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16 ft Python killed, 76 lb deer found in stomach


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It's been almost 20yrs, but I had a female Burmese that I raised to about 13ft. I had to feed it rabbits. She was actually very protective of me and loved hanging out by me/on me. Eventually with all my moving, etc., I gifted her to a zoo in Texas. I will say she made it very hard to find roomates. lol A full grown Burmese is more than capable of killing a full grown human. Eating them would be a problem.


I saw a show where a guy went in to feed his snakes, etc (keep in mind mine was handled constantly and very tame. I had her for years and years.) and was attacked by a large constrictor. He had a camera so you got to actually see some of this happen. Dont remember if it was a reticulated or burmese. The snake constricted him, knocking him out. A friend tried to come in and get the snake off but couldnt do it. He came back with a knife and began stabbing the snake. It attacked him and actually came out of the room after him all while still dragging the handler unconcious man behind her.


Anyway, snake was stopped, people were saved. Crazy, nonetheless.

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He came back with a knife and began stabbing the snake. It attacked him and actually came out of the room after him all while still dragging the handler unconcious man behind her.


Stabbed a snake? I've never seen such a thing as a large snake attacking someone or an animal and needed to rescue the victim, but IMO cutting the fucking head off is what comes to mind first, not stabbing it. At least if you're going to stab it, go for the head.

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Stabbed a snake? I've never seen such a thing as a large snake attacking someone or an animal and needed to rescue the victim, but IMO cutting the fucking head off is what comes to mind first, not stabbing it. At least if you're going to stab it, go for the head.


I.Hate.Snakes. That bitch would have been shot.


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2 Questions


1. How does the snake move around after eating something that big?


2. Wouldnt the snake's digestive system take forever to process the deer and cause itself more harm than good due to a bacterial infection? From the picture it just doesnt look like there is much to a snake's digestive tract.

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And people questioned why a law banning the ownership of such animals is being considered.....

I question it. Where does it stop? Are we going to outlaw everything somebody is irresponsible with? Better start outlawing cars, guns, writing, computers, etc. You get my point.


2 Questions


1. How does the snake move around after eating something that big?


2. Wouldnt the snake's digestive system take forever to process the deer and cause itself more harm than good due to a bacterial infection? From the picture it just doesnt look like there is much to a snake's digestive tract.

1. The same you would move around after a meal that big. lol Find a place to go into a 'food coma' and sleep it off. They're obviously not going to move quickly or want to move far. That snake will not have to eat for a long, long time. Well, technically, it'll never eat again, now.


2. Yes, it takes a long time to process it's food, however, that is why they tend to live in warmer areas where they can bring their body temp up so digestion is aided. It is possible to feed your pet snake then have the temps down too low and have the food literally rot in its gut. Not something I've seen or can imagine happening with any frequency in the wild.


Stabbed a snake? I've never seen such a thing as a large snake attacking someone or an animal and needed to rescue the victim, but IMO cutting the fucking head off is what comes to mind first, not stabbing it. At least if you're going to stab it, go for the head.

Panic, I guess. When you see a full grown man knocked unconcious from a snake, it happens. Besides, who'd thought it'd turn and come for the other guy while still dragging the other one! lol You ever tried stabbing a snake that large and aggressive in it's little head? Good luck.


For those who said you'd shoot it, have you ever seen that episode of Aqua Teen where Shake and Meatwad are swallowed by a snake? Let's just try to remember that the snake is wrapped around somebody and shooting the snake WILL be the dumbest thing you do that day. ;) Not to mention, it's probably not going to stop one that size at first. Even without a head, the body still reacts to outside stimuli and can both flee and constrict still.

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I get what you're saying, but the bad out weighs the good in these cases it seems. I remember my 8th grad class had a 8ft boa and we would get it out every friday and I thought that was pretty cool.


Haha I used to leave my huge ass snake out all the time while I was home. She'd come right to me on the couch and wrap herself around and just hang out. However, she would get upset sometimes when people would sit near me and hiss/huff loud as shit. lol

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People who own snakes are idiots, no matter how much you protect it or raise it, it can still kill you.


People who own pitbulls are idiots, no matter how much you protect it or raise it, it can still kill you.


People who own horses are idiots, no matter how much you protect it or raise it, it can still kill you.


People who own [insert whatever potentially dangerous animal] are idiots, no matter how much you protect it or raise it, it can still kill you.



As someone else said, should the goverment ban everything that could possibly harm you?

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A horse and a pitbull are one thing, but a deadly sanke, meaning in one bite it can kill, is an exotic animal. Why you would want to own it in the first place is beyond me.


Haha I used to stare into this guy's maw when he would yawn not two inches from my face and think, "What if one day he just decided to latch onto my face or neck." I've seen his power displayed and no way I would escape without serious damage or death. Just over 13yrs and my best friend is no longer with me. He never so much as lifted a paw to hurt me. He wouldn't even play bite when we played.


He's a very old man here.



Many things are deadly in this world, man. Can't be afraid of them all. I do understand where you're coming from and it's absolutely your choice not to 'take that risk', however it's equally another's decision to pursue what they want without being unfairly judged.

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A horse and a pitbull are one thing, but a deadly sanke, meaning in one bite it can kill, is an exotic animal. Why you would want to own it in the first place is beyond me.


i have owned several snakes along with other reptiles, and i am looking for a new one soon. no snake i have ever owned could kill anyone. its just to many people who dont know what they are talking about spouting off at the mouth. snakes can be some of the most beautiful creatures on this earth. can make great pets. go look at a emerald green tree python in person and tell me they are not stunning some of the greatest exhibits of natures color of there.

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