bike? No I told u to get your bitch ass on it and run I don't see the issue here. U saying u can't outrun a pos steel truck 3600 lb vs what 500. Id hope to god u win cause if not u need to sell that pos and get something fast. I'm not backpedaling shit. I'M GOnA FUCK THAT BIKE UP plain and simple bring it. And now I'm leaving on the big jets so hope u got ur big boy pantys. And if I loose wich I should I don't care to pay 100. So what is it chicken? Marion Friday last race of the season for me.


I honestly hope you race better then you interpret context on the internet. Because no where did anyone say anything about being scared. Now you are just continuing to look like an idiot. Continuing to prove my point.


I will race you at a decent track, I'm not coming through the traps at MCIR safely, there is a reason you don't see a lot of fast bikes up there. I will gladly get a group together and fund a rental at Norwalk/Kilkare just to race you and your ego.


Change the jets, shit put a fucking rocket on it for all I care. All I hear is excuses. You came here saying you are the fastest. I said you aren't.


FYI, my bike is a street bike. That's right I can put 93 in and ride all day. Make it interesting. How about we both run 93 Octane, we ride/drive to the track and we make a pass? I mean that should make sense right? But wait, please what is your laundry list of excuses now?


THE only person being trolled here is YOU. Sorry bub.




















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Ill put the stock wheels back on if it makes you feel safer? then we can see what camaros got? :gabe:


I'm not scared, and I'll stand by if you are dumb enough to force something onto a car and let it machine itself, then your driving skills are probably that of Helen Keller.

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Apparently you took my example as me trying to name drop other people for him to race. You should go ahead and sit back down in the peanut gallery and let the big kids talk. Wouldn't want you to get your feelings hurt.



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I'm not scared, and I'll stand by if you are dumb enough to force something onto a car and let it machine itself, then your driving skills are probably that of Helen Keller.


I would hope you're not scared, my car is slow. I'm sure you are the master of building/driving f-bodies. If you're as smart as you sound you're driving abilities probably match that of albert einsteins IQ.


bannable statement.


:lolguy: after everything that has been said on this thread.

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I'm sure you are the master of building/driving f-bodies.

This is a proven fact.


If you're as smart as you sound you're driving abilities probably match that of albert einsteins IQ.


Try harder bro, this makes my skills sound sub-par.





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i wouldnt say a damn thing to matts face. Anyone that has to be rubbed down with vaseline just to get wedged into his truck to race it is probably going to cave in my skull.


My comment was a joke, I guess you took it literal. Reading comprehension > you.

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i wouldnt say a damn thing to matts face. Anyone that has to be rubbed down with vaseline just to get wedged into his truck to race it is probably going to cave in my skull.


Maybe fighting a middle school kid size would matter, too many 5 foot tall 140lb guys out there that know shit.

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