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Vietnam HD


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Some good footage, and a couple of mildly interesting overly brief interviews, but nothing really great in my opinion. I hate how they show these little 3 second clips at a time; like is that really all the footage people take or do they just not want to bore us with all the other stuff that wasn't happening?
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Some good footage, and a couple of mildly interesting overly brief interviews, but nothing really great in my opinion. I hate how they show these little 3 second clips at a time; like is that really all the footage people take or do they just not want to bore us with all the other stuff that wasn't happening?


I have to agree with you on that. I hate seeing a clip that your getting in to and all of the sudden it switches to something else.

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There have been plenty of good ones of 60-gunners going to it, but then they never show what they're shooting at, or if they're even in combat, or what the hell is going on. It kind of makes me wonder how much is just "Oh man, a camera! Hey guys, watch this!"
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There have been plenty of good ones of 60-gunners going to it, but then they never show what they're shooting at, or if they're even in combat, or what the hell is going on. It kind of makes me wonder how much is just "Oh man, a camera! Hey guys, watch this!"


I am sure there is some of that but did you see the one 60 gunner who had taken the shrapnel and gunshot wounds and never left his machine gun? They said he kept at it for 8 hours even with his wounds.

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I am sure there is some of that but did you see the one 60 gunner who had taken the shrapnel and gunshot wounds and never left his machine gun? They said he kept at it for 8 hours even with his wounds.


Damnit, turned it off a bit ago. It will be on netflix in 30 seconds anyway.

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Ive been watching it, crazy to think what some of them guys went thru! Its really humbling.... My mom seen another side of the vietnam war...she was only in highschool at the time but still remembers all the messed up tanks and trucks coming back to okinawa to be fixed covered in orange type mud.
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There have been plenty of good ones of 60-gunners going to it, but then they never show what they're shooting at, or if they're even in combat, or what the hell is going on. It kind of makes me wonder how much is just "Oh man, a camera! Hey guys, watch this!"


You do realize that's how alot of encounters with VC went down in the jungles of Nam. VC would attack try to inflict some casualties and then retreat to different ground or use their tunnels to re posistion themselves to either out flank or just leave all together. Which lead to US troops to basically mow down patches of jungle when the VC had actually retreated. This is why it was so difficult and frustrating to fight them. They very rarely stood and fought.

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I caught a bit of one where they were trying to capture this one hill that was suppose to be very important from a strategic point of view. After a long battle, the Americans captured the hill and the VC just ran off. Making the hill useless so the US abandoned the hill. I think it was nicknamed "Hamburger Hill" because of the machine gun fire.
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I caught a bit of one where they were trying to capture this one hill that was suppose to be very important from a strategic point of view. After a long battle, the Americans captured the hill and the VC just ran off. Making the hill useless so the US abandoned the hill. I think it was nicknamed "Hamburger Hill" because of the machine gun fire.


Made a movie bout that shit, basically lost a ton of guys for fucking nothing. FUBAR




Hopefully they touch on the sad fact of how these Men/Women were treated by their own people when they came back home. That's the saddest part of the whole damn war.

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I watched last nights show today. Shits crazy.

The VC would retreat in to Laos and Cambodia and we were not allowed to chase them in to those countries.

I heard a long time ago that this is the reason they switched the m16 from full auto to 3 shot burst. Apparently they would just raise their weappons up and start spraying. they said the amount of ammon used in Vietnam was enormous.

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I've been somewhat of a military/war buff for sometime and have always been enthraled with the Vietnam war. I try to make sure I thank them for they've been forgotten all these years. Not only was it a hard and bloody fight, but they had to fight a largely unpopular war. I feel for them not getting the Hero's welcome I got when I came back from Iraq the first time. I'm glad they're getting the respect they earned!
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I've been somewhat of a military/war buff for sometime and have always been enthraled with the Vietnam war. I try to make sure I thank them for they've been forgotten all these years. Not only was it a hard and bloody fight, but they had to fight a largely unpopular war. I feel for them not getting the Hero's welcome I got when I came back from Iraq the first time. I'm glad they're getting the respect they earned!



It was pretty sad watching yesterdays show. You watch all of these guys talking about the war, their buddies being killed in front of them, the injuries and the horrors that they had to go through. The maintain themselves through the entire interview. Then they speak about comming home and how proud they were of their uniforms. Then they speak about how they were treated once they get outside the airport and they break down. For some of them the treatment that they recieved when they got home had more of an impact on them than the war itself.

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My dad caught this first hand. The stuff he tells me about is so gory and frightening that no one will ever put it on TV.


When he got his 3rd purple heart he was forced to a rear unit in Okinawa, he told me he wanted to stay with his buddies but he had to roll back. Sad how badly we f'd those guys up and never really paid them back.

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