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I think the voters are clear


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Congratulations to the Mayor on his reelection!


Should the roles be reversed there? I thought his old lady loved the drinky drinky?




As for taxes, I am biased towards educators because I understsand whey they have to deal with. They get fucked by the parrents, they get fucked by the goverment, yet everybody wants them to educate the kids.


You will never see most of our tax related issues fixed, that is just a fact. It is way to politically painful for the career elected types.



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As for taxes, I am biased towards educators because I understsand whey they have to deal with. They get fucked by the parrents, they get fucked by the goverment, yet everybody wants them to educate the kids.


You will never see most of our tax related issues fixed, that is just a fact. It is way to politically painful for the career elected types.




I'm with you on being biased towards teachers and the role they play in shaping our future. I also agree that tax related issues are fucked up and that the elected officials play that card way to much with the intention of their own gain.


Unfortunately until the underlying issues are fixed, and it will take the teachers supporting the people in this effort. If they continue to let the officials and "system" to use them to fight the same old fight they will continue to get the same results and not win any further support. IMO, whoever is "leading their cause" is doing a poor job and has no clue on how to win additional support and affect meaningful change.


Teachers need to stand up and help fight for a solution, not continue to support Levy's and taxes that feed a broken system. In tough times, parents need to just accept that extra curricular activities like sports are going to be on a pay to play basis.


Congress needs to fix the double dipping that's going on and shift funding to education vs other bullshit programs. The people need the teachers behind that cause. Again, congress and others aren't going to do anything if they see the teachers are continuing to lobby for more money on their behalf. If the teachers and their union are that strong and influential, then let's see them focus efforts on doing something along those lines.

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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.
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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.



Ray, but think of all the JOBS that the building of that school created :fuuuu:

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i loled while sitting at the bar last night, watching the news and seeing all the levys fail.


Me too. Last I checked, there's only 100 percentage points in my paycheck and I think the public sector is taking more than enough of them and it's time they get their house in order. I'm tired of working my ass off to build a nice life for me and my family and providing everyone around me with handouts to mismanage.

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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.


I will agree with this statement, and it can be applied to soooooo many other things.


I keep getting this desire in the back of my head to run for office after I am done with school. Just to really see how broken the system is, and if the idea that the people run this country is intact.



So, if I run for office any of you fucks want to help with the train wreck?

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If there is anything I have learned from the Die Hard movies is one man can sure raise a lot of hell.


Arnold already tried that in California. Commando-fail.


Good luck. Just remember, that bad guy in the end is always the one you most suspect.

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I keep getting this desire in the back of my head to run for office after I am done with school. Just to really see how broken the system is, and if the idea that the people run this country is intact.


Me too. However, I'd likely get bad press for having "I'm with stupid" stickers all over my car, office and items brought to meetings. The system is so filled with corruption and stupid shits, it's going to take some seriously strong medication and therapy to get someone through it all.

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Me too. However, I'd likely get bad press for having "I'm with stupid" stickers all over my car, office and items brought to meetings. The system is so filled with corruption and stupid shits, it's going to take some seriously strong medication and therapy to get someone through it all.


I will not hide who I am or what I am about. The problem is these days we are forced to buy turds in suits that send naked pics to people on craig's list, cheat on wives, and live a lie to eat on the gravy train.


Time for that shit to stop.

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I will not hide who I am or what I am about. The problem is these days we are forced to buy turds in suits that send naked pics to people on craig's list, cheat on wives, and live a lie to eat on the gravy train.


Time for that shit to stop.


Like I've said before, go for it!!


And here's my motivation for you, you'll never make it.


Good luck!

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Me too. However, I'd likely get bad press for having "I'm with stupid" stickers all over my car, office and items brought to meetings. The system is so filled with corruption and stupid shits, it's going to take some seriously strong medication and therapy to get someone through it all.


Or correct corporate backing.....

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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.


I see your point but I disagree. If you make a school a place where at-risk kids want to be; maybe resort-like is going too far, but if you make it a pleasant place to escape the shitty home lives they may have, they are more likely to want to get an education and less likely to skip school and turn to a life of crime. That's my opinion based on my uncle's experience teaching for 37 years in one of the worst school systems in Hartford, CT. Most of his students simply came to school to get away from abusive parents, but the school didn't do anything to give them the idea that they could be better than their environment.


It was sad to see kids simply floating through for 18 years, coming and going as they pleased because there were absolutely no consequences. If they were good, their parents didnt care and told them they were trash. If they were bad, they'd just get kicked out and spend their time learning to commit small time crimes because they were under 18.

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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Towns will want more taxes for education and build schools that look like a dam college campus. I can't even imagine the cost of just cutting the grass at some of these places. Kids can be successful from normal public schools, there parents just have to be willing to put in the time to make it work or they can pay for a private education if it's so important to them.

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I see your point but I disagree. If you make a school a place where at-risk kids want to be; maybe resort-like is going too far, but if you make it a pleasant place to escape the shitty home lives they may have, they are more likely to want to get an education and less likely to skip school and turn to a life of crime.


I agree on this point. I for one am very concious of this in terms of my kids. I don't love the atmosphere where my kids are at in Dublin as the school isn't brand new, but by son loves it and thinks it's "a pretty cool place" That's all that matters to me...he likes going there. I'm the same way with my office.

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What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.


I fully agree. You could build two simple, yet effective and cost-efficient schools for the price of one of these resorts they seem to like to build. You don't need to wake Frank Lloyd Wright from his grave to design and build an effective school building.


I live in the Teays Valley District which is notorious for almost always passing it's levies. Two years ago, they hit everyone up so they could build 3-4 new schools, which is fine. However, they don't seem to think far enough ahead as to how they are going to pay to operate these new schools. So, here we are again, asking for more money to run these things. I think Teays Valley has built 6 BRAND NEW schools (that I can think of) in the past 5 years and added on several huge additions to the central high school. The new elementary school they added in S. Bloomfield has a student to teacher ratio of only 13:1!!! Really? Shut that motherfucker down until you actually need it.


Thankfully, the vote for this year's levy is still up in the air. It's damn near tied at this moment. I'm praying it fails.



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I was happy at my schools, from K thru 12.


Looking back now, I can see they were old brick shitholes. Hell, "expanding" was trailering in "learning annexes" behind the school to make more rooms. These were short, single-wide trailers. And, we were fine.


The "library" was stuffed onto the tiny gym stage, that doubled as tutoring rooms, that tripled as lunch overflow seating, that quadrupled as a band room. And, we were fine.


*Some* of the school campuses are ridiculous.


My son will start Kindergarten next year. The school reminds me a lot of the first one I was in. I am fine with it. It's the people doing the teaching and kids doing the learning that matter.

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