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Who else doesnt use a smartphone?


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Easier isn't always right. And lazy is a defining quality I have noticed with you.


Let's focus on this for a minute. How was I wrong? I proved my point with 1 link. It was easy, also relevant to the point I was trying to prove, was it not?

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I was going to block you, but you continue to entertain me in a boring dry spell. Why would you even come off with calling him a dumb fuck?


He asked it as a question. The topic is on being able to get a phone that isn't a SMART phone. You link, a fucking DROID smart phone. The RAZR, non smart phone, that was the most popular phone in the nation before the iPhone, this is what I'm almost certain he is referring to.


Below is something close to the RAZR I believe KnightHawk is referring to.



Ben, if I'm wrong on this, feel free to ban me on the grounds of conduct unbecoming. Maybe that's a new reason we can use here. If need be, start with me.


As for getting a non-smart phone; you might want to try craigslist or even ebay and just change out sim cards from there. The trend is leaning toward most people using their phone for so much more than just calling and text. I ran into a similar issue getting my dad a simple phone.


Joe you are 100% correct.

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