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how to get big bruh...meat cakes advice


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Well the time has come, winter time..I need a hobby and what better hobby then to get back into shape and bulk up.



Sooo question for some of u meat cakes, give me some advice as to what to take (proteins vitamins ect) and also excercises at the gym to bulk up my arms and chest..I have access to a full blown gym at my place(lifestyle gym) so I can go often and plan on.


Anyone have any recomendations...maybe do places do like samples of crap to try before spending my life savings on something I might not like?


Budget less is better. I'm already starting my diet too



Edit my scrampble of a thread. Want to bulk up my chest and arms. What products and excercises to use

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lean diet and workout 3-4 times a week. after a hard workout give yourself a day of rest. I don't recommend any supplements as i see them as a waste of money and never really noticed any gains from them... steroids are where the real help comes in, but those are a little more serious than what i care to do.
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Id say with ur metabolizm grab a lower cal weight gainer. And take it ony just after training. I take weight gainer when cutting. But only 1/3 serving of on mega mass. Just let the sugars rush the protein asap to the muscle.

Oh and lift heay. Its good if ur failing at 3 reps at the bigger weight. I've seen a ton of people want size but not willing to push the limits on weight.

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well are you wanting to just bulk or lose fat?

if just bulking like you said increase your calories and try to get in more protein.

lift heavy doing the basics, squat, bench, deadlift, chinups.

make sure you rest enough between workouts. i give my muscle groups at least 3 days of rest (with a heavy-light workout), sometimes 7 (with a real heavy workout).


oh ya supplements are a waste, creatine may help a little.

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I take jacked as a pre workout, and protein after. that's about it. I think it has more to do with how you workout and the recovery than anything. If you take it serious and do it with someone that knows how to get big you'll be fine. Just need to get into it as stick with it. 1-2 time a week won't do shit for you. The hardest past I think is to just stay motivated into gettin it on the reg
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My brother went the "beefy" route a few years back, personally I think he looks like shit. Remember once you put on all that muscle you can't just shake it off. My advice: stay lean, trim and tone and see how you like it, then decide if you want to get beef-caked.


Also should add that my bro was a chick magnet before getting all buff, after he added all that muscle the chicks dropped off substantially.

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My brother went the "beefy" route a few years back, personally I think he looks like shit. Remember once you put on all that muscle you can't just shake it off. My advice: stay lean, trim and tone and see how you like it, then decide if you want to get beef-caked.


Also should add that my bro was a chick magnet before getting all buff, after he added all that muscle the chicks dropped off substantially.

was joking about getting beefy just toned. if youve ever met me you would know my arms are like twigs... my chest eeeh idk haah



Meet me at the gym tomorrow. We'll start off with lower back then dead lifts.


haah ive got a gym at my place gonna do some workkkkk

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I used to be a weak little pussy whipped bitch just like you, Paul. Instead of saying "oh how can I beef up?" I just did it and heres how:


3 MRE's a day (meals ready to eat)

3 square meals a day

3 healthy fruit or vegetable snacks a day

10 litres of water

Protein shake of your choice w/ creatine


Lift weights like its going out of fucking style. I gained 20 solid pounds while stationed in Balad, Iraq in the middle of summer. Now I kill small animals with my bare hands.


//srs talk

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I did the Weider 5/3/1 workout many times. Its a low rep and heavy weight workout. I really like this one a lot. I tried to switch it up every 2 months but kept coming back to this one and increasing the weight.

As for supps, take a good multi and some fish oil at the minimum. I learned my lesson the hard way on supps. I was spending about 400 a month, trying a bunch of different stuff and was pretty much just wasting money. If you can afford it then go with a good Protein, creatine and pre-workout. Your diet is probably going to be the most important element though. I worked out for a year solid on every fricken supp known to man and I got stronger but didnt notice any real difference in my body until I was on my diet for about 4 weeks.

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- Go here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/

- Make a plan for yourself, i.e. Chest/Triceps day, Back day, etc.

- Figure out how many calories it takes for maintanence +200/300 per day more for bulking




Id say with ur metabolizm grab a lower cal weight gainer. And take it ony just after training. I take weight gainer when cutting. But only 1/3 serving of on mega mass. Just let the sugars rush the protein asap to the muscle.

Oh and lift heay. Its good if ur failing at 3 reps at the bigger weight. I've seen a ton of people want size but not willing to push the limits on weight.




I used to be a weak little pussy whipped bitch just like you, Paul. Instead of saying "oh how can I beef up?" I just did it and heres how:


3 MRE's a day (meals ready to eat)

3 square meals a day

3 healthy fruit or vegetable snacks a day

10 litres of water

Protein shake of your choice w/ creatine


Lift weights like its going out of fucking style. I gained 20 solid pounds while stationed in Balad, Iraq in the middle of summer. Now I kill small animals with my bare hands.


//srs talk


I did the Weider 5/3/1 workout many times. Its a low rep and heavy weight workout. I really like this one a lot. I tried to switch it up every 2 months but kept coming back to this one and increasing the weight.

As for supps, take a good multi and some fish oil at the minimum. I learned my lesson the hard way on supps. I was spending about 400 a month, trying a bunch of different stuff and was pretty much just wasting money. If you can afford it then go with a good Protein, creatine and pre-workout. Your diet is probably going to be the most important element though. I worked out for a year solid on every fricken supp known to man and I got stronger but didnt notice any real difference in my body until I was on my diet for about 4 weeks.








inb4 "yea and i'll kick ur ass bitch" responses:gabe:

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Seen that one before too, just shows you what hard work and diet can accomplish. Personally I like that balanced look more then the meathead/muscle look but thats just me. I guess some guys just like to have big "guns" available at there disposal? Never got it...

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